.,.,1!~- i ---,i~--::ch~!47h~-~~d~------··- ~ 1 as,· f I done, & rhere !S no funhcr :Ictount ro follow : 1 A ' him, and as tbc foldicrs whkh go-arcd ·his fidt-'J 1 bu;; chounh we lie r6u<.·n in our graucs ~ thouand vnlcffc they now rcpcnr 1 thcy (h~l one day I f~ncl, or r~vo rhOl!t3.nd ycarcs; ytrwc l11all ri fe be: iudge-d as his encmi-::s. - .'' ::1nd lookc vpon our iodgc with our ownc e.ics, £;un rbey lYhkb pcirced IJ:m. Ocr ~f thefu · And if \VCe h auC-JlOt w Ollr life r:mc rcpcmcd, words fomc gather; th:Jr the bodJc ot Chrdf ' l ..;,·c lh:1.lhcan: hnn with o ..·ur O\\'nc carcs,giumg h~th lti~l the \~ounds and.s ka~~rcs \\hieh ·_·"_ere ! the drcadftJII (cmcntc.a·fia.inft Qs, Gqe)cc curf:d· ~IU~n hun at hts dc:tth, d1c pnnt of the n~11lc9 , j , 1to eHerlttjliHgfi..i'C, Allct tharcfore·i~ i~ bcH !or 111 h1s h:u.His ~nd his fcetc, and tha.t t:hc[~ fh::tl'l' vs in this <by of gr:tcc eo pr<:llcnt th1s danger, be fecnc In hun at the!aft day: gddmg walrall,. ' and um.v rcpcm,and bdctuc in ChTi(hchat rh~ that it i,; no blemiOt to ChnH to hauc dH:ie,but we may rile with ioy, and fhndwirh boldncffc ra<her an incrcafc of l11s ~loric, Bu~ this ~~r;. ..: before Cluifl Icfus. No doHbc if "'-'C were pernot bee gathered hence, for though lt be ~:i!Ci; Cwa<itd.that \Ye fhould-thus :lppcarc; it would Tbryjha/lftehimwhom thry·peh·cet!; yet it follo:. moone vs eo repem. .. wcth nor, rhacthey DlllliCc him as he was per~ Thitdly, Euery ere jbttllfu him 1 that js . all . ccd : wbac though they fee the perfon whome men with their 0"\'.llc eyes ih:dl looke on him. ' B they wounded , fl:all they therefore iCe hi, Hcnceinnay be gathered, chat rhofe "\how5wounds? Many Dull fee Kings and ~encs tcd their Gght in r:1is lifc, flull haue ir rhen rewhom they crowned in thts v\•orld, but it fol- JI fiorcd. It is oraumcd of all Diuincs J t h<ft the I'Qweth nor,rhat therefore tl1cy Otal wear their . Elecl(hall h~uc all their fctilios,& other de!i::c!s crowns\So WC n,u fee our fathers& mothers, I rcflorc.d, "''herein thc.y were \V:mring in this but not 3s fathers and mothers. Ji£c: Aod.it may alto be addcd,thanh~wickcd 1V, Poim, The fruitand effeCt ofhiscomfhail rhcnrhauc: fome oftheir fenfCs reftorcd, if ming, cipecially in the wicked in thefc words; I they wan.tcd the famet~ rhis life, as hearing, A11da!LtribeJof 1hcearth ,pJal/lJJai!ehefore him.' aud feeil'jpt the lcaft :forthe deafe /hall hear, Where S.lolm fpeakes of the whole world ac- ~ I the blind £hall fee thi·s:,JUdgc. And this cattbec cording t0 the cdmiirion ofJhe L=tnd of Ca- ~ no glorie re> rhcm, facirlg it is to incre:dC>their naan : for oncly that p•rc ofthe world w•s di- · mifcria·:fo.rrhc more fenfcs they haue,tbe more uidcd int<;>,tribcs. A;1d in lik~ cafe our Sauiour ' punilhment they !hall feele, becauic by fenfc Chrilt fcttcth out the iudgemcnt of the whole ~ weapprehend miferie. . world, according to the Hate c{nd'manncr of ! Eum thofowhichpejrcedhim, Here is added! iudging du \'Hlblc Church, Mat, :5. So [hat a further cuidenccof ChrillsmanifeHation of his mcaning~is j that they which repented uot, 1 his comtning,-and that for three caufes ..Fidl,tol C of\\'hat nacion focuer, ofwhat fl:arc, or condi.. ihew that no power, or Wifdome in the world, tion focucr they hauc beene~{hall wailc ,and: can frfc any one ftom his~appc,ar5.ce. For ifany mourne at that day. And he ~ddes a reafon of could d1i~pe , in all likelihood it would bee chis rheirmourning, in thcfc words, forhim 1 thofc lc\\'CS :md Gentt!es who pi-ouaileci .mofi: before him, orouer hiw~that is, they i11all V•.'ailc~ ,;T' .:,m,~ agaih!f·thrill,.~.nd pu~ 1-Urrl to death. Bur none and lament with cx.:ceding lamintacion, be- , ofrhofe\ Can1cfcape h~s iud~e~~nt: ~or C\J! ll caufc they b.deeued not his word,but conccmtbeywhzch pdrcedhim ~ theJ)ballfee thzi.ludge, ncd him, and his doCl.rine, and chCrcforc now and b<:,e fut!llnoncd bcfotc. his Maicftie, Fo.r they want all hclpe to free them from the purhough theyhad P?Wcr to kill hi~, y.,ct .no:ne niQmlent of their vnbclecfe, and contempt of of them fl1all hauc power to-abfcnt thcmfdub theGofpdl : for this rime is the ·oncly ttme of from•bcfaxc~hi·s banc of iuj:lgcmenr.ar dlc laft grace and mcrcic : afrcrw:u·d there is n6 day. •·•1;l ' . :> woi'ke, nor inuocation that c3n alter mans. Sccopdly' JO 01ewe the cafe of all wicked cftatc. men : namery: that fuch ~NOC ?.lld miferidhall Hence thenwe arc admonifhed,firfi,that in befall them,as they ncuer once thought of.The this world we labour aboue all things to be reIev\·csa.nd Gemilcswhjch crucified CbriH,nc- D conciled to God in Chrifl: , to get our finnes ucr dreamcd.oJEhis; that he: '¥\'home it1ey then pardoned, to bcleeuc and embrace his holy I pur to a tcn]pprall death, 010uld one day bj: a \'l:ord; andvnldfc we attaine hereunto in this ! ludgc,jmd condemnc ehcm to eternal! death, Hfc, we fhall wailc 'eternally: for "''hen the la!l ~nl~l\ethey had repented. day is come, there is no hope of h'lpe, no way · Thirdly, to !he·w the rufull & \Nofull cfiate to cfcape, no time ofgrace torcpenr.Rcmcmofallimpcp,it~t fiuncrs; they (hall rife to iudgher the fooliih virgins, that fought for oy!C!; mem , and hauc their"'greatcfr encmtc their when it was roo late, and kndckcd when rhe Judge) who \\ ill fl1ew rigor vpon them , & iudoorcs were fhut, M atth. 25. But if byGods ilicc ....vithour all mercic : for this peirclng·of merde we can in this life gerhis Ioue & fauoll'r Chri!l is meant not only of the lcw, which put in ChrHl,then fi1all we cnioy the fame ctern2'lhim to death, but of a!l vng.odly perfon.s: bely: yea,at this dreadfull day to all the wicked, caufeall f\1ch do by tlH~ir [lnncs,as with·fwoJ~ds .w.e 11\allift vp our ho.ads, & our harts when ·we and fprares)v;ound him at the hcarr,2s the folfhall fee Chrfll comtni1~g ro our full redemptit.licrs ,Jid. ltnpcl~itcnr ftnners bee as~he Iewcs o.n:~II rc:ucs fhall be·wipcd from ourcyes,\vhe I "~ich crucific_d Chr3~s IHd_:!_-1 w~ich bcrraicd the wicked fhall crie and honle, woe and abs I •· I '---'---------------------·-.:!._¥_I ~~j___