• ---·~~·-------· - -· \.~ \ . An E'xpofition vpon. - ~-~~~-\ I I for cncrmorc. The dcuill knowing the wonh A ture there i~ bred this falfe pcrfwafion~T hlt ci ... ! ofthis admonition willabour bv all mc:mcs to thcr we {hal not be fimlmoncd [0 ind·~n.cm or !. kccpc it fi·om our hcans. But this fl1a.ll be our clfc tl1 at Chriits comming is f:trrc oft: j 1 k:to I ~ I wikd<:mc,bctilllCto fuc for grace, and fo {hall · th_ceuill fcruanc, ~vho faith, My maffer dcfrrrs ! I weddc:uSath:m,3nd prcucm ctcrnall w:liling. l:m comminf.: wluchcuHl feruam by natun: is· 1 Sccondiy, here !Cc what :m cuill confciencc cu~ry one of vs. j is:lr licth af1ccp here while a manliucs,and ne~ Thirdly, hereby John giu~s"Vsto vndcrfiand ucr troublcth him, and fo it may doe in death one fpecial not~ and mask o.fthe d1ild ofGod j\ 'j alfo: but in the la!l: d<1y .. vhen hcc ll1all fee hi:; namely, to defire and long after vnfaincdly rh~ Judge with hiseyes , then it "''ill (tlrrc, it wiH fecond comming of ChriH eo iudgemcm: fot 1 torment him, it will attach, accufc, and con· as thcfe words bee an affcucratiou, fo withall I dcmnc him, it will !ay to his charge all his !ins, they comainc amofl c::arncfi defirc: EHenfo,Ahis contempt ofChriflandhis"''ord,his vnbcmen,as ifhe fhould fay byway ofanfwtr ro the _lecfe in the time ofgrace;.and then it wil break proclaiming of his comming,Lordgraunt it be 1 his hcan,bccin~ :15 good as athouf:~nd wimeffq, Je.-t Lq1·d, In it be fo. Hence it is that S. P11t~l ~ fcs to condemnehim, ddCribcs al thofc,who rnuH recciuc thecrO'v\'1\ .i I This Jl10uld caufe all men to labour to get a of rightcou{Ueifc-, by this propenie, that they good confcicncc, waihcd anJ purs ed in the B loue his appe-aring, 2. Tim, 4• 8, As tOr .t~c vublood ofChrifi, which will not tUftcr vs to lie godly it is notfo with them, they (bceing not in any one finnc;and vpon our repentance will iuOified nor fanCHficd, and fo llQt reconciled a!furc vs we be in the fauour ofGod: \ Vhich if to God in ChriilJ dmnotloue thh appearing. _ it do~: in this life, then it wil! nclicr make vs to Nay they could wi01 withall their hearts there waile at the lafiday, but it \ovill excl1fc vs, and were no hell, nor lafi- iudgemcnt. And b-1' this. make vs looke vp to our Redeemer, and to reone note Wt may well iudge ofour eJlates; fo•· ioycc in him. But take heed when thy confctif fxom our hearts wee defire and long for this. cnce licth a!leep, a1~d accufcth not for thy fins, fccond comming to iudgcmcm, and wifh het" no not at death ; that is an euill confcience would come :~. qnick.{r,then it is·a certaine token aRcu.!J.lll'. which will awake at the day of iudgcmcnt to and figne we be reconciled eo God ir1 Chrifi, torment and condemnc thee. ' ami fhalJ rcceiuc the crowne of rightcoufhcs. V. Point, The meancs whereby he confirBut ifas yet we fcde not Lhis longing and huntncth chc ccrtaimic of the fecond comming of gring defire in vs, then wee mufl: fulj>cct our ChriflJ; th3t is, bya double note o~affcueradfclucs, 3nd labou_r cuery day eo feele it: for it on:Euen[o, .Amen, One of thefc is taken from ..... is the defite of the Saints to fay, b Ho• itmg . b 1te:t.6.1o, the Grctkes, Euen fo, the fCcond from the Hc.a Lord.And with John,Euen fo, Ame», I brcwcs,Amcn, b.ecing both as much as Amen, C Amen, or verily, verily. InwhichphrafcSaint v. 8. [am ~~Alphaanti0lohnteachcthvs,how roconfirmcthc things meoa. the ber:rinninf>' an.d the we auouch. There be three wayes whereby a 0 ' 0 b thing may be auouched: Firll, by a limple and ende' fait/) the Lord>'YJihich H~ bare affirmation, or n<"gation; Secondly,by an h carnc!l a!fcueration: Thirdly,byan oath.Now rPhic rPM,and rPhich iJ tOcome, Saint John v(cth thefe two notes of aiTuring in h _ A I · h this weigh tic motter of Chri!!s fecond comeuen t C1!/l tmtg ty. : ming, fayi11g, Hecommeth,men[o, .Amett: that AfterS. Johnhad dcfcribed ChrHl at Hugeis certcnly,and wi[houc all doubt it is fo.Hercin the former vcrfes: he bringeth him fpcaking. by teaching vs, firfl, that an a!fcucration mu!t ofhimfclfe by a figure, as may appeare ll:;thi$ not bcv\ild, but onely when the matter is of claufe (f•irhrhe Lord.) • · great wcightand moment. Here then ·wee iCe The cnde and fcopc of thcfe words in this. that wretched is their praClifc,v.ho vfe to bind vcrfc, is_w confirm that which was belc>Jc fpocuery word with an oath; which is a degree a- D kenofCfirifi,bcing :1 proofe and reafon thcrebouc this affeucration. Ye,a, theyalfoarc here of, after this maner to be concciucd. He which iu!l:ly reprooucd, who in their ordinade cornis the beginning and the ende ofall, &c. hec is munieation hauc cucr in their mouth fome !i.!l1i.cient tobea King ,Prieft, andProphet to wcightie a!fcucration. Our Sauiour often vfcch the Church,and is both able and willmg tobcthcfi: words ofaO~ucratiou,yct only in matters fiowc on thCall bleffings which ferue for their of"''tight and momem,_a~d when the h~arers o-ood. Thc firllp3Ct of chisargurocnc is 01pit.... \''t.·rc to be mooucd to grcat.cr attention, and ~cd, the fccond part is contained in this eight their harts were robe more folly fctled in forne verfe: But I amthe begi1mi11g ~cyd the cndt; and truth of great imporunce. thn-efore!amfofficient, efrc. · , Secondly,bythefc affcuerati6ns John woul~ In this eight vcrfc are three points conctr... teach vs to hold againfl the praCl:ife ofAthcifis ning Chrifi. Firfl ,hec zdthe IH._'l,im,ing and the that the comming of ChriJl is moll certainc endc. Secondly, h~U,wm, and U to come.Thirdand vndouhted. VVbich thing we l11ould more ly, he is ..Aimightie. For the fidl: that Chrifi i' ~~ouOy ob(erue; becaul'e in our <.orrupt r;athe be~innini?",and end, S. lahnr:.:xp_::![crh by . I .a -~~-~-:J--..---.-.