An Expojition vpon _ i ,,r 9 . the beaten way, hc:mcn is our ioyfull t'nd, pa– tic:ncc is the mc~mcs to make vs croc on till wee come t~ither.Wha· ../'Clcuerrh:ngs ~nwrittcn ,are · i----- r A John wr~t, and by the lea commonly cal!cd tbc 1 1 Ege:1.n lea. This lflandr.: \\'Z.S a fma}J , ~ ....fc , ~nd poor~ Hland,litt!c ~r a~et:er a'' hir inhabited. 1 writtcnfo;· Oft'~' learning, t har we thrtuegh pat1cnce tmd o:-;ifort ·i;11hc Scriptures might bauc bopc, Rotll. r5. 4· \<\'here uuc hope to {,OfOC to hca– ucn i.c; obrai!!Cd by patience , which makcth a ~dccucr to g.oc on in [;.;ffcring till he co~nc to l1fe eternal!. There is muL~h t:-uit in the good MJnil.q. ground, hut not Groughdonh V\'ithout pati– ence, and the true bc:!ccucr is fill!cd by hope in this 'INorld,yct cannot come to heauC without , F~ticncc, 5. for thereby he muftpoifdfc ! 111s fouk. I Now bcc:1'-!fc n:cn will f3y, patience is 3 . 1 h:~rd, :md fo -:!.re difLourJged from feek:ug for il;thercforc to iCt an edgeon their dc– tl:::<.:, he aci.:!c..,, lr i4 th~pmicr.c~ of Chrijl: and it is 10 cr.!:n~, richer bcc;~ufc he comnuunds it, \ or bc:cr..:ft it i> his gi~t, :lnd commcth from the fpicit of Chriit; or chciHy bc~aufe bee himfdfc fuffcr('lh in his mrn.1bc~·s, ~nd as their mi(erie and fuifc1 i~1g IS his, fo is their patience. Th("'' J confidci:Jtion whereof is :1 finguiar motiuc to I , ~nduce'cucry child ofGorl to pacicnce, in bca1 ring the croi1C for Chrifls fake : tOr they hauc 1Chnft chdr fd!o ...~: Cuffcrn, he takes p::~rt With . 1 tb:m,and pms vnder his fhOl~lder:VJbo 1\ould not then bee coi1tcnt to fuftrr '''irh patience? And t!ms r:mch of the ln;J.nchcs of his fcilow– l fhip 1euerally. 1 Nm'' cor~Gdcuhem ic-yndy,& they conta~n I a no-..ablc. deCcripti,)n of the conJmunion of Saints, is a fFCdall ~nick of our faith, . ibnding in three things: ln tribu!:uion,In the ! kingdome of helucn) And in paticnvc. And t'narkc v.:d!,rhat this communion begins iPI tribuhtio:1 , therein v.•cc tnuft be p3nln<rs, and th::lt with pot!<:ncc, b<.:f61cwce come to hauc fe!Io ..vlhip !:1 rhr.ldngdom ofh::aucn.Thar m5. ' thcreforc th:tt hath atfliEtions !:lid on him,nwH be:=~re thempatiently; t~nd '"hen the members ofChrifi <IIC vndcr thcnofJC.,hc mufl in rcndCr cornp:;!lior. be touched with their mifcrics: & when he dorh trufv f.:tclc in his heart this Cbri– {tj,,n patience a;1d ~cmpaffion, then m:1y he af– iUre himrcaC he is cntrcd into this communion, ; ::~nd fha!l vndoubted!y \.\'ith ::tll Saints be paqa1kcr ofrhe :oyes of hcaucn. But ifp:uience and l. cot11p:~ffion be v.E.ting, we pcd\.vadc our [dues I in v:tincof rl~is r~mmu?ion; and thcrt~~:ne let vs fhi:..~e :;~g:unfi 1mpaucnrc_, and ag<llnA: the deadneffc nnd l::udndfe ot our hC'arts; that wc·mh}! neither n·urmurrc agaiHfi God itl our owne affiiClions, nor vet want compaffion ro– ._1.\~:-ds our brethren tl~ar any \\'here affii– Clion for the name of Cbrill Thcs much for the circumfl::~llCC ofthe pcrfon. T·F.r.s :'n th-e lj?e c.1!ledParmoJ, In thcfc \Yards isthdC.cond circumlhncc, ll3mely, the place I ' where this vi lion was giucn ro John. This Pat– mos is o:1c ofthole lbndS,\\'hich rhc Gcogra.. phcrs ea!I Spor::rdcs, Jyinp. in the \Vdl part of Afi:l the Idle, nccre to the Churches to"' horn ~'---- Sauu John h:1.d ll!s v1fion not ar Jcrufakm ar j Antioch,or Rome, but in Patmos,a bafc,po~r, \ ~nd lin!c inhabited Hland. By we Ice, th~f in the ncwc Tdlamcnc there is no refpcC't of ; one place abouc ~mother, in rrg~rd of Gods \ prcicncc,<md our feiiowl11ip ..,,·ith him:hc doth as well man.ifcfi himfclfe to lohnby this viGon in Patmos,r~s to other his Prophets and Apo- 1 files in Icrufalcm th~ the- ohi Te- l Hamcnr: t~erc vns d!ftcrCC'c ot places in rrguJ ofGods io!emne wor01ip anJ prcfcnce; as the Lord ~l'=wed his prciencc , and eyed his wor• tltip ~lpecially to his Tabernacle & Temple at lcruialem. This Daniel fhcweth by his gdlurc:: DJ:t-6. B in prayer:for being in captiuitie,v-.. hen he prai- l cd in his chamber, Hu opened rhe windtr>l'e, which was to\1\·ard the Tnnple at Ierufalem, &. turned hisface thitherward. But now in the . newe Tctbment, that difference of piacc is a– bo!ilhcd in rcfpcC\ of Gods worfhip. And therefore Paul willcrh, That men pray· es.:ene t.1'im.~.t. where, Lifting vp pure hands vnto God: and fO for alhhc dutic ofreligion we mufi thinkc the like. :r. • ..; I. Then away with Popifh pilgrimage to 11uvfo. Chur.clres :lnd Chnppels 0f S:1ints, or to their t·c!iqnes. Thisismeercfupe1flinon: forGod i'ii pre!C:nt cucry "here,and at1lan thnwil wOI'- {hip God in fpirit and truth, may haue fcllowfhippc with him in one place as well as :!.nether. · C I I. Alfo thi' m>y feruc to correct af.lfc conceitc which many h:mc of our Churches ~nd cM:ppcls:for "' hC they come toad\\ clling hoofc ;fth{'v thinke it not their duric, there to , humble tm;m!Clucs, to knccle downc,and call vpon God : but ifthey come into aChurch or chappell ncucr fo oftcn,vpon ordinnie atfairrs they t'JB down topraycr.Tbc reafon is,becat:.fe they thinkc thcfc ploc'cs be tnorcholy, & God more prcfcnt there, and they [hall fOcncr bee heard in them then in their common houfes: which is vntruc; for in the newe Td1ament all sud1diucrfitie of place is abolifhcd in regard ofgods feruicc & prefence:the dwellin-g houfc isas holy as the Churc.h. ]nrleede Churches D mull be maintained, beeau{(: in them the peo– ple may mor: orderly and conucni~m~ymeet~ together to lcrue God publikcly, u1 tne word and prayer: for "'·hich time all due rcuerence n1uf1 beeobferued in t!Jcm: but \\'Ce nmfr not l think that they afe more holy thC othcrpl.aces. Mo:·c particularly, in tllis ci~·cumfbnce.of place note t\o\'O things: l;idl, by~\hat means S~ Johr1 came thichcr:Sccondly, to v. hm end,and for ,.,·hat caufe. The mcancs wasbani(kmcut by rhe Emperour Domitian: the caufc v•;asfor lhc wordof Gcd. I For the firll, he c3me and abode iu Patmos, beeing 6anifhed thither for the Gofpcl.<;;,~;_r. In rhis hisb~nifhmrm confider many cxccllenr . tr:ings: \