Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

'."f.' 0 : ''"' ''"'"" '"'" '"" bl,, ~~: .:: ~:,~::~ t ::.:::.::~:. """"'"''' '""'"""""' 113, II Jl1ip ofthe bodic, uor bindred ofthc fcnrc:s in.:. fo thou wrfo~.nndfa net; h~ar~ ,and '1/fJdtrft,mdl I wafd or outward; but wholly taken vp for the nor, Ifay 6.9. · fcruice ofhis fpi rit.Anrl th(tC is good reafon of On1ht L(}rdsd.IJ.ln thcfc words iYthc foUrth , th!s,fOt.ifrhcy muH faithfUI I"f t< Gods will drcum(bncc, namely, the time _'T'ihcn chi~ vi0·:: ,. . [0 others, tO make them know and vndcrHand on W3.S fllevvcd to S.Iolm. Tbls daywhtch IS r· to bdccuc and rcmctnl>cr the f:-unc ,: is it not here called the Lords day, among rhc Iewes I I nccc!l:tric chat they thtmfclucs fhould chot\·as the fidl day ofthe Y\'Cckc;callc:d by ts li.m... I roughly vndcrtlid, foundly_bc:lceuc, and firmtlay. le is called the l.o·rds day for rwo c:lufcs : ,. IY kccpc in memoric whatlocuct God rcuca..o FirH,bcc:utfe ori this dayChriH rofe from dea:th lcth? to life: for Chrift was buried the euen of the I This dealing of the Lord for this ende with I ewes S:xbboath, which is our Frid:l)' ; and_he ' ' his holy Prophets , tc:ilcheth vs, th:~t the ordi... rcHed in the grauc: thcir\-\•holc Sa-boath,whr,h' nary miniflcrs ofthe Gofpcll at this day ought is out Saiurdaic ; and tore th~ fitfi day of the to imploy thcmfclucs .,.\'ith all care and d!li- \veekc cardy in the morning; whieh is otJr , gencc,that they may tbrougbly vndcrfiand the Sunday. . . will of God in his word, and withall beleene g Secondly, thc" fidl day of the\vcekt(:ictcif• · it foundly, and remember it c:uefully.Wc mufi ding td the Iewes accOuilt)camc inHcad ofthe not now look for rraunci:s and vi!lons, as they I ewes Saboath,and was ord::tincd a day ofrcft· had, but wee n,u(l: vfe continual! iludic in the for the NewTdbrnem; and fantl:ified forrhc word, 'Nhich is chc ordin:trie meanes to come JOlernnc worfhippc of the Lord. And for this vnto this knowlcdgc.This duty concemeth 1111 ealife cfpccially it is called the Lordr da_y, the !ludems in diuinitic, -and all others '"'hich demanife!ladon whereof(as fome thinke) I~hn . fire a good vudcr{bnding in the word ofGoJ. chiefly imCded in this title. And toftcbing thi's And for their fi1rthcr::mce herein they mufi time, for our better vndcrfi:mding, let vs conbanc principall care to fcarch imo the text of fidcr three points: FirH , who ch:mged the Scripture thoroughly: thereby ll1all they bell Iewes Saboath:fecondly,for what caufe:thirdc6cciuc the proper meaning ofthe holy Ghoft, ly, whether the C~urch hath now in the l'J'cw and with greater facilitie keep the fame in meTc!lamcnt power to change the Sabo:ith day moric. For on:: faith truely, That eucric good wee now celebrate, to any o~:her day of the rninill:cr ll1ould be a good text man. Whc;rcby weekc. is dcfcricd a common fault of many fi:udcnts: For the firft; it is cortlrimnfy th6u·gfu:,ti::·t 1 who rather imploy thcmfclucs in the auncient C the I ewes Saboath was changed into thit L'Ords I writings of men, then in the word ofGod:nay day by Chrillian Emperours, long after the afR many fpend their be(l:timc in the bafc writings cemion of Chrifi. But it is more con'fonant t.o ofwicked and hcretic'all Monks and Friers. lt the tenour ofdie: New tc!bment, to hold:;th:it can not bee denied, but many of the fathers Chrill himfdtcwasthe author of \his d10pge. were worthy members ofGods Church: but if My reafons are thefe: Firll, that which the A- · .the fo.umaincbc left, the minifl:cric will foone pofilcs dcliuercd and enioyn:d the Church, bctaimed with the filthy puddles efmens inthat they receiuecl from Chtift, either by voice . ucntions. or inllintt; fOr they dcliu~?red nothing oftheir Ag::~inc:,in this dealing ofGod with John, we owne head : But the Apofllcs deliuercd, and , may obfcrue the trmh ofChri!ls faying,ro hm; inioyncd this Saboath to the church>to be kept , I ~hrk.p-f. tht~t hath, itjlJa!l v~gitlm. For though John was as a <by of holy rcH to th~ Lord, as appearcth; indued with rare knowledg,and fingulaf gifts, 1. Corinth. I 6. 1. ·wherePaHl ordainfd in the yet the Lord addcth more knowledge to his I Churches of Galatia, and Corinth , ThtJt rhe fonner.The Lord found him faithful m the ducoU<Uionforthepooujbolltdbu on th<frfl d•f of ties of an Apollle :and therefore reuealcth the D tbcwuk.; : This he left notto the choyce ofrhe knowledge of many fccrcts vnto him in rnoCl: I Church, buc appointed it by authodtic Apefull manner: cuen fo it is in Gods Church at -llolicall from Ch1ift. this day: all that haue care to knowe the will Now the day of the collec'ting for the poor of God, and doe it, though their knowledge (as appeattth in the hillories of the Church) bee final! at the firft, yet the Lord will hcipe was the Saboath day, when the people were them,a~,oddedailytotheirknowledge.And a:lcmbled for Gods feruice, Forthis WaSthe the caufc \t-hy many hcaie the word ofGod,& cu£lomc of the Church for many )'cares aft~r profit t.tot, but "''ax worfc, or tland at a fl3y> is, Chrifi. Firfi, tohauc the word preached~ and bccauic they labour not to hauc their know... the Sacraments admini!lrcd, thc11 to gatht·r for ledge incr.cafcd, by purring in pnClifC that the poorc.: and for this caufe in the writings of which they know: for if they did, then to him the Church, the-Lords fuppcr is called a Gcri- \·\'hich hath, fl1ould more bee added, and hcc ficc, an oblation, and the mafl"e: not a rcall fa- (hould haucabundance. As one the contr:uic j crificc as the Pa:piJls vfe it : but fpirituall, bewhen we be negligent to hcare o1· knowc,anJ I caufC thqcwith was ioined colleCtion for the ! to obey the will ofGOd: "'rcc ~1auc 3 fpirit inpoore, \-...:·hich was a fpirituall oblation, not to 'I ~~:lent vpon \'S,yet not Gods fpirit,but the . the Lord, but w the Church, tOr t\lc rclccfc of ------·-----~--------- . - -~!i:,,