Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 240 1d n 8xpojition 11pon V< I 1the poorc:atid it-v.~s called the maffe, bccaufc A rcdcmpnon:for he died for our finncs and rofc l ·rhe co-llcC'tcd -rclccfe thcrcac "''as fcm to the againc for o_ur iuflification, Rum, 4 . 2 5 '. poorcSaintsabroad. Afccond reafonischis: Ill. ~omt. VVhcthcr may the Church of The Apofllcs thcm!Clucs kept this day for the rhc new feflament, change thi~ Sabbath Ja.v i Saboath of the Ne\t\'C Tdbmcm, ACts, 20. 7· to any other day of the V\'Cckc, as eo tcwfdai, I And it t:Jnnot bee prooucd rhatthcy obferucd wcdncfl!ay,&c. Anf'Thc Church hath 110 fuch any other day for an holy reO: tO' the Lord after pov\'cr, for time is the Lords,and the difpofing I Chrifts afccntion, f:lUc oncly in one cafe,V\'hen thereof is in his hands. Therefore Chriil: lairit ,they C.ll_l)C into the afiCmblics of the lev·.'C'S, tohisDifciplcs,lt Mnotforyoutol:,.nowthetimes who v ..•ould kccpc none other but the oldeSaandfoafons,Jvhich the }iuher harhk...ept inhis owne boath of the law.A third reafon is loh.2o.t9. hands.ACI.7.6. As ifhe fl1ould fay, The Father 26. The fame da; whercon Chrijf rofofrom the hath kept times and feafons in his ownc pewdeath, bceing tJJC firft day ofcbeweek!, he appeaer: and therefore it is not for you to k!'ww red to hU Difctplcs,bcchtg gathered. togcthr:r:C::- them. No'h if that were a good rc::~.fon as no taught themmanJthings, lvhichconccrnl'd thego.- doubt it wasJ then is this alfo fot~nd :md~'ood. 1uerncment of hUChm·ch. And eight daycr after · B Jf God hauc the diipofing oftimes in hishads, becing thcftrft day of thewuk!, he ~ppeared vnthen it bclongeth not to the Church to difpofe ro them for the tame end. No""'' it is more then ofthem:but God harh the difpofing ofal times likely,that Chritl in his own pcrfon gauc th~m il'l his hands: ~r._'{o. And it may be otherwift an example to celebrate anrl kccpc that day, hence gathered thus : lf~hat which is lC'ffe be-- wherein hec rofc againc, for a Saboath of the long ·not to the Church, then that "''hich is I ncweTcfbmcnr. more doth noc:but the knowledge oftimc and ·· 11. Point. The S:1boarh of the Jcwes was fcafons which God h:1th in his power bclonchanged for two caufcs. Fidl:, to maimaincthc geth not to the Chureh,which is ldfc then the libcnie ofrhc·<::hurch ofthe new Tefbment., difpoGng oftimcl :md fcafons: And therefore !whereofthis w:.s :1 great parr, that they were the chun:h hath not powc·r to difpofe ofrhcm: ! freed from the ceremonies of the Je,Ncs; <For & fo by confequcm may not altn the Sabbath when this day w.1s. cbfigcJ,·thc Church "'·as no day. Obicfl. In the Old tcA:amem the Iewes opmore tied to the Iewes Sahbath,neithcr had apointed fdHualf dayes: as the fc~H of Dcdi- '1ny fuel. r-egard of daycs 31H~ tunes. cation, which Chrifl kept holy, !oh. 10. , Secondly, that there JUight bee a more fit flicuted by the M2ch~becs, in token of thank1.Macl•+ timcf.or the mcmorie ofthc,i.vprke ofmans re- C fulndfc for their dcliuerancc: and for rdl.oring 1demjaion: Fior God in the .old Tefiamem ap:- of religion and the Temple which .Antiochm \ I poinrcd the fcuenth <lay ta btc a day of rc!l to had pulled down<. And alfo Mun!.ra; inflimEfib.~17• r!:membc:r the fidl crc:niDn:.So iA the new Te~ ted t·hc fcaH: P11rim, v~hich was celebrated of .fiamcnt it flands wit:h •reafo'"n ....cftcrc fhould bee the Iewes afterwards• . l a d3.y to celebrate this wotke of r~dcmpti.on; Now ifthey had po·v\'Cr to mlke holy--daies, which Is a wondcrfull .... creation ; wherein then they might alter the Sabbat!l day: and lo (as !fay faith) are made a neiVe hcaucn,r:tnd maythcChurchin thcNcw TcHamcn.t.A11{w. " nro>c ,,mh , ·chapter 66. And whereby Thcfe feafh ofthe !ewes were no Sabbaths fct men become nrwc ercatureJ, 2.Cor. 5. I 7· Nay wholly apart forthe folcmne wodhip ofGod: 'this redemption is a mot:c glor)ous work t.hen but were' onely <l:~.ics of the folcmnitie appcin- , -the "rcation ;· fotin lhat creation AdamwaS red by·the Church in token of ioy and thanke... ~hehead, this rCd'cmption Chrifl: IdUsi$ fulnes for rhc repairing ofthe Temple, andde. ourjhcad. By the firfl creation wee rcceiucd .a liue~.:anCc: ofGods people: And were onely ce- ·rcrnpbralllife; but by redemptiOn we 1·eniuc 1 Icbrated as they fcrued to put the people iJ_t life .eternall.. In the creation, .Adam·was, ef- D mind ofthefc outward bcnefits.So cl lilt ·whcrc1 poufed to Euc ~ but in the workc of rcdcmp.. ' as fdmc hold that the Church hath po\Ncr to -tion cucry Chriflii is cfpoufed to Chri~_I~f~s. alter the Sabbath day; or to make owomore By creation .Adamhld an earthly Parao1f~·, u1 Sabbath daies in a weckc,ifir were conucniem: 1 this redemption wee ·haue an hcauenly kmgit ha.rh no ground in Gods word, For that atidomc. In the creation Gods power, and,v.fifthoritic ·which doth altCr this day, not be dome did prin(ip>lly>ppearc·: in thisrcd<mpklfe-thcn Apollolicoll. And thus we fee why rion with power and v·:ifdome he ihewed merthiS dny was called the Lords day. cic and iu!licc·: Jullice in Gh,ills paflion, and iNoW if the firfl day of the the 1 Thevf'· mcrcic in our forgiuenes. BynC!:ltion he; Jll~(le . Lords d!!.y, fct apart for hishonour in the mem:m of nothing, but by redctil"lption bee mad~ morie' of fo great redemption, thc.n 4ere :1re 1 him ofworfc then nochi1ig, and better thQn he three forts of men rept:ooued. Fir!l, thQfe that ·~- was. Therefore fccino this worke of our remakC.the Lords dayaday of vain plcafurc and dtmption is farrc pafli~1g the creai:ion;-it was delight. This is the m:maer ofall i0r(s,?fmen, 1 mcote a day !hould be fet apart fonhe mco)ory butcfpcci'IIY of thc·yonger fort and fcru~ml, thereof: No•.,v no day could bee more fit then who fpcn.d this day in carnall rcioyc.ipg~in .rythc fir!l day of the vnckc, in which Chrifi rofe ot, gaming, and wan.tonn~ffe? ncuer th1nk 1ng a_gainc:whercby he confirmed the work of_our ofthe worll1ip ofG.od, rs then to bel::;:- formcd.