i I ' i I .I i ' I I ! 'F.xru!,l-. :1.1:d :o. t.S:;m,,. ' ~n Bxpojition ')Jpon -:•er[.1o~ l:'.i:ng 01· CQtrliJ'Cc·into lr, i~ this v. the clcucmh A not fo ~4<Jh·haue11egardcd it: bm becihg~fo • -and·paf\t 'Of thc·twolfr.Sccondly,·thematter & fuddcn,ft~~rc!ar., and full6fmaicfiic, it could ' fuhGanccthereof: tfom theny.clft verfc to the not but maj{e him verieattCmiuc. ~'cm de ofthe th.ir?<haptcr. . ., No\\-_fcelng~Chrill is fo ca.-efi1ll to ptep~rc , . :Ihccmrau<c.nJto tloc ,i·Gon is a prqmatiori, !ohmmmd wi:h attcnho~ dilisecc t'dtcf&.roc I j l'IJb~r.cby thc,Lm~ ma~eth l~hn more fi~ to apthe thmg~ wh1ch f110uld }:k told him': this teal pxabcnd aod r~ce1uc tnc th1ng~ n:uca,cd. 1n. chcth vs, tHat when wC come to lied& Gods .whid1 p:·cpar.ati.Oll .we mu1l:o.l>fcruc firH, the word, we mufi vfe a1! mc-anes ofatttmtioii;for t mt:~bc~:f<tl'Ottd~y..the pans rll'crcof.Thc mean-s ifit were needfull to John, thcn 1 1t is fa/re~hlore 1 l -..~o1 hercby GGHi preparcth him, is :1 VQicc: And nccctTaric for vs, who arc farre infeH~rt6ilim /£}j~arda,voice. "Ehc lik~ mani"l.<:r ofpreparation in all gifts of ~nd~rllanding t~nd mcmo'1~c.And hath God vfcd in former rimes: \-\'.he he intcn- ~ere alfois anothercaufe of fir.:tll "pfefif and d~d tQ tn:1kc \\'irh A dam the concn:mt of relittle likfng of Gods word,namciy,want ofatcot}cjliation i.d the !Cede ofthe woman: Firfi, tention in the heart. v-~e mull thct'cf6rCrli-kc he prqiarcd him hy a voict Cf>eaking vmo him godlyLydid, ACt. r6. flirrc vp our -~dull and 1before:. heappearc.d,..and by this VOICe eaufed hcauie fpirics, and with all diligcnce<nlafl: the I hjo1to fhc: (or fcarc.Thcnh:1uing rebuked him B things vvc: hearc. And here we mufit'.a~ l~eed for his finnes, he marlc with him thb coucnant of t i.\'O enemies to attention : the: fir.fi are byof,gracc..Gcn.3 . tboughts:as when the bodie indeed isprc:fc:nt, 1 £;~!0 in mou·nt Sinai before the Lord gauc but the mind wandereth from the \\'Ord,:uid i-'l. '! the law,hc firfl- came downc in thundring a~d wholly poffeffcd with thoughtsofpleafure, or lighcq_ing, and with~th,.<: fountl9t:.a trumpet to other worldly affaircs:' For thcfcbe thorncs in t~rrifie the pcqple: and then he vttc.rcd his law the _ground of our hearts, which choke t:hc to ,!I•;fcs >nd ro his pcoplc.So when the lord good feed ofthe word; Many will compla:ne ' / w0ul~ infhuCt: .sa.rpu~l tow:.hiQg t1~c houfcof they cannot mark and r'emcmber that ,,~hich is I Elioj he awoakc;.hunbyaVOIC~.J ~a1ne,and 3t:lught ': now the caufe is in themfelbCs,4hc'il· . g'aiJ'lt;~ and thQ.Q f-pake plaincl)! vn(p him. A11d ,,..,iidring thoughts, which hinder both v~1derl. . I ln all vifionsvtUaliy,and generally the Lord V· lhndingand mcmory:for thl· minJ contCiui'flg f~h to:prcpare h1s (cru:nn.s byvolces,by fignes 'other matters, cannot Obf~rue how t:>nc-point I and-Words, t-ha.t. th~y mighr be..:0:1orc fit to re. dcpcndcth on another, muth lcffe-r:Ciffe~Tib~r cdU-o !Uc-h thin-gs 3S he rcu.calc.d. th em-afterward. " •. . ·•.~r. 1 . ~ J':flns dc3litlgofGod with l.1hn).inprcp:tring C The fctond cnemic toattention, is tllulneffc I . ilim to the '-''01:\hy.recciuin.g efthisvihou,tcaandheauine!fe in bod~0h''n-d (oulc:·-: .a.corRmon 1 cheth'Vs ~hat we mu_ch moreJhouki be prepafault in many hearers; ·whiCh JhcwCth -it felfe red to hearc-and receiuc the will of God; for bv drowfinC!fe and ficepineffe rh. t'he- tii!ic of 1· vt•c."com~ farrc JP~rbof thole 'excellent gifts o~ p~caching, when they ought to A:itTc v.p their ' {;odwhJch-..~c;r~m/ohn,whoyq.muftbcprcbodies and hearts to all attention. lfa man pared. ~ · ,. . fhould be dull and'heaufewhcn his Prhice is .Ou.r- commingto hearc Gods word, 1s to fp~:1king vnto hirn offOmweightic m;tt-ic.t:"t:h~t l,qp,rns t}Hl fan1c,fpr tb.cit1<-1reafc.nfk-t1owlcdg~, is for his good, it would be taken for a.p~tt•of faith ~nJ obedicncc.Now the word ofGod ts contempt and difloyalde towards his 111~idly. }}aul~nd We )iul).to:l~arnc; wemufi thcr~fore What diiloialt.ic then is this Vnto the-' King -of Q)'·9:ll.goo8 mcau•.prepar~ Qur f<;l:!res, that our kings,that we fhould b<>dull and hcail~e-,wheil nlipds andhearts may be ht tbH·cqu~ the f.1mc himfclfc vouchfalctl~ to fj'~ake.vn~~ v~ 0ut of ~\·ith profit. T.hc ,.:zaufc offo litt!c profit afi:er his word, the my£lencs ~four fahrauc,>n? ~n_d lenghearing,is~wilm ofprcpa~<aw;H:t:but hereI furdy, among otherthings' this ·drowfincfic JS o{wd)aue cmtc;>~.cd ~l<eady ·vpon the third one caufc of fmall profi•, by rhc minillcrjc of ver(e.. ~- . , · the word. And therefore if we would in-crcafc .:rhe-voice is:h.c,fe .fc;t on.t VntQJVS_th,rec waics: in knowJedge,•and in the: gifcs·ofgrate vmd Fir!l,by the pl~CJ>'<"h.s:nce-it camc:~econdly ,by ol faluition,wc muflprcpare our felucs ~cforc we thequalitii!bf..iu T{iirdly, by the matter :1n.d come andinhcarinocaA:ofaldulnefic Qf-fldh fulp!l~FJce, w!1ich it comaincd.Fo~- the place: 1t and fpirit-, and wicl1 all.might frirrc vp our v.tkS-Vttcrcd fror;n bfhindhim: \·\'h1ch the Lord felucs to aitcmiue hearing:fo01al the wordbe obf4_r(!ed to-fli(l"C v,f1 more attquion in loh11; bleffedvntovs· othen.vifc our hearing 01all for, vf1.1~Uy men d_o more C'\tdiJ!Iyrm~_~kc thofc turnc to our'dc;pcr condemnation. thing" wh'r.ch cohlc 9~·· fudden bchrnd _the~, V. 11. Sayinu, /. 4"t}'l rvf/p,ba tb.w ·thofc which ar•: !pokcn or d<;>nc,drrec,ly '>• l bet<>•etl~eir facc._ _ - . and Omega, the firfl andwe -.- .Scc!onPly,forthcqualitic ofit,..tll1s _v.oyce d h h h h fi ,fl !' ,yasgr~at;as iHxprtOcd further bp fimolrtudc /aft: an t at ):)1 tC t OU ee;,"' , idlican.d PO\\'cr. Which al!o God added VlltO :wrzte tt tna oo'\e, n e . I I J;i~tl 1cformd of a1};11mpct:thacts, fullofma· _. · • h L d dflndtt j it; to further attention in John. For of It had vnto the.feue_ n_[h_ur_ches :whic'''h'> I' ------~=be=e:n_c_•_u_o_rd_i_n_ar-ic __ v_o~_'_'_ ' _o~r-G_n_•_l!,_l_'e_'_"o_r_ol_d ____ ~~-----J--' ___________________ .____ .---l