\ 2 44 ! An Expojition vp~n 1t·erf "· \ ~ --_-_ -, 1 Thirdly,hcrcnoce:chatamanmaybcvndcr A dcft:npuon 9fChrifi, continuing from this \ 1 I the: croffe, and in pcrtCcution, and yccrc:mainc t\o\·clfth vc:rfvnto the: end of the third chapter; 1 in the: !pcci:dl fauour ofGod: for this banifh· where John lhcwcrh what hcc rcceiued Of\ · r mem into fuch addert place, was vnto John 3 Chrifi, partly b~ hcaring,aud partly byCering. gricuous croffc: and·yet the Lord vouchl"afcd And firH h~ begJni]cth his defcripti6ofChri1t, I I I L ____ there to rcucale hnnfclfe vnto him, & to m:1kc as l~e faw ~Hn rcprcfcmcd in vHion: and fo dehim the penman of thisbookc.Which hoqour fenbeeh hun by rwo~rgumcms. Fir A-, by the he vouchfaf~th not to all, but 10 them that arc place where he faw hun;Sccondly, by his foun moO: dcare vnto him. VVhich thing each ouc and fi_purc whcrc~n he :appeared. (hould obfcrue:forournaturc is 10corrupt,that I. For the place. JoJm fa-whim in thcmiddcfi when \VC arc vndcr tht crotfe, it wol!ldperof rhefoatlen golden ctwdl4/u:kp. Tbcfc feuen (~.>Yadcvs,wc arc caH outofthc lpuc2qd fauour golden candldl ickcs here fccnc, arc: the iCuc-n of God. Churches ofAfia : the ·particular :Churchesof In the end ofrhevcrfc,rhc fcaucu Churches Go~, bC'cingcomparcd .eo candldlickcs, as Ephefus, Smyrna,& the reCl arc named. Which Chnll cxpoundcthhimfelfc, v. 10. Now the fcucn place~, werc7.famous ~itic~ inAfi:1,wher p·articular congregations of God& Church be in ,,·ere planted the 1110!l famous churches t}1ac B 1 called candlcHicks,forthatrcfcmblance which wet c in rhotC parrs,and for thC!r cx.ceUency ~re 1i bct,.vecnc thcm.For as the candJefiicks fcrne they named. And rhu§ ~nul'h for the f11Canc;s of to bcarcvp ;lnd hold forrh the Jighc that is fee !ohmprcpararism; no\vfollow rhc pans thcrthc:rein:fo thcpan:icular Churches of God 011 of, which arc two: fir"ft is hearing, folded vp eanh, they Qcarevp and !hew forth thclight with the fonncr meanes: A nd I keard41J>J"· ofthcG~fpclvnto rhe whole world, parrly in Second is Turn;ng ofhimfelfe to fee thepartie t}le mmrllc"e ofthe word, and partly in the thot fpake vnto hnn,in thefc W'ords; profeffion ofthe fairh of Chrill, a-l 1 db /,, From hence fundry things are to be learned: V • 11.. J. IJCn turne tiC•'I!f firll obferue, thanhe Churches are rather caltO jcee the rriO"'CC rPhich f"nabe kdcandlcftic.lt'Jthencandlu;Toghtcvsrovn... '-' . If ~ derlland,rhatthcyhaue no light ofthemfelucs rPithmee: and rrhen I rPM tur... or fronJthemlelucs,but onely are Gods intlru1. : {;, fl J.J r ments tObeare vp anJ hold forth the Jighr in ned, j ar:Pe euengotuen IJ411the minitlel"ie ofthe word, and profcffion of 1 dfe!ljcLes. C the faith:for Chnft Jef~s is the only true Iampe '}• ~ and candlcthat giu<th light to.the heart and That is, fo foone as I beard this fuddcn and confcicnce by his holy fpirit in his word, mightie voice, I turnc4 my fdfe tp fee who it Secondly, hence eucry one rhat profefferh was thatvrtercd the f~me. In this \>cl>~uiour of him(eltc to be a tme member ofGods Church, lohnwe arc to lfarne our durie: fo to difpofe ·mufllearne his du.tic, which is camefily to laour hearts rowardsGqd in the r<:ceiuing ofhis hour tobecomeafhinit.1gand burning candle. word,as [,/m difpofcth himf~!ftowards Chn(l lndec<! this prindpally concerns the mrni!lers ht the rccciuing ofthi:; vi{ion. ~o foone a 5o the of the Church: and thC"r~forc John Baptifl i:; voyce fpakc, Johnhearkened, and bcca~(e the called a burning and dh1ning light,Ioh._5 ·35· found therofca!TJC behind him,l1e tu[l)<d himbnt yet it mufl alfo be v~rified Qf eucry mem- (dfc ro~ookconhitn eha~ v~tcro4 it. l;ncn fo bcrrhcreof, asS. P11ut cemmaundcch: a Shine :\ Phii.MS• mu!l we doe, we are ·by nature f\raqg~rs wi1h (faith he) tU lights inthe world, in the mMdefl of ''· Goq, fl,owc to hcarc \VJ:>cp r~· ~lcaketh-, anq ana"ghtie a~td croqi<!d nat.on: k•ldingforth tb< rcadie.~p rurnc our he;!"t~ from God, when we t)ollrineoflife, that i&, rhe Gofpci.QiJdl. How heare. Therefore wh~qGpd fpqketh vmq~$ (hall euery member of rhe Churchbecomea in 1h~ 1\l(n.~llcric ofhis \ll<>rd,w~ mull\lqrken: bu~ning li~;ln? Anf. Firll, heemull haue his And though we be going another way,yet"'!< mindc enlightened in the knowledge ofGods mu!l t\lql~ our fclqes fr9..rn 9u.rcqi}l w~ie~, an(ii D will and word,and then as a candldhc-ke hold cnclinc our hearts to his voycc, that we may I our a1'd fend forth rhc: be-ams thc-rof toothers., haue fcllowfhip wi•h him.S.Iohn·had not feone rart)y by teaching within the compoffc of his this mcmailous vifiqn, vnlcnc hee had wmed calling, and panly by example ofan honell & -himfdfq 9 behold hjm that!pokc. No-more 1 l>lameles life and conuerfati6. Thus we flwuld !hall we ~1 any time feele true fcllol'l'fhiJ>. With do~,ifwe would be a-nfwerablc to our profcffithc Lord vnldfc we ~ur'ncour h!:artsvnrohis on. And to endu.cc vs hercumo,•ler vsiobfcrue w<>rd,and 1hat bcti\ncs ,;•hilcs he fpq~ciij vnthe rcafons follow.iog. ' ' ' ro vs in the minifte~y thereof, ·Fitft, it is GQds cornmaundel]lcnr, S.hin~as Thus much forthe firll pm of the vifion, t;ghu (faith S.Pa11l) iw thtJvor/d,Philip. 2. 1 5• vi<.. the entran~e tbcrcli1Jt9. Th~ f.e<opd pm And, walk$"" cb.;idren of.rhe !;ghr, Ephef.5.8. is the matter and fi.Jbllancc 9fthe vifio.n;, €on.. Secondly,confider rhc fruice hereof, which is raining a moll worthy t<prafcntatior\qfc;:h,ifl wor)derful great..Fo1· by godly inllrucli<? in our in his m.aidliq,as he is the Prophet, K~g, ~nd plaees,&: by anfwcrable obedience in our Hues Pricll of his Church_: fer downe at large by a we win many•tO the Lord: !hewing forth fuch ~'---------~---------~--~-------lig~,l,__