Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

tFtt .l.:_~hap.ojlhe~vel. - ~ - ~ ~4-9 onelyofourwords an&:iClions,but:U;d of.he ~ -- vnto fone .htaile; hurning -a,· '-J - -- 'vcry,[c:qct!rpJ:if~s, :11:d _ddires of 'JJ 1 our l)carrs: for the picr~_in~f<Y<: o!Chrift fcc,th in ·a.fornACf!, t111d htJ 'VQJCC tU chcmall,ther~forcwcmuftbeiureth~y.bc\\Cl h {, J f "· ordered,'In thecotius of..,cn, &illt e ,ounue o many Waters• .· twar~.mptions; bcaJf!PO _aCtion, but V..·.f~hGod The word in ·the originall fignificrhBraffe: it is ot)lcJwife. Ch!illlefushath •'ficrie eye; that fhinedt 1 which fdr fubllancc is pure and th,tfccthintoall<>urrhoughrs,and thcrehee dUrable, a-very choife and excellent kind or holdcch~a court of iuclgcll\ent. 1/hcretOrc we ,bt~affc:. Aml.hetcuntdChr.ifislCctcarc cor:Op·ot\. 1,Hca godly ·~arch Oilct_all-,rl;l,~itnagir~o, ro figrlifidnto vs his inuincibJ-c powtr,' 'natiCms ofour•hcar.ts, that they·m~~be ap.prowhcrby he is able not onely t·o encounter·""''.tt~· ucd of<Shrill, !call for th~1ri we be i~dgc,dand iinnc;Sacan,anil death,but alfotha~he hdth a!q condemned. -:.· -:r::..-·~· ;,,, ,, readyc.ntrefl corhb~t with.thcm,and hathbr.ui.! , 1 Se~ondly, this t~a,heth ys-in t)l:it(~r.softcli•_ fed t~eheads ofthefc his enc·mies. ¥eah~ttby gion to l;lo that in dccdc,\\·hid-rw<>f<eme (O be is lignlfi-edj:tha~ -he bath HOt'l>'hely•don< tllefe in profdlion.For thoughwemsy,<!Jte~~emen; .. thing's inh~f<>wncperfon, b_1r,.lfo will d8 tlil.' whi-.h-l~ll<>w n(lt '!~dlfar~s,yet wq c~I!"OJ cle- ~ f4me in al his incmbers,byhis illuincibkp'oW" cciue C~rill; >for·.by)iis 6cr\e •)l~o~hee feeth er, vma the end ofthe world-,Which i~-a tiiU!l wllatfoeoct·is in.vs. ~nd ye~the~0!1\tno<fpra-, ter of'<xceding-great cotnfon•tb GodScliu•1:h! 'clile 0 f,thc w.~rld·iSobfr< cd bere!lr~qd,who and1"eopl'<:jneuer to be forgotten. lfany~atl tearmeih them hypq~rifGs that,t~\\1'1 the be ei«rcifcd in a11ygrieuoustcm~mionof5a': 311 y, pr<)feJlionl fot ,he; )l•me· and,,~r'!lion of. , 1 ran,h~niUlt'AOtbe affonifhed ahd confo 1ii~~<f ,€hriiklilut hcrelrlm<IJ.•goe beyond•l11cU cal~ tlmcwith: <bu! remember, tha~ Chrift out'S§1 ling; i~bclo<\g~thilrt~Jy,vnGo·the,J!i~r~ing.t~c, , l ~riourha•Mhc-brafen f"ro,'wh<rcw4th he hat!I o6 (;:hr~,to iudg«>a·ndlooke ~t-<<lcps•llypo\;ll-\ 1 lliiYuifed thelhbiltoftbe ferpenc,an<l'Will(ifh'<'C$ I fie ofheart. ,_. ,,,.,-' , ;,-,.,,_ '' P.•:' li:c-ke,vntohimlvofainedly), bru!fe in him the 1 Secondly;; b.y thef~ ficrie oye!\~yJ'!goified~ ' ferp<hts head i <fo by expetieocc lhall w~fip~ T.h'aoGhri{\i•.full'of.•ng~r-,wrarl>,.ani!iudgc~ I ~ebcnefir,ofhi:sbrafen feete.- '· · I mcnt"1J'3inll')ll C>nners, ready·to!~'al<eilertg'~ I I' IfGny"boopprelfcd wi!~ tlle:corrtlptioit oe aftce·•m·all thdfe,that;willnot ytcld,;fubiedi.O., his:nacu<e,-whether)t. be irt thQwghcs or alfe~li" on·~nto,him by un~1ing,fr!lm their-Gom;s, and, C!qns1 let,hittl'~ome vnto Ghr-ilt Iefus, by opcrl bel~euingln-him:faiCbri.ll1as he is:a~auiour > '· his \\"ants•before him 1 ffiewhls linnes,&mak<! fo'ishe'aiudge;arid,ih.cJcf<>rein.thb parable heo , kMwne the !trtngth thetcdfvmo bin'!,··ahd 'f!lithl ~'Jiifofo mi11•rJ!Itt.lfWs,tbaM•fflid:>!1ot'thah .I Mtlnlh:rie!vhtohitliforh(lpe-i artd hl:e {hall lfliOilld,rnle o;,mfiett!; bti!tg th"'rf>•ther, and, ' lindtl!iyioyfuU,expcrienco, -though they~Yere f/4J tbJmheforttmt ...,iJihe C9ll/ideratl0n hereof ll<uor'fo itr.nrr, or-m;ghiie;"fl\acthe.pow:Crof feructluo:awoke nl!ny<an,QJ!c 'ott•i!f thdlccp- <lhl-ril in hitn'}will vaoq'it\J:h;and-fubdu~ll'em lot; 6nne:Thisage~mnfet;tble,i~w.!'~<ttbe, all. -- 11' ·• ''I ••; ..,.,. ·'· 1 prachfc of faith ond repentance wh1ch God tc-' ,: Agaiilt,doth anyf~ar~·thl'teYroUrs of'dea·r!l 1 q~1\cth; /or t'1en,ii'\': in\·gnox'l,ncc without ~~siil1 moid'de'byharurc!)lhllll\1<cirifider 'tlial ...i.l Jffi~Wftld!le';llll2f"geeli!h•m foaii'ni:~:(,f hfe Glfr'>fi l!atlfRWt•dd,ofbfafftj'wh<rcvillh he 1 yti ~\\u~~~{o{m~tibo!.1i~'\~\11Us Q.,qli•J~n~q~tq}'\ <lid;«h<otln'tti:,wi_rh diath·vp<ln ·tl1; •crol)ei _. . r " l"nto men, and' 6cfi ~~ vnro uo\l:\\b\"~nc i>Jian and!lot c<>fllitll!~\Vlti:\>thaoJIVI'ent dowbc<W1tb , " ' '·>' hut\<\~4!>/l"l"\~ty;gocl\a.~~h.e,p,r~iri!«>~\>,ia 1\im int<J!lis>6<hhe-denhe;·and fh.ete did br~ife woM~rcneivi11g l~s waics bydai!yr<l(<rltance. ~ls head;><~tfd ·fob.'d'uc hiS fow't'ri ·Ind•eddf !Sbt <1manY,im..,,clJh-&1f~~\;tl:gbo·M deaih ·we~' tc1 e'ricountel!'\.,.itll7vs iwbilfull IQ tlwle fir111e~v.:)>~dn.\hci~.4e~r,\•Aflig!l,t.B!I;\ lD' {!ren'gth, i't'\vc)'e a'i!l~tt'c'r bl'fe:ue:buoo<iilf!!le– ler'th\~ bWeoht~~llat <lhtHl'i§~rig'lfte\\ tli'ngith~t!l11\till'hatb litiiife'd H!s head,rhi>~u-ff ous Iudge,_ bchold,_ng hlS enemles.e<~!>,~rfe. <1 ~·Y'our b~§jts~g:iinlt oucl'tm)c?dr~ad~·A,'*l~J ~nd fiery e1cs,alwales ready tora~eveDgeance n!fttueth t<>'t!un!lt<r tornfott;othe·godly .fo•lt onl.'tnt911't bat ddeniiui:ep·cno~m~dlthCtefdre i I ~s-a- matlt~df ~llterrour andtwo~.VnriS<Wo'f~ th0¥1nuil:in~i~c-•tl•>!i-dc_~''hei""~ftai'e~ for. ~ cl!n liuc lmp<'!lltciw: !bt Gl:itilt harli f~etc•bf tllefp(~-fcu~re 111 thm• eudl>wateSTao·!'h•Y h3Uc> 1 bf':''il'e r~'lirulfe·t!\~•htad·efallh!s encrilics'l •'\~ b'e~KI,• fho·~ruthu; bee lhll b(ho,~ah ·them. 1\tch>ar.<>Uthofe that goecll! in finne :•<\lfif<ll'c ~idi:hiS ficroe>ey<S,~nd~ho_<!gn'm.l\ts.gre,a<>p:w rh'tt:turne; dc51lrllc'lion·~;pl>e:thHr•ct[d-;· te! rrcnoel\\t>fpare them1for a '!me,y'crat>lcrr~Hcl <ue•y otiO,tiY<rorort'lo_ok_e vnto-~~• foule, that · ,V\ll'!l0fl\1•~tathfethc·ellecutt?n ot-~l~,'~dge.l hh\li>kcl'2<'oUI'fe•in any hnne;_lct h1m •fojfake , !>ll'nr, ~nd !\ay tbemf<>r cnemtdl'"''' •~m the> lilo'lllifirhe!t\lt'Slnhan; ~h'l!'thC!works ofd'arkplltabiC; Lll~ 1'9j:;7,; l!et'1hcni'orkinernbe~t htlfe::>add rithrnev)lfain<dly:t'o1'ofus Chtiltirt · wll~v.,fcarcfullthirtgiristo fal into•theoh\ntdsi tlit ri~ifc.>liffaith a'nd.tru'< tcpcntante;_and of _Q;od; ifl-lls wr.arh bekihdled il<,uc~fb little~ by'all-ob'adlcllcc in the_du'l-i;s df:his' oalling~' Pfab\ t•h . "·• ' _,... "' •-' Forhowfocu~qhc pa!J:<nceofGed mayfioy V '1~ And h• fi 1 # '.: 1·1,~ forat'im.echecxccuticint>f~iriufiice&wi.ath, • , • . ,a; 1:8 -e.e.,e Jlfl!: yetin1he'eridthcyfna!l·feete•hy'\~o~ill <.l!P.~ ·----~-===c..--==;;_.:=='Z"""Z-='L=--"'---== _ ri_ep<e