- ----·----- ____ . _________ .;_ ____ ..:....;,... ____ ________ ..::_ _ . \'~[-:!.:_ l tbe 1. Chap, of t!Je '1\e'l.:e/; --------···-\--- . . ·. ' .. I ISrhc dut1C ofruc1y Chttfh:m; but cfr,cc!ally A (:mhfull. Tbi; ~\'~may (cc in Nted.1b a'nd Ah'ihA't/ oftht·mmllh:r,ln tcb.:.'Jof 111S calltl'g, AnJ I Le#it.lo. I, and Hoplu;i .-:~.ndPhir..fi!J, 1. Saln;~ tlus hcaue,1ly couucllluon hcc muH opu:fiC: 3·· 13. And in d1c faruc rd?eGt ouc;ht alt lhC . fi, H, by t(·rk~.~g the conuerfion of lu~ ownc pcopit· of God to be i:arcfull to their "''ayes; \ I foulc: and thc:1 rhc tonucrfi:on of othcrsj that for by thctl call1ng of C~t,{b:tniUC they ~c ~ they nuy hauc :mctcm:~l{ ni:mllon in hcaucn. mcmDt'IS of ChnH.No\\' 1t th('y be net fauhlu! Thirdly.thcy arc c::dled tlarrcs bcc:lu!c (1fthey and a'nlwerab1c to thctr proft;fhun,hc \.\ d frtrcbc faithful!) du:y D1all be honoured ofGoc_l,& ly deale\\ nh them, ?.s \\ lth vnEmbfull mint· t made toJbinr :u Ibejlrzrrrsfor t•!fer .mdeurr.Dmz lh:rs put them vndct h1s feecc ofbr:'ltfc, & cbtl- f 1 2. ~· I fmtPd them for cucr.Thcy muH thcdofc make It IS addcd,th:lt !b~'j ttr'( mCIJrtjhnght !Htxd, / I con(dcnce ~fal hnnc,:md O;comc nOr la·atp~ I '¥hereby tsjign1ficd that to lu:11 hdongClh l onc!y, liut <1oers ofhts \r\111, fo (hall Chadl the regiment, and goucrnmcnt,1"i1d the wnolc · 1 proc_cd them in this lifei and fauc them Cccr:- ! difpofition oft he mitlill:c.ric for m<Jtters tha·c · naHy. · · · I con~erne c~e Church. From \'\"hence arife fun- I . . .. rbtddtlf of b~ rf:oHth ri'mt a _p,11rp~· rwO_ ~1-. dry tnfhuCbons. 1 B ged [word. Thts jwo1·d that came ~ut ('~ 1115 ],That it is Chri(l who giueth to his churc;-h mouth~ is nothing cls but the doChmc of d1cminificrs which preach rhe Colpc!. For, hee La\V and thCGofpcl, vrrercd and propoun,drd' "Eph.4-t1> ;1 afcmdcdvpon high, 1md .'SaHc gifu vnto mi"nJ in the \\'ritings and miniHcrie ~f.thc Prophets "· fom<to bee Apofrla, fomc Propbw, and Euanand Apoflles, Heb. 4· I 2, The wo>·d o{God li gclrj/J, foine PaftorJ and teacher! .for thegathe... I liu:IJ, m~~htie, in operat~Ol"l~ ~r.djharper thcJt nny ringt~getber9fthe Sai~tts,andfor thelvork!~fihe 1 twot>~gedfword. And tt tsthcrctocomr~rccl; Miniflerie, and {or the edificationof the bodie of , bccautC as 3 [o,vord with adoublc edge e1Hrcth Chrift. And tOr ·this eauCc \'\'Cought to pray J fharply into the flefl1, and J~icr~crh deeply imo' h M.ttth.g. &iilyvnto Chritl, b tiMt bee 1vould thruft forth the bones, euen to rhc very ;n:uro\V: So the J8. labou"rer.r into hU harue{t; that the t:emnant of l 1 I do61nnc of lhe La~ and the Gofpell.c_mrcth Godsel~ct may be gathen·d, and fO '"'e fee ~n ·fl1arply,aud picrceth decp~y i"nto the \'rr.y_th':lr-. ende of thcfe mifcrable daycs wherein we I 1 row ofrhe heart ofcucry_ti~~tr, t6:thC ~itddi.ug liue. of the thought and the fpmt, Thts t\\"l?•edged Sccondly,in that Chrill holdeth .thtm in his fword,thc word ofGod hath a twofold operaright hand, ·we may gather that Chritl giueth 1 C cion. Opevpon the.wickcd:..Another in theeprotc&hon_& dcf~nce vnto l~is mit_li!l:ers_,,"·hen ~~~· lt woundeth ihewicked at th~ ~cry bea~; 1 theyarc,fanhfullaod '''alke 111 thear callmg 3C- \\'tth adeadly woun-d, and thrrbybnngs thc-m1 l cording rohis wil;\vhich is a m:utcrto be 'Conto ctcrn::-11 d-ea-th, Ifay. 1.1. 4: Chrt.J! f!lA!J flaJ lidered ofal that arc called into this office:For the wicfe!d with ,,,,. breath.of hu lips' tba't is, they hauc fundry occahons ofdifcouragement )Nith his wor&which is thinw.o edged M~rd. as the negligence and backwardndfc oftheir Hetcwith {hal he confumc A:rltichrifi,z.Thc-1: pcoplc;the fiaundersand mockir.gs ofthC' enc.,. 2. 8. vi fit LeviAthlfn, and,{by,rhe drago,ri,' tha.t mies: But thisproteCtion ofChrHl:mufl comis,thc greatcfi enemies of.his Church.lfay 2. 7• fort tbemagainCltbemall; fccing they are in vcrfC 1. ; Chriftstight hand, they mu!t goe on \vith •11 1 1 Here confideth~w the \-:prd ofGod ihould godI¥ boldneffe. ' :c kill an impenitcndmner. There be thr.ee deThirdly, this 01cweth _<he dign.itie of this grees offpirituall death. Firft in thi,.Jife,whcre ~alling.Indced it is dcfpited andrcp~tc:d baf~ I an impeni.tent Goner rct'"etueth his "(_lc::t~ly 1ll tbe·world;andhereby many arc dnuen from· wound: 1 he fccond at. the end of tlus hfe, it, B4tktthe wicked i.udge wl1atthey will:Bcwhen tha bodic is laid in cite grauc, but the holrlGhrifih.onourer}l it,for hisfa'ithfullmi:- D foule gocthrothe torments of the damned; ni!tcrsai·c not onelyprcfcnt beforehim,which I The _thirdat the-endof the world: \-Vhen-bpdy were no fmall thirig : but he holdc1h them in and foule rogether goc to hell eternally. Now his right hand, th.cn which, 1-~:at .greater a ilnQer recciunh in tfiis1ife.his Je::~dly .'t-'\·oun.d gloric can be doncVIH.O thcm?This:mufi be ;:~.n after this manner; Chrifi in the.giuing rhc.rc.of induc~mt.nt vmonl:thofc that are indued~~·:hh hath.a threefold workc iTl the hc:1nby. themi:- gifrs.fit.fOr th'is c"ai,Jmg,to.cffcCl thetam~. . ,, -nitleric pf his' word.; v.·hich is the two edged L;r!Hy, .cuery minlllcr of the Gofpoll mull fwcr4.'f;rft, hereby he reucoleth >nro him his l~creby learncro be fni.thfull in bis·calling, and finnes, ::tS hypocri!ic; pride, :md rcb<:JiiOJl of holy in his conucrfation: for by v.cr:tlle of J1is heart,-..\"ith ::rll other his horrihleatH.Idamnable c::t!H.ng he is placed in Chrifts right h:md.No•:: t-r3.nlkFcftions agai.nH the firft &. fc-cond table, . Owll wethinke th::tt Chritl wi11Jong -bcarcin ::.•Cor.r4,-z4.25·• wbmal/ prophejie, tmdrhcrr his right hand :my th::tt :ltC'Vnfaithftlll, or pro.: €otnme1b ;IIOiJ( vnleamcd, hee iS reprooHed ofall, I pbanc·?N:lyhcwilltakethemoutofhisright -W...J'ro}ih'ets by the word iudgc him, ofnd I, IhaTid,an~ put them vnder llis fc:~c of :braOC,& 1 \ thercb"y--iay ?pen ...-nto him th~ f~nct finncs .of • • 1 honoured a.bouc other!.: by their place, fo !h:~.ll ·J · ·Ohrifl herCby teueakth Ynto him his indigna- ··---=----:::1 21J 1 - · ---1 l •i ! I I I I ! I I I, I; t there gnnd them to1 powder: for as d10yare ll\is ho3.rt; vr~th the linncs ofrus hfe. Secondly, 1 ~~cir confufi.onbe rhe greater 1 vnleffe they be . tion_-:md wrath, which i3 the curfe of tbe la~,-v \_.__ }_... . . _ _ cl~----· -