' l5l .' (!,411 expojition "t~pon I -- --- --::-:-:-:;-~~:;-;-::-:;--~~--=--;-:--:-:--'---- 1d!i'CVl'l(Ohun.ln whi·Eh regard the law is 'allcd Ii\ the tiJc,&c. this tlghr "''ouh.l-makt hishc::~n to J ~ ~.cor.;-.6~ :.~.ak.._illtnglrru'~', ~lle~,-viFig no mcrcic,but oncly blcc:d. ~ell, this is nne in Go-ds ChHrch,. • I zbundcring «!>ut the fierce wrad1 ofGOO vpon though 1t be not feene vvith bodily cycg., the 1 1 U:J.t-lfgycffors. 'f.hit:dly, hcrct'>~J Chr~H o.wakcth· I'D'lol~ tl-lCn art.· wounded with eh is· [~;,·ord af his guih.ie e>G:~nki:en"c, fl1arp~crh the fiHng ~-ocls wot!d, _and lie pititllllyw31J 6w~ng in the- .. I ; t-l~~fc~, ::~nd te~t'iticth_hi~'l'l at the hcat:ing ofhis . _u~ood of ti~Gtr fou.J~~' whr!c they continue tno , ''~"ord. fhus.w:'C'Kecl ·Telt:>t. trelll:ll~cd when he •gnorancc, ,_n.fenn:Jtte ;md wam ofrepcnr::mce- . b Aa· 1 4·:f· , l•)ean:~Pau/prca·dl t..Qf t(;!llpcrance,.righte~ufI I J.. Thrs- tntiH adrnonin) vs all to ]about' f J·l~·ffc, nnd !he iudgement to come. _So ""hen e-arn.dtly rel~.a\~.C furth~t' thin!jSwt•oughr·invs, e- Da11+6· ; k.t)lg c Bc!fo.:~z..t:.er law t!le pahnc of.t!H>hand,. tl_1en a knowledge of our linncs,an appr~hcn1wl"iting thitlgs.agahl)ll him. vpon rhe ·wall, hi& fi.on o~wr:uh,or l-1orroor t>f cOfl.fci·cnc:c;namcly 1 1 G~uthtnanca: was. G:hanged, hi5tho1.tg~1ts t·ntc faith and reptnrance 7an~ found feforma: .... tr0ubl1!"d bi.t"l"l', h4s io"jntS ware it>Of-cd, and hi's ~~on ofhfc:-ft>rwitheu.t rhi"s, '"ch:mc nothing kt~cc.s (muteone '-g<itnH anotber.And al! thcfc m vs bm the duJly \o\"0tmds of Chrills enca-re \\~t'DUl,tht in th~ wfckcO wit:hout apprchcnt")'lies. And thHs tl'IU<t~ f~r ~he wmkc ofthc1 fton of mercie, or reformation oflifoz. lt may B V\'ord vpon the wicked. plcafc God to rc:.:oues 01~e th2< is thus: WC!lunThe i:econd workc ofrhi's two cd.ccd !\vord dcd; but while he i-s iln·thi~ c{tate, he hath re.... i·Sin Gods clcCf.;·~nthcm it hath fi.m<Frv works.,. , crciucd a dcadlrwou!l'l-d, and without vnfa.ined .1H \'\•hidl ten€\ to their fttbieCtion.# Ftrtt, k Jt>penta~ce, i-, ::~bcadK: ttVth<T fidl f.i:cptQ.\.~anh woundcth-to thequkk the corruption of their j ctcnlQ.ll dca~h::f.ot' thcfc honours ofconki·cnce· aaturc.This fs &ne tpecial caufC why it·is called• : kucrcd ti-om tMe apprcl-len!ion Gf' Gods mercy- ~ two·cdged·fword, beE:aule itcmcrcth deeply ! i·n Chrift,t~.rc no gr~cc, but the tht11cs- of heH mto the hc:rrt ~f Gods chi-ldr{·nt and giucd\ \ fire, and the brginningof eternall woe. Ancl their cer.ruption fuch a dc::tdly ~IO\·V, as i-t ft 1 aU . thu~ we fcc·howCluifi by hi.s· Cwmr-d vvooa.dcch neucr rc-coucr ~gaine:It kilkth.tlot the perfon, l his ClltlllH!S, · fiS it doth fn tl~e \Vkkcd: but qui'fk~fliF'lg the : Hence-we :l're to fe:rrnc ful'lth-y Juti'cs .. Fir£1'.,; k>ulc, it woundetli his·corruption: P.wlmi:- 1 how to ~~rrfc our felucs tO'\-\'ardsthem that af... tti.JirerJ the Gofpel, a that the fljfertngs· vp <if tJJe :l RCJm.r} 1rer they h:1Uehc:1rd the ·worG prea€hed vnt'? Gmtilu might beacceptab!e.\Vhcrc rcfcmbling u;. I therm, will rage :~.ndf.lorrnc. .again£t h·, aOO the: Gods Chu.rch toaf:lc-rificc,hc giucth vs t-ovnFrcJehers ;:hereof 'i bcc:mfc n rouGhed them. dcrfhrnd,that Ctlery uue Chri£Ha mull bcJlah-1, ! V\Tc mufl not detpifc or ln3li-gncn·hcm:,, buc r3-t though nor in bcdie :111d foulc,yct in r~gard of I ~her be mo·ouc·d with compaffi.on toward:J C flnfullmctions, corrupt· :~f.fc8ions,:md.rebcllitbcm. FQ.r this th"tir bchaui.our ~s.a.to-ken they ous :1CHonsT"by thts two edged fwor.d of the -are woundG:d wnh the fword of ChnA: at tlie fpir.it. Andthi~ is hi:scoHmnfion ·whereby th~ vuy hdn,and th'cfC tbcir ragings.arc nothing root ofconuption is flocked vp. ::.. · but !lruglings before death ctcrnal;vnldfc thC Secondly, after conuerfion, this two edged Lord in mercy rc·coucr them of tftis deadly fword fcntcth to cut off & pare away thCrcm1wo1.1nd. . ·i nants ofvnbclceftr, dotibtfng,impictii,:mger; I I I. Hereby we are let to fee a:nd kn0w tiht and oth~·IT,;finne-s that be in the cka :•Erx-.1i1 Iob~r .. lam<rnablc ltaic ·ofrhe ·grcardl >10nJbe• in· branch ((•ithChrill) r&aihr~ngeihj<mhfruiti" I thofe congreg:nions wher the word hath long mre.mJ Father the hr.uhandmanpnmcth,·tor/tak,c. bcc~C""prcac!rcd; for we l11all find by Iament:l~ if.lh_ingfoYdrmurcfi"Hit ;·')··· :~:·r blcc»pcriencc, that in thofc places fewc come Thirdly, ft ferueth t:o ktepcGods chHdrcn .lotnlc knowlecdgc, rrpcmance, & obedience; ·in awe anrl fitbicCHot1 vmohim. ln rhi~vif.ion,. "but mofl: rcmainc rgnora't'lt lie impc:.n.item;..now Chnfi Aandcth Ill hJ.s Cflurcll, holdmt"lP 'r.hcch;s tl1eir condition is moH fcartf~ll..A terrible fccptcr of·hls-k1n~d€>mc, whtch he burC'r;h'm hulgcmcnt of God i-s •pon them~ for ·when , lus.mourh,for dm ende; that though hJ:S cne... meirhanclong hca:rd.Gods word, and arc not D • mies wilnot be brought' in fubieiHO Vmo.hi~:" . thereby bettcrcd,forlcnowledge in mind,&oyet hisow.ne children mighth.crrby be kept-m bcdten,ce oflifc; ih'y alic dtcrtby Wt>liidcd vn3.WC ofhim. 1Hcc thcfC'fo:t~~tl:lat will no.t 2.t;th~ to dc3th# · liftino vp of.thc tw.oc.dgcd [word tremble and Tlus t"O eelgod [word hath .r"'aies nis fcarebcfotcChrifl, is bocn\-ebcllioosfubiefr: I ~\'{)rk:i"t either cur:eth voro life byworking r.el. If there bc.btawling i"n hu. ma_ne fO'Cieti~s,.Jct p€utancc, :md ()ther gr3tcs of fa-h.tation; or the Magiflratc ?ut fhev:c .hunfdfc ·wnh r_h.e wOnndcth vnto dc:ah them that uceiuc it not. f·wqrd of ieJfiice, and Ora1ghtway cuery one JS ,Nee mufl therefore lament the d'fc of fueb quict;ff:1n}' rC~A-. fle is t:1kfn fvr arebcll.Now• perfon.s- as rcmainc ignoum and impc:t1itCnt fli·a.ll_tMs b: e'~c-~e_d in ci'uH poHcic,and not b~ I vndcr the minillcri~ otthe word, fo.r they art rruc mChn.tls.l~mtuall go.ucmmcnt ?.vnldfc as yet dead men for oogl1t·we knoV\.., ho•Nfi>{",. j thcreft1re .we •\ovtll flte\~ our fclues rebclls.:~.- r utr they may make a- f::tire the"'' by,thetr eiuil_l ! gainfl ClwH:\Jet.v~ccaie from finnc.:n~\.hrcm... honc~y.If.:my !'I:Y.ltl fhould come fnrq-a hdd,& I blc before hnl'),_t-ccmg he; l~uldcth out ·~lt€hV9 there behold many rh·oufands lhughtded,ond lhdccptcr of.hJsword. • _ . - f;:Ufhin·g our blood,(ome in the hca.d, .. feme in : fourthl~',this f\\:Xilrd fer.ucth notaBly1or_ou_r J I ~... !-