--------~···----~---------· _ ______!.~ the r. {bap. if the I<! vel. bm that none could abide ir: burf:~uourably & ' A think that ChriH is'now a[Ccndcd into hcai!C'nJ familiarly by the minificry of_mcn_ chat ar~ like and therefore we c:mno.r n6'.\' fail dm·\'U at his vmo our (clues, Many. abltjc tins ·.m~r.oe of fCctc :15 John did. I ~u\(V..•cr, rhoegh Chrifl be God;ancl dcfpifc the word becaufc ofichc.ll)cfnow in hcauen;yct hath he his feet ~pon carrh (cngcr; but we muH Ic3"rncby this boumic of nt which.we muH f:11l downe. In the old tdlaGod~to rccciuc the word wah all rcucrcncc as mcnt the mercy feat was the pledge of(;ods . from the Lord. prcfcncc: and therefore it is calleel Gods fom~ ! L:~Hly;itlthis c~cccding fcarc ofl~_hn1 Y':ho itoole,Pjitl.99·5' .before which the Iev,•e.s were r was 311 A.p'O!Hean<l avery godly and nglneous ro fall downc..\Vell, thoughthemcrc.ic fc:lt be I l-man. we lcarncthat the mo11 holy man th:u is now t:lkcn away, yec fomc thing!::> in inftead wi.ll be allonicd euen to death:with the preiCce thereof: For whcrcfocucrGods people afi'cmof Gods glorious maidlic. And ifnoman; be bic t'hemfelues in the name ofGod, there is his bee ncuer (o holy, can itand before Godsprc'"' fOotcHook: and therefore in the atfcr'nblics of ' fcncc,mtfchlc.ffe can_ the moll righteous works God_s.fai.ms,we muH c~Q: downc our liucs bcofanyman endure the t~iall ~f. his iudgcnicn~: for.c ChriH Icfils, and doeall duties vnto hiq1 • if his pcrfo1r cannot ab1dc Jus prcfcnce, h1s B \Yith":tll fcare, awe,& rcuerencc ofbis m~lidly. works will neucr beare his iudgement. Forthe This feare of John, though it was holy, yet perfon m~1fi firfr· be approoucd, befor~ the is it tainted with fomc finne & conuption: for workcs be acceptcd.Thcrforc damnable 15 the it was immoderate fearc of death which made doCl:rinc ofthe Church of Ronlt, whkh teach him thus afionifi1cd and affrighr. Whence we that fuch as in thcmlclues arc l1nndul menmuH lcarnc that the mo!l holy affections of righte-:; (land before Gods iudgcmclit feat, bringing bus i11cn are not perfCctly holy,bm mixed with with ehcm works ofgl'acc, as mcancs of their l:mpcrfeCI:ion accord1ng ro the mcafurc ofthciiiul1ification, and part of t3tisfa6lion to Gods fanCl:ification, which is alwaics in part in this iutlicc. It j•s a doCtrine of dclpera~ion:for how life. VVhcreby it apppcarcs that 110 man hath in I cl our works be perfeCtly hol'f, (eCmg our perhun afilial fcare ofGod alonc,but fomc fcruilc fons ~re: but fanChfied here in pan? And ~vho fc:aic(\<vhet·by \vc-tCare god for his iudgcmCts) can think that the infiniceiufiice of.god can be is miXed thcrev,:ith. And thus much for !ohm fatisfied by chc imperfCC\: rightcoufnes ofman. fcarc which is thC occafK>n ofhis: confin1latibn 1I. Point, The cffcCtofrhis fcarc m his bp_ Now followeth"the m<ancs ofhis confirma..: dy. Hufolldowne & deadat hhfme; This was .6on in thefe words,Thm bee laidh,,,·ighrhand no [mall fcare,bur excecdtnggrcat,aflonitbing C .vponmu,fo~ing,fi~rcnot, I am;the ji1jf rmd the his fenCes, and laying him downe as dead. Pht- !aft.:. ami.!am a/iuej ~ut I w.u dead: and behold fitions fay, and thattrucly,thcnlind followeth I ama!itlefortuemJfJYe, :AmCn: and I haUe the the tc:mperatur.c ofthe .body.But hence we m~y k}}e!ofhe!landdeat&. Here note two things, astmcly fay, Thatthe bo9y followeth the difidt, the time when Chrifi vfcd the meanes fpo!i.tion ofthe mindc;for th~ affeCtion' of the .for !ohm confirmation ~ fccondly, the rneanes foule wil work Vpon the body likcvnco tlrong th'cmldues. The time is noted in this word, difeafcs. lohnJ feare caltcth his bCliHe into a then, · that is-, afrer hisprefence had firokrn a foune: And.fo horrour ofconfciencc when the feare in my heart,·which made me as dead,then heart is coldewill make the bodfc hot, and'rhc the Lord vfed means to comfort mc.The means intrallstorouleintheb'ody. The fame maybe of comfort and confirmation arc then vfcd (aid of angcr:t .R<g.>t.4.whcAhabcobld not wh'n the panic is hombled.And thus the Lord obtain Nabothsvincyard, he laid·hinrdown'on dcalerh with aHhis fcruanrs in the matter of' his bed·in di~lleaiurc,& was almoft dead: cuctl. ·rheir faluation: Firfi, hec brufeth their flonic fo will other affeCbons wo~k vpon rhc body. hearcs,and wound;th their finnefull foulcs ,beHence we learne that the bodies of ffien be D fore hce powrcth 1n the oyle ofgrace. Firfl, a ing difeafed,multnotal.waies be cured by bare man mufi be a loll fl>e<p, and rhen Chrifi fiitPhyficke, but fomctimcs by curing of che deth him and laycth h1monhis fuouldcrs and mindcandordcriogofthce~ffctlions:fot·whcn bringcth him h<;>me. And indcedethey that I the difiemper of the body arifcth from the dif" would finde found comfort by Chrifi, mu(! 1 order ofthe minde, then till the mind be well firfi be humbled in themlelues.And the rcafon '1 compofcd and fetlcd phiftckewll! little auailc. why men reapefo little comfort either bythe ; 1I I. Poirtt. The kind ofthis feare is infinuWord or fa<;ramcms, is the want oftrue ~urrii.- ! I atcd in thcfc words,_heefell athis feete, whereliation before they .come, whereby the foule1s·; 1 by the holy Ghotl: gtueth vs to v·nderlhnd,~hat fitted for grace and confolation. I . this was arcligiom rer1erent (eare,,,·hich he bare IT. Point.The means vfcd by Chri.fi to con- ' to Chrifi:Forrhis kind ofproflrating the body Jirinc lohn, and they ::1rc two. Fi,rll, a fCnlibl~ betokennh humilitic: aud argueth arcucrent ·f1gnc, Hee laidhis right handvpo,mee.Sccond:.O cHimation ofthe thing fe:1n·d. ly, comforcab~C\··vords>Fcarenot. ' • Hence we are t:lught, when we come into .Here firfl:.obfcruc in general! Chritls gr3cithcprcfcncc of Chrifl, to pro{lr~tc our fclucs -ous 'dealilig wiili10hn: h'e vfcrh not ~nc.tne3nS 1 :ts lolmdid, and lookc that wee .be tlritkcn :tpatt, but in gre.at.rnercy,that.hcrnaythroug~.. 1with a rcligiou'i fcarc ofhi:s n13iefly.Ifan),_'lh= a:..l -'---'-"1y confirme Iohn,:heegiucth him both a tlgne ---'--- Aa a. I and