Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 1.~6 l .An Expo}ition vpon 1,,f. tR. 1 --- \ and words. And fo he bath alw.aics dealt with ' A ho/d ft 4.,. afiue {; . ~ - i his feruams: When he called Mafa tO be a deI I ""· 0 I or euermcre' .I lliumr of hio people; Firfl' he gaue him his J men: And I haue the Lryer ' v ..·orp,faying,l wi/bf with thee:and then afignc, l '\: Exod. 3. l 2. So '"'hen he would confirme the a Ef~i• faymg '1-'pon thf5 I>J<JUntamc (hall,, fmu Gad, i ofhe 'Iand o/ death. 1 ·heart of aAh.1~ :1gainll his enemies, he firll Thcfcwords contain the ft'CO!Jd re:!fon to c6- i I giucs him a promife_of dcliucr:mcc, v. 7. then fi::mr: lohtl, And it may thus be framed by \vay j biddcth him askc ahgne, v. J I. And for th)s ot a diftinCHon, AlthoHg_hlwMdc-ad,}et 1 am \ caufc Chrif\in the publi01ing ofhis Gofpcl,•dhee that liunh, (for fo the words arc)andbehold deth {ignes & miracles vnto his '\\'Ord, that the 1 amaliutfor tfltrmort, .Amen:yeai haue pewtruth thereofmight be fully confirmed. And fo er ouer death and hell. This diHintlion comaiin thc\\'Orkc of our faluation, bdidcs his merncth three pans. Firfl, Tho11gh I wm once de4'd, cifu~l pron~i~cs whic~ were fuAicicnt in .refpecl !tt I a~heerf,at liHtth.Sccondly, Thpugh l w,u ofh1s fidclmc, he gmcth vs fi1nhcr !ignes ~nd owrrtltad, }et I liHt for tHtrmore. Thirdly, (calcsto fupport our wcakcncs, and to con6rm ThrmgblWMonct dead, ;er I haue zh~ k..!.Ju of our faith in rhe affurance thereof, euen the vfc death and oflull.Ofthefe in order. of the holy Sacraments. IB 1. Part. And Amheethatltu.rh,th•ughlw.u This tcochcth vs, that Chrill h>th • fpcciall tlead, Here life is afcribed to Chrill in-a fpeciall care oucr his Church and peoplt", in that hcc manner: For Chri!tliueth in a peculiar{ort difdoth fo condcfccnd and abatC himfclfc vmo fcr~nt from the life ofOther creatures. Forfirft, theirwcakcncffe, adding vmo his word,which he bath fufficicnt life m himfelfc,and fromhim ofit fdfc were fufficicm,Cigncs and tokc,ns,that fc:lfc:S~condly,hc giucrh life to othcrs.Forthe by bOth he J.niqht more euidemly giucthat af. firfi, that w~~.ay bett~r concciuc it, ,\·c muH furance whtch by one alone our wcakendfe know that life u t\o\'ofoh.l, vncrcated,and'creawould not fo well concciue. ' ted. \lncreatcd life is the life of God whereby Againc, in thi,s mc:mcs ofconfirm2tion note God liucth: This Hfc is cternall and infinite in the order which Chri(l vfeth : Firfl, he giueth it fClfe,and from itfelfe. Now as Chrill is God him the figne of his prcfcnce; Laying hu hanJ he liucth this vnereatcd life ; which is all one vpo~t him, to affurc him 9f,proteCtion from all with the godhead. Ag:1inc, created life is tw~ danger ofdeath. Then he ~ucthhhn his word, I fold. The firfl is nautrall, prcferued by meanet ' bidding him not tofeare. Hence we may lc:1rn, of meate and drinkc. The fccond is Cpirituall, that the all'urance ofGodwrcfen<e and proteboth begun and continued by mean<s of the Cl-ion, is a foucnignc remedi.cagainCl all fear~. , immediate operation of Gods fpirit, whereby When llfo{e1 feared the grczt calling hce was C we haue fcllowfhip with God. And this £i•irifcnt about, to take away thu fcare, the Lord tuall life is more perfee\ then the naturall. 11 boJ.J.u faith, b I willbe with thee. Hence, Dflllid faith, Now Chri{\ liueth nqtthc naturalllifc, but as , P!.d-13+ cHee willnot foare though he wal~thorol!gb tbt he is: Qodliueth the vncreated life: and ashe is valkyof thcfbadoweoftleath, hccaufeGati uhu man he liueth the fpirituall lit'C:, his body and fta; and comfort, Wherefore it concerneth vs foulc hauing al their fui)filling and fullcntation to labour to be affi~red not oncly of Gods prein the fccond perfon in Trinitic: and therefore fence,but ofhisprouidcncc& fpecial p.rotdlihe hoth in himfelfe moll abfolute and pcrfecl on:And fo in all dangers both oflife and death life and fo liucth ofhimfdfe. we lhall haue !lay and comfor~ for our fouks. Secondly,Chrill is here liue, becoufe The Lord hauing vfed thcfc two mcanes t.o hegiutrh lifevnto men: & that two wayes:Fidl,. confirm< John, both a figne and his word; doth as he is God;& fohc giucth life to al good and yet further condcfcend vmo Iohnsweakendfe, bad; For in himeuery tbir.g luuth,mooutth, ami and ellablilhcth his own word by two reafons. bathM buing, Afl.17• 28. Secondly,as bee is The firll, in thefe words, f4mthe Jirft .:nd the mediator god and man;& (o he giuctb fpiritual !aft. Chrilt isthefirft, bctaufC norhing was or D life vnto his chmch and people. Hence bee could be before him: The14f, beeaufe nothing faith to hisDi(ciplcs, Bec~~~tfe 1/itu,yuJbaUiiH~ is or can be after him. Thefc two titles are .:l(o,loh.J4.19.ForlookeasChri!ldiednotfor giuen vmo Chrill, to exprcll'e,his Godhead himfelfc, but for vs, that we might not d1c c. & cternitie,3S before we hauc heard,v.S. Now rernally: So he Jiueth now in hcaucn thr fpirihere the)• are againc (et downc, to giue vs to rualllife,not for him~cJ[e alon.c,~m for vs,t~at vnderfland,that he hath in his ownepowcrthc we might liuc that ij1mtuallltfc.m a~1d by. hnn beginning and end ofall things: and therefore cternaHy.An~ th.ercforcour life 1~ faad. ~o /lu is able to proteCt his fcruants from :11! dangers, hid wizh GodmC.hnft. And for.thts eauf7 m the :1nd from death: and wil make good vmo them Sacram~pt,wcdoe cat the bodte and dnnk t.l1t "'ll his promifcsvnto ctcrnalllife. blood of C.hrill really by the ":'?uth of faith, that we might know that our hfc Js to be fet– V. f8. .And d mhethttt /i~ chcd from him. For as we rmiue grocc from h 1_ I. his gr:\cc; fo we rcccitlc hfc from his life. . 1 Uet , out 1 TPas-tfead, and oe~ Herebywearctaughttofeekefonhisfpiri. I ___ _ _ _:_:_~.....:.:__:_:_ _____;'-.-::C.:-'-'-'--- - ·--· mau l --------~-------------"~-··