Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I . o , vetft>. ---------~---------'- .. . I' , the '· C6ap~ ·ojthe~~el. I an I t:allltfc at ~hnHs hands:that WC may fay with I A I pound tillS romt Ill this mannet' ict t • j Imic ! ---1 Paul .f !t:u not now, bta Chri.ft:ftueth m meet Hand chercon,and hcre1n confider t\'iO pmms. GaL' 2..1.::. and that tNrlife u hidm thrift, as 10 F1rfi 1 tf1 rctpe~ of" hat nature Chnfi IS fa1d ro 'a head and rootC',• .~orhdluethHi heaucn .that huejorc~ter. SeCondly,. far.v.•hat cnd-h~c l!ucth j \tVC'tniOht liue bylhim: otlr·car-c·ri1UH not be fa for cuen For rhc firit.No dnub~ as Chnfi ISthe ' much for our tcmpo~a!llifc, v~·hich is.but. a~:: ~c_di:nour ~f the Church,he li~e:hf~;· qg\y:·<'f~d / pour, and like afl_ccung 01aflow,as:for d'lls fp1.. th~rcforc thts m~l{t bevndcr~dod at ChnH; nl j ritulllliicwlii~~l is ~rertiall. ~onht pr~Cl~fc.of tl!'g::trd a~both·IJJs_ n~tu~c"s;<J0dhc3d ~nd ;nan..: I this dude is betfound,though•th~ om~f"' hood,.In rcfpca dfh1s Godhea<i,he hrs coctcr._, fi:on ofit be a g~-ic'uoltsfipne~·MeriS'wholc care full with the Hul'ler and the holy 0boH1 1 is fbt rcmporallliFC.:fc\V'rh~uke.;6~this;:~6v\' tt:l l~uing ~f h!mle-Ifc th~t vncrtatrd and crcn_1aU 1 1 procure ro rhcmfclucs tht_s fpir~O_:tH- ltfc by l1fc,whJ~~ rs all one ~VIt~ t~c God~lead?bcC"I!lf; Chrilt; though he hauc fatdc_.,; :~!~li{Je. t~Jat you ctcrna~:P•\'Jthotl~ bcgmnmg of ctldfn_g.Second.. 1 mAJ liu~ in mee. Tliis appcareth!i:fy.tbef~com.: 1y, hc.hucth for cueras he is m:tn: torafc~r hi~ j tnon pra8:ifC: Theywill goc tcnl)cit:""·cmy,Y.ea ~~ath hcc afccnded vp tb hca-ucn;where in·fill! t an hundred miics-cO' E}oUide m~arte~ lO'r rhCir v glotic he cnioyeth immediate fdlowfl1ip v'Tith·/ bodily prefcruaden;'and yet'·"ill:rcat~c go one B the Godhead: for ul hiill dwclleth the fulncffc ! ottwo mile§to prodide the tri<'an~s: of thm ofthcGotlhcadbodtlt ·; htSi11anhood bceing I f.1luocion fo1''<:ner-.''1"he caulc·thertof ts, the wholly& immcdiatly fu!tained by blsgodhe~d hardndfe of'mens hbns,which are no~ tOuchI I. Point. Theende- for~\\•flich ChriH litleth ed for their finlfes,ndr feel th!: frri:h'.(.;.&"wcight for ruer, is eo giuc ercuull life ro his Church, I thereof. This weh1ay fee pl:linfy-iifrhCwoman a:nd to cudy true member t!Jere6f. So-Sl fohn 1 ofS:1maria: For when Chri'fftatc-;ft1t'hewcll of faith, ThU'u .:~the te}limoitic O(God,.6tti'» "'t'he 1 a t.Yoh.J.rt / lacob talking with her~ :ind rcllit~p1het-Hl3t•het: £_atha_·, ~ha_t ~ee b.ttiJ_g~~en- Vs !;fe cHer!aftn:$~ I WaJ' tbc W#ll of life, ofwhofe water whofoetur' &thulifeu mthathuSonne. !Anc,ihcreChnff , dr;mk_;Jbou!d neIter thitf/, flic did-hot~lng bUt· mufi be eonfi.dered ofvs, :a~ tiic head Of!iid ~ eauill with him: But when he laid-to her heart Church,as the rootc and gt;6U~d of out faH1a- I her principalllinncs,thcnillc ltfr"ofFc~tlCilitfgf tion,and the fountaine ofa'll bur happh1cs. FOI"' 1 and in rcucrencc, and (dmc beg'ir'lningoffaith 1 as the rootc ofa tree liucth net for it iCJfc, ~ut aclzy;ow!edgtd himr.~ethe JJ,fej]i.u. Eeuen fo let for the bodic and for all the brallchcs': cuen [d the minifl:er fay vm6 his people, hec c:1n bring Chrifl: Iefus he hatb cternall Jifem him,not for them to the ~o.ccr oflifc; th:y wili n6th!ng re:. C hirnfelft: alo~c, but that hce tnaY: co11Ltry th~ gard, but caUJII at the dotl:rmc ofthe Go(pcll, fame toall h1s members. Yea,\-ve mufi eonlidCt~ till thCir linnes be touched. and their foLlie-s Chrifi as the cominon trcafurie and llorehou!e humbledby the light thereo( \'; ..hcreforc ifwe cif all true felicitie: whereiillifc cternall is laid would haue our hcans_flt to rcuiut:. fpiritUall vp for all thetnembers ofhiscliu.rch.For which life by Chri!t; wee midl: firfll~bour t6 hatre a caufe he faith, His fl(jh :~· meate indeed(: aid b Ioh..6 H• fenfe ofour linncs, &to fearc Go<ls\vrath due whofo~rt~r eau:h his flrjh, anddrink,pbhr$ 6/ood, SS'· vmo vs for the fame. Hereby v.rc {hall be wea.. Jhallliue forcttn-; to giuevs to vnderfial1d,that ncd from the dligctous loue of e2nhly things; his manhaod hath quick11ii1gverrue inlr: yCt and our foules !hall be tauifhfd wlth defire of l10t ofit tclfe, ot by it fc!fo,but as it isthc ma~. Cbri!t Icfus. Hce is the well oflife:and ifonce hood of cbr Sonnc ofCod, For from the god. we ~ould·feele aparchingheat in our foules,by head it recciucth thisquickning power; to giu~ rcaion ofour flnnes, thcn-wohld· \\·e thir{l and 1 t'ternalllifc 'fJ1tO the Church. And here rhe 11euer b'e at reil till we had druflkcour fill, and mcanes mull be confidcred, by which Cl1tifl. cliucd our felues in his fauing tt1erirs. This ~agiuCth lifcvnto his Church:namcly, by VenUe turalllife is bur vanifhin£, and therefore· \oVee ·D ~of that mvfiicall vnion which is bctwecne hiriJ mu!t labour forth is fpirituall life by Chri!t and cuery member ofhis Cburch.Whieh vnion which is ctcrnall.This"' ill com(orr vs in al1 diis rhus caufcd: God rhc Father giucth Chrifr• ·Hreffe: and take fromvs the fearc of dc!fth, of Vmo his Church,and eo cucrY. one that is to be I I hell, and all danger. [sued by Chnfl; and that really and truly ac1 The fccond p:urof th~ di{linClion: ThoHghl ~ording to the wnor ofthe COUCI13fl(,iJ1\\•hich I w.u d~ad,yn h~bold, 1'/iuefor eue;•mor~. Am~w, hec had1 prornifcd to giuc Chrill with all his ' \This point is vcrercd and prepoundcd by two benefits to cuety one that beleructh.The m:m1 note! to be obfcrued.FirH,by a note Ofcertcnnet and orde!r ofthis gift is this: Whole Chrifl tie, .Amm. Secotidly, by 3 .note of{lttc,nrion, God and m3n is giuen ro euery bclceocr; cucli I Behold. The note of~cttCntJC, (Amen) Jc.rucr_h -ashe is Mediatour. And yer rh·e Godhead of t? :t~urc ~s that this ~s a~1 inGih?Ie truth which Chdfi is not giuen with th~ manhood, bl1t Chnflaflmncth ofhtmlclfc:f3ytng, I liueforconely the venue and operatton of the Ood.lo H~rmo;·e. The note ofatt:cntioh \\hieh is prefixhe:ad in the manhood; by which the manhood I ed, B~ho!d,[etucth to Hirrc vp lohns J_''illnde,alid is made able to mc~it ~or t~c bcfe<'ucr. But the , themtnde ofcueryonc-ofvs,to-a. fcno~lsconfimanhood of Chnfi 1s gmcn both for fub1 drr:uionofthis which Chri!l faith, l!itt~for~- -Aat1ce, and in regard of all bc!icfirs that ~~n·· un·more. And bccaufc it plcafcth Chrifl: to proconueyed to tn~n by ir, as lufl:ific::ttion :md re.. A oa ~..";_.-_ ____ tlct)lr~~---