Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 25~ \ An Expofoion 'IJpon \wf,s. ; demprion;:: tlS trl'l'('ly as Iar)(ls and good_s. ate A' ti?'n bc_c. Now that our collu't~-Ca~i?n· ~'ii'J t;e i - - - j g~ucnofmaotom:Rl. An~ 1Nhcn_Godg!ucdl I "''~th hnn, •we muft_often f.!v~Oiy con!ide 1 ! I ChnU to_a11y, h~c. dorh wt~hal~ gtt~e Ynto the w;ch our felucs of thu cul:"rlafiing life which I f~lllc_p:n·:l(' :he fpn1t of <;-lnt~t: t~r_hc _that hat_h Chrifi tl_1cr~ kccpech in O:orc.: for t·s~and for this 1 1 1 ~:a_t~ •n Clmfi, ~loath_ p-:lrt rn h1s fp~nt: and dw;. 'aule prmc1pally dothChrill hcic f~y_, Behold/ iptrttcrcateth 111 h1s heart the mthumcnt of liurfornter... . . · l l I faith,by wh),~-ChriH giucn oftbqi.iuhcr 3 1s re.:. · · 1~ This.alfo-mu!t moouc vs. to-put all oar I ceiutd and apprc~cndcd; Porh. •~1is Oodie and·ilthim,and to place all our toy and. r-e- ·I blo5~d,_and the ctl\c~cic :t_n~ the ~~1~f.ic.s thereioycing rn_hil)t. 1 _Mtn haue ~ft regard tO chat [ of.ChnO: 1S oot rc.-cctucd mnnag1t1aucm,asmert p-art. ofche.t.r bothe,. by wbichch~whol.e.bodie 1 I rcc~iu: thingsby conceit in the br~irie: but :ts and eoc11y·mcmbcr liueth. VV.cll, we pt=GfCflZ [ he ts_g:mcn ofche father; namely, m the ,.~·~r.d\ ~ur feluestp:~e mcrn_bers ofChrift! and in , and facramcms re-ally 2nd crudy:~ though !pm.:- ss.hrel. ourip·mcuall·life; we chcrci.ore muH fn I tu•lly. And ,he fame fpirit tlm woJkcth thi! our heans.aJ>il·affeClion~ on himcfpcoially. / faith,d oth knit the vm,o,Chrifl redly.; The thi>d p:m of tho- dilj111C\jo>1 is this ; though mylticaHy, mlkinghitliOHCin Chriltj , B ThoHgh!wtMdqul,y~t I foflHeJhek!Juof dead~ tO ::ts ChrlH is the hc:td,& the bclccu.cramC:ber. andof hrK. -ij.erc we muil no.t imaoinc that hell And rhus is this my~fiic~l \\"Fought is. abodilyplace kept with l9cke ~nd key and fr·Jmwhencc_proccc()crh this ev:rnalllifc. dores, as mens dwellinghoufes-ar.e.; tha~ canThe benches that come from 1his my!tinU not ~ prooued by anyplace ef Gods wonL coniunCtion are th<.;fc. ... Neither yetthat:. the tormcms ther-eofart boI. Hereby a bclecner begins in<hisworld tO. dily, fu.;h os be inltiC\cd in this world: but rali!Jt ctcrnalllifc: for .b.y the w01k~ofhis fpirit, thcr they ar'.fpirituall,. bcdng the appFchenfi1 Chrifl: makcththat man that is thus vnilcd -vn.. on and tOoling of G~swrath audvengeance,. ~o him,to begin to die vmo allinnc,and to Iiue whofe icalouiic burnes like fire. :Bm Chrifl: in vmo him fpi.ritually~as hintfclf.: Hucth. . this phrafe borrowcth a comparifon from frc11. Hence conmwth the rdiurc8:ion ofthe wards of gn:at,houfes. who :at their inf.l:alling bodic, for this coniunCtionb.ccing,oncc begun into thcjr ftcward{hips, h~\lt the keycs of all rcnuincth ctcmall,and is neucr wJ1olly broken· things gt"tn vmo them. "\Vl.!ich glumgof the1! oft:no !lOt fi·om the bodiC,_\Nhi.}c tt is confmncd c· keycs .Sa token ofregiment and autho6tie betO duH and afhq. Lookc as in the winter fcaflowe-d vpon lhem. And the meaning is this, j fon the fapps:rcturncth to the rootc ofthe me That Icfus Ghrifl though he once dicd,yer by and then all the branches fccme as they were hi> death dld vanquilh hell and death,anrl hath but ~vvhcn fpring time<:Otntncth, by vcr... obtained full po"\vtr and dominion oucr ahcm tuc ofthe funnc t·hc fap afccndcth, andmakcth both for cuc.rmore. ~herp frcfh and grccnc cuen fo, the bo.. Hence arifc fundry inA:ruCHons; firtl:, tflat dies ofGods cnildrcn h:~.uc theh winter feafon power and authorltyto forgiuc finncs properly ' while they lie dud and rotten: but yet by vcrbelon.geth oncly vmo Chnft. No mcerc creatue oftheir vnion and coniunC1ion v•..-lth Chrift ture bath this po·wer; for hec that c:tn forgiue atthc la{! day ll>allife be conueied from Chrilt finncs, mulj be able to take away the pu_nilh1 Icfus vmo them, whereby they lhallbe roifc'd mem offinne, namely, hell and death, which to life. none can doe but ChrHl alone, who hath the I I 1I. Hence counncth ctcrnarf ltfc to cucry kcycs thereof. And to fiy, that :1 man can probclceuer : that is, gloric and blitfc: inbody and pcrly forgiuc finnes, is to fay> that a man hath foulc in hcauen for cucr & eucr:fobceing once power in himfclfc oucr hell and death: .And begun (as it is in this world) it is ncucr dill'oltherfornhc-wridlhood ofthe church of Rome i ucd. And thus we fee how Chrifi conucvcth e- D is full ofblafphcmic,who take vpon them pro1 tcrnalllifc vnto his members. • pcrly to pronounce vnto mc.n the pu~on of The wonl5bearing this fcnfc doe containctheir finncs ofthemfeluc_s:ana they dende the -in tl1e111 the foundation of t\.vo 1::t;1aioe articles cufiomc ofreforrncdChurchcs,w·ho from God of our be1~efc, namely, the rcfurreClion ofthe pronounce the pardon oHinnes vnto them that bodic,-and-1ife cuerlalli'ng: for both tltcfc art: repent. effeCted to vs, by venue of our vnion ,.,,fth I Sccondly,hercbywe :uc t:mgh.c to reuercncc ChriH; for hccliucth fo:·eHtr togiuelife to vs. .Chrill, and to pcrfor:-'e vnto h1m all due hoAnd this b the ground ofall tmc ioy: as we~ ' nour and royal! obcdtenct. If we neu~r hauc m2y fee in fob,who in the middcfl: of his mifcdone this hcrtto~orc, we mufi now begtn; and ric thicd himiCJfcon this,Thar he /z_11ew hU R~- if \1\'Ch:me done 1:, we mu!l endeauour to doe deeme1·liHed, and tlu!t heefhouldrift ng.tine, and it more. For hath the Keyes of h_ell and hho!rl him wirh rbnfc{flme C)'es, wherewithhu dc:uh,he can op~n the gates thcr~f at h1s plcafaweotbercr~awru, I ob. 19.2) ,26. fure, and ca!l thuhcr whom l~c wtll. Man}~de- ::., ifChrit1liucin hrauen to giuc ceiue themfeluc~ -through falfc concra of I vnto vs ctcmalf life, then mufi we learn~ to Chritl, they .thmkc not of111m aso: al_udgc, h:1uc our con!lctfation in fl(·auen with Chrit\; but as a Samour or:1cly : they m:tl\e htm all for INht:rc.ourJifc.- is,rhcre fhould our ("OntJc.rfa cfmerci~ and pittie, and thcreb~y _cake I -~------- . OCC3- l - I_ _ _ } ·------