the 1. Chap. o/ the~ve/; 1 1~9 ----~-----------:-----~·- ,_______ i- -- occaG.ori to goc on in finnc. But we mull con- "A 1i1~;r~f4crh bun th:Ir .font nv-Ag:~inc,}..1a~ril. i o. : fidcr, char ChriH: islikewifc a righteous ilildgc, 1 ' is notyoMwhiihJP~akf,6~tthckir:rof;~r;ti.T' ; who hach the power of hell and death in his , huherJPMkf•gin ru.- loh.r4.26. he proul!lcd1 hands e and therefore wee mull not flatter our to fend his fpirit w be-rhcir comfortcq whicli ! felucs in our cuill ,,..·avCs, but ll.riue to pleafc _p,a/1 tMch themtt!lthingi: yea, rr; le.tdThem intO him con~inually w~th'ic:uc ~nd trembli~g,lcafi all truth, Ioh. 16. r 3• Which promifl.! fomc <lp.: by our finne., we ftu·rcvp hts wrath ag:unltvs, '1mc ro all Gods MiniHers; but !fwe m:'irkc thC and c:tufc him to cafl: Vs·into hell; whence is nd circuru(lanccnhcreof,· (hnll iCcrhat pt·opcr..: rcdcmptio1i. . . · ly it agrccth to the Apoftlcs: for in aThirdly, rh is is amatter ofgfcat comfortvnthcrs the te;rtainric hereof- cannot be affit·med,. to all thofc in Gods c~p::ch? that irl_t~i·s ~ifc ~n- 1 yet in the-111lt may: for Vlhith caufe, in the faincdly clcaue vmo Chrdl:& efpcl.'l.a!ly Ul wne Counccll at l<'ruiaJcn; rhu:s thc.y. wtitc vmo the: 1 of affiiCl:ion and temptation, and-:tt thehourc ·Churches; it fumrth good to tlic aboly Ght>ftl a A!l.Js.:ll. ofdead); for Chrill hauing the keyes of hell & · I' • .JJd to vs; as bceing affurcd of the certain<.' didcar~, is able to keep r,hem fron'lhcll, :111d fron-t redion of thC' holy Gholt: "Wliith no MiniHcrs the Cling of death. And thiS he will d~ btcaufe eucr tlnce cotild 1ay, bceing fubic[t to crrour they trull ln'hint)for hebath prot'nifed it.lfthis B both in fpcaking and writing. Tilis difiinClio11 were alwaics founding in our carfs ~ it would mult be held for the certaintic of our faith mminificr endcldfc ioy vmo o~r fouleS againft t}rc points ofRcligion·, and-for our alfurancc.o{ the fcruilc fc:~re ofhcFand death. 'l "', the fairhfuH penning and p·ublifi1ing .of tl1i!} V •19• Write)h~ thi?;u{~pfch booke, Alld thus much o6thceau(csof thim6 perition, . thou hafl.flene,_' andthe t_h_,._ipuJ - Inthewordsofthiscommandcrncntisc0n. I". 0 dioed thC ·dtuifiOI~ of this "'·hole booke, Write' ' -which are, & the thingr!J?hich ~.hcntordrwhithrho~ "·ft f'"''.. thatis.~~~downc I i n. /l h ,./', · ·...... V'\rhat I hauc !hewed thee 111 thrs vd16n. And' ;.ull come ere~ tet. : ''~'" whicha>·e rthat is,all thing~ which i rcucale'vo"'l HereS. John propoun~eth 3 fccbhd ae(i6n ro. thee touchin'g rht prefc1~t CH:nc oflrihe· of Chrift•. For hau_ing confirn1ed /oh~~lgainfl: Church• .And J"Phich aYe tfJ cofne herc,ifter" .- th:tf' his great feare, ~c giucth him acomma,ndment is, thofe thirlgs which concctoe the future t -= towrit6tb, thingtwhich huh~tdfecnt~ &c. This Hate ofthe Church to the endc·ofthe wotl·d as· commandemen·c wjs glucn ro Io6# In the e1willt·euealcVmo thce:Thus rbcn is the wh~le· leuenth verfc, and is here againcrtpciied fo'r q. bOokc dHlingui01crl. ' i,·Jt ·COma'merh things ihcfccaufes:Firll,that John might.fee the (pcci" t0\1chrog die prcfcnt cllateof the Church in' all care of Chrill oucrhis Church ,that he llill Iohmdaics. I I. It cmrcateth ofthingS\\hich (ominuetl} a prouident head thcr'C:of, for their' conccrnc rhe future dlirc tficreof from !dhnf good cfl::ue after his afccntion. Sec<indly, that time,ro the ~ndcof the world. Gops C~ur~h in all ages may foderlhnd, that ' Hcnee ol:;fcrue the lawfUfneffc of the art of , Th: vfo'. iris needfarie men lhould knowe the <!late of Logickc:for diuifions are l>wfuil, (cl(c the ho• the Church tO' bee (ubiec~ Vtito troubles, t~at ly Gholl woul<t not here h:iue vied them)and thereby they n1ay better anne themfclu"es a.~ f6' by proportiOn are other arguments of .rb.J gainft the cui'ls to come, Thirdly~ that lohti foning: and d1crcfore that art which g1oCth' might be fully affurcd of hisc;lling·, to write ltilcs of dlrcc\ion for the rightv(eof rhcic ar" and publHh this boo}<e. Fourthly. that Gods' gumchts,is lawfull and good. Thofc tneH the it Church in all ages might beout ofdoubt, that arc tJrrc dc~clucd,V..·hQaccoum the arts of Lothis bookc is no dcu'tfc of man, but abooke Of gickc and RhetOfickc to be friu6lous and vn.1 God~ and pan of holy Stripture rc'ueal(dfron'l: lawfuH, and in fo faying f th·cy condemne the Chri{lto John for the good ofhis Church, Ifit D pr_atli(e of the holy Gho{! in clmpbce. be (aid: rhough Chrill did faithfully reuealc his · "'• 2 . 0. • t:T-T.e mr~f/· .Crt'e 0 , 1 .;h• will, yet /ohn might erre in publifhing it. An f. -v "'1. IJ "./ '/ 11 1.1 AsChrilldcliu<rcdthi~ro/ohn,(oflfreceiued {e"' jl h' h h ,( :, (1 1 and publilhedirfaithfully,withoutallfaul~'ei- ·.eaven. arres'ni tc t ou.~awc;. thcr in matter or nunncr: for wee m"I! make a _mmy rw_ht hand,andtpe fea"!!en dilference·bctwccn the Prophets and ApoiHes '> 'I' Asthe Prophets in forvolde'! candleflickes u thu: The mer times, fo the Apofiles in the newe Tdb- ~ jJ h f. mcmwcrc called i1nmediatly by Chrill, and jeaUefl . arrei are t C .JeaUen had fllch fpeciall alli!lallcc of Gods (pirir 'that ./Ln_,gc_ls, of' the 'hurch'es • and they could notcrrc,whcn they:propound~d by _ L' • prcachmg or writing any doftrineof Chrill the (eauen cattd/eSlicLes 'Which· vnto the Church ofGod: !his appcarcth by the . ~ wEmife~ ofChrillmadcvmothcm, thou lif,'nle's1,aretbe[eucn Chur~ He which htareth1ou, hcartthme, ttndhu which h {~ ref•f'!~ ;ou, refi:fothme; audhee whi,hrefif!rh C e S• I / vrrftt. \... A-a-, - --------;;T"'his _ __,;c.::.:.:_,___ _ j