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ve~f.r. 'tc:f. 7· CHAP. z. Verf. I. Vnto the rU1ngelofthe [hurch ofEphejUJ iPrite:1hejlf things foith hee that holdeth thefeu~njlarres in hu right handi and 1Jialk.,:th in the mfddejl of the feuengolden cand/eflic~, N this Chapter an<\ in the A what the fpirit faithvnto the Cht~rcheJ: and yet · ncxc,is comaincd ~IJe fourth he direc!eth his epiille nor to tfie who! ch.urc.~; aC\i6 of our Sautour Cbrill: but particularlz to the angel or pallor thereof. \1\•hcr_dn· bee giueth fcucn This.hedoth for two caufcs: Firfi, to imimatC panicu!ar commandcments v~ua this Minificr his dutie, whictt_flood in' to lohnJ to write "nto the two things:In teaching the com~ms f>fthis E.. ~~~E§~;:gjfeuenChurches ofAfia, anq p.illle vnto th,e )''hole Church I and·in b,ccor:nto fcnqe vnto t_hcm (g~c11 tying apattcrnqnd example to them al,ofdo-· letters or·Epillles, The lirll ofwhich comman, ing the things therein required, Secondly bcdcments is expretfed in the beginning.of thii caufc: either good or much cui! com:s to fitll.verfe: Vnto the A•gelof the Church •f Eeucry particular Church by the rniniflcrs th.crphefiu write: Then afttr followeth the Epifile, of; fuch is the efficack ofhi>place and calling. Thefo things faithhee, & <. contrnurng ro the lfhe be fairhfull,hel;>ringcch great good to the eight vcr{e, Firll, fotthe cornmanq~ment: the Church : ifvnfaithf~ll, cx~ccding great hurt; partie to whom lohnrnull write, is thcAngell: as may eafily b~ prooued \>y many.examplcs iti. which word may be <>pounded two-,waycs:ei- B all ages. No)" Chrill writeth to the Angel of ther to fignifie the miniller or pallor ofthcpar- .this church th~~he mightbe ame~ncs.of llluc)r ticular Church of Ephefus, and fo it iscomgood vnto them all, by exciting_ them to tlic monly taken ofthe mo(\: or els it may betoken practiCe ofal good duties required in thisEpi~ ·the company of the minillers, teachers and ftlc. goucrnours of the Church ofEph~flts.: for IL Point. AmongalltheChurchesofAfia therein were many pallors and gouernours, as Chri!" writeth firft to the Church C:,f Ephcfus; appearcth ACl. 20. i8. where Pardcalleth tonot lotthat thrs church had authoritv ouer the gether the Bilhops (a• the word fignilieth)and rd) (for they w.ere all candl~ftickes;and all of giuc:th them charg ouer their parti<ular ~ocks. gold)but bccaufeEphcfu~ ~as the mother city Now in fcripture the name ofoncperfon taken farre exccedu~g the rdl1n r1chcs and efiimaticolleCliucly, oftentimes fignificth the whole on. Whereby Chri.fl giueth vs to v.nderlland, multitude, as Exod+n· lfrael u"Y fonne, ethat his will is, rhat thofepeople, towncs,.and uen my Jirft 6orne, Whcr.e the whole body of cities which excel! others in cflimacion and the people o(Ifracl is called by the .namt ofon wealth, fbould alfo goe before them inkno~·- man.And fo though Amichrill be not oneparledge, obedience, and other graces of Gqd. ticular man, but a llatc and company.ofmen in c And fo anfwcrably fbould it be with particulat the fucceflion ofthe Popes : yet is that whole perfons;Thcy which excell others (or ou.tward ellate noted by the fpeciall name ofone man• reputation and t~mporall blcflings, ought to · m that a Antichrifi; that tmtn ofJinne, ant/. {Pnne go.before 'hem in fpirituall grac~s,as godlines of perdition. Thus we fee how the word Angel/ and re)igion,Thofe which fbal fai!c he1ein,and may be taken:andwh~rhcr we vnderfiand it of fuffcr others that arefarre their mferiours tO go one man,or ofthe whole company of cldcrs,it before them in fpitituall graces, fb~ll finde it is not much matcriall. tr~c to their {hame before men, ~ut cfpcci:ilJy In this particular c.ommandcment nort rwo ~.H}le trib'-lnall feat oflefu~ Ch.ri£1, .. poims:Firfi,tharChrifthis intent is to write to Thus much forrhc commandcmem, Now the whole Church of Ephefus, as appcarcth ··followcth the Epilllc,it felfc,which containeth Chap,L T t ,where John is commanded to write I thre< pam(as al ordinary Epilllcs doc.)A prein a booke, and fend to the Churchc!: as 3lfo 1 fa·ce,~ propofition,ond r~e c~nclufion.The pre by the condu(ion of t·his EpiHie, where it is face m rhefe ~ords: 1hefe thin_gs, fofth hu, :cf••:.:··..:.L:..c_t..:.h' t•.::.t::.h.::.""::...:'",,..:h:::ea::r:..e_o_~t::: ha::t-=ho:ldeth the fouen flarres inhH right hand, A aa 4 --;;;jd