:z.6z. dn £xpojition11pon wrf.,, I ai1dw"llznh in the middeft of thefoaHen goldm lA Here brginncth the fecond panofthis Epi- . cattd!ejlickp. Thcp,ropolltion and conc\uhon, file,to \vit,rhc prop?fition;conraming the fub1 in the vcrfcs followmg.The preface is borrO\\'- fiance and matter ot the whole Epllth·. This rd from the former chapter, v. I 6. and I 3· propofition h:uh t\\'Opoints. Firfi, a commcn- , whcfc alfO it was hlndlcd.Thc intent ofChrifi d:aion of this Church, in the fecond and third ! herein is to draw this Church to a ICucrent avcrfcs.Secondly,a rebuke and rcp 1 ·chcn)ion,ln \deration of his pcrUm: and to caufc in them dtc 4· vcrfe. The commendation isfir{l genea g~·c:acr care to embrace and obey his adrrora.ll, in thcfc V\'Orcls; 1 /z_now thy workfs. Then nnion. This appcarcth by that twofold aCtion ~nore p.artlcular, for fpcci:dl duties and aCtions, which hec auouchcth ofhimfclfc, to '"'it, his ui the words following, andrhy la/Jour, andpaholding the feu en !l::~.rres in his right hand,and tienu)&c. For the firH, 1/z.now thywo)·kp: many his \.\•.alk1ng in the mid{\- of the tCaucn ~olden tloc expound this of workes-of mercic anil licanCl!clticks:by the fir it wherof is fignified his beraliric ':bur rhat will n-or fo wdlltatld:for·he power in protecting~nd go.ucroing his !Jlinifaith to cucry Church, 1kz;gw thy work.;J.; and Hcrs::1nd by the fccond is nor~dhis prefcnc·e in yet fome ofthem arc blamed for w-ant of thefe thcmi~ftofhisChurch, gui~.i\lg and blcffing~ B 1\good'"A:Orkcs. By workp then .is mcam, the ~is minifl:crs with all the mcrnbers thereof.'As wayu, that is, the praClifes and de:llings ofthe it he had [aid_;lfl be he that"h_aue power to prowhole Church:as we)ofminiAcrs_!!s pcoplc,in tcc1at~d goucrnc,t_h~t am prcfcm alfo to bleffc all d1eir '•i~aires. Alfo by-k.._nowledge_ here we and dtrcCtboth mmtHers and.people-; then my · mufl: vndedland, a/z_nowledge that goeth with admonitions arc to be rcuerenced and obcyrd. approbation,as may appearc by comparing this In this preface note two fpccia1 points.FirH with'the fourth v. whither ithath r'clation: for . that Chr't!l here againe repearoth that whicli thus they muit goe, lk_now thywor~es,and ap1 was before deliucred, touching his prcfence in pr6oUtoftherh: andJtt I hnue JOmething agair.jf bis Churd1,aud his mighti~power and prouithee. So that his meaning is, 1/z.now thy w'orkp, dcnce oucr the ~at~c in proteCting, guiding~~ that-is; allthywayes~~d dealings in thy ltfe and 1 bleffi.ng both mlll1ilcr ~nd people. By ,whiCh eonuer'fation are mamfoft vnto"mte,~HdI doegel repetition he would giue vs ~0 vnder!hnd,the neralfJ llflprooue ofthem •, fpcciall wCight :md moment of this point, to Here firH in this tdHmonie of his knowwit, that it ought to be-ingraucn in the heal'ts' ledge, Chrifi minifircth a rcmedicagaiufHCof eucry one in Gods Chu(ch.And indeed't~IT crer finnes and offences.-The thcefe, thcmurwe be pcr[wadcd thcrcof,«·c·ili:ll,l nfuer lcarnc' C thercr, and adulcerer waite for the ~igQtwherrcligiou foundly. The groUnd_Of ttuerdigon in to attempt their fhamefull pra8iles: The is this: To take the tiuc God tor otir God:.and tradefrnan in [ccrct falfifieth hi' w(ights, and Chr"iA: Ic[us for our Rcdccmcr:and it conftilcth n1ingleth his wares: amohg moH men) fraud,. riot in a fwimming motion hereofin the Praine, opprcflion,and ini.uftice doe abound: and. all but in the fure pcrfwafion ofthe he3rr, which becau(~thcy thinkc, that if men fee not, all is wee ncucr h::mc till wee be re(olucd both of well: as Dauid faich, the wicked man faith,God P(al.f1-i• ChrHls prcfcncc \.\iith vs,and ofhis prouidcnce jhal/.notfr~, hu willnot regard. But ifmen could oucr vs, for our blcfling and defence. thin~c·_ and be pcriwadcd of this, that Chrifl I I. Point, In this preface alfo note,that the ftethandk,_nowcth alltheir waiu, it :would caufc perfwafion of Chrifls prefencc & fpeciall prorhei]HO n'take confcknce not onely of groffe uidcncc in his ChUrch, is a notabl'e meanes ro ftnnes, bUt .;:uen ofthcil· hidden and fc'cret ofdraw vs on to all good duties: for thereby fences. Chrifl would pcrfwade both the Miniltcrs and Secondly,whercas this knowledge isioyncd pcopleofEphcfus,to reeciue and emhracC t~is with approbatiori, it rnay be demanded, how his Epiltlc. And no doubt hee that is i•deed D this un fiand With thciullice.ofCod, to apperf..,,•aded hereof, cannot hutbe mooned to prooue ofthat whtch JS not :mfwcrable to the · walke before Gcd in all holiheffe and obeditcnqurofhis law,asrhe belt works ofthe mofi cnce: as did Enoch, .Abraham: :ind all the godrighteous man arc not , bceing fiaincd with !Y Pacriarks.Thus much for the prd;cc. {ome corruption, Ifa.64. 6. An{ The Gofpdl, /,, h. • /,, d whichisanothc:rpartofGodswtll, reuC'3.lcth V ,:z.,fj'\,nOWt 1J r:POr ~s,an more vnro vs then euerrhe Law could do~: h l b d h ,-. . namcly,thatifamanbemChnft,to~llmthc:re t 1Y a our' an t 1J pattenc:e' is 110 condemnation, and th:r God Will accept andhow thou can f) not fOrheare histruc de6re a~d endeanourro pleafe him,for 'J" JU thedccdeJtfcltc,z.Cor.8.I 2.Andthusaccorthem which are eutf/ andhafl dino ro the renour of theGofpel, Chrill ap- . h. 'b h pro~uethofthcirworkcs in this place,though exammed thetJJ W tC fayt ey thcywere notabictoabidethe ngourofhis • A ,/ll J d law. Bur a Papilt willherercafon rhus: !fa tJIC .flpO;•teS ttn are not, an righuousmansworkesbeapprooucdofCod, hafl;roundthem /yers, rhen rhey are no finnes (for God will no.ta~- '" 1 prooue ofany thlllg that IS llnncfull) and 1fh~ worl<cs