the i..Chap.rf the]\tve/, '\ . i6t'l " -,-. ;-, e-,-b-·c_e_n_o_fi_n_n_<.-,-~-h-c_n_h_cc-.-11-3Y_fi_u_lfi_l_l t_h_c_ A I doth y fu,lly >ccomp3niethe G ofp•l of( hn!ll I !:1wc ; and fo be mHificd by his workcs. At:f~. An cl rh:s mdc:cd IS pratre \o\Orthy 1!1 the Angdt : I That which Chrifl approoucth firnply,hath no of thts .Church; fOr hercv1 hec goerh belore I {innc in it; buthcrc:hceonclyapprooueth of fimclry ... vonhyProphc'~s: lercm::· \\ asrnaruc- , ,, ; rhctr workc:s in parr, namely ,fo tarre .forth as Ibus tmp:mcnr, for the mockmg oft he people·: ·~/:''26 :_,) J they c:unc from rhc v•ork of his~pirit ii1 rh~n1: And though fomu !1ad bccnc !lhoolc:d 1n the I but as they procccdc fi·om the WJJJ ofthe Worv.. 'h:tlcs belly,yet \\'hc:.n all things .went no_t ?'- f kcr, v\·hich is·in part corrupt, they are not·free cording to his minde th the: ddhuC1ion of Ni.: j from the thine of finnc; and fo hcapprooueth niuic~ he became exceeding clit~·omcur,; . 1 r.hem nor. Againe, works ofgrace arc-approo...: Herci~l muH all the MiniHcrs ot the GofFtll i TIJt 1Jft~ l ucd ofChri1t w1th rhcpardon of finne; fdr a!fbccotl:Je follo"\'Crs Ofthe Angel bfthis Churc.h: I cepting of the pcrfon, he remitteth th'e fa tiles While d~ey i:lbout in the Go!pcl of GOO) rL~y that bc;c in his good v·:orkcs, and fo on·ciy 2pmuH pb!fc!fc their foules "''ith patience, and' prooueth his ownc worke in him. And fo here make knowne to ~11 men their mccke and mild \ovec mu!l concciuc of his :~pprobation of th'eir fpirit. Yea euery ChriHian in the profc:ffion of works,to wir,as proceeding ti-om hi:;, fpirit,and religion nmfi lcarne to pral:liJ{> this dutie ,Luk; . hauing the faults thereof remitted in his•owne B 1 8, I 6. The good ground receiueth the 1:Ccde; merit, :111d bringcth forth fruitC : but how r Wi!hpr:!iThe fpcciall commendation of this Church cnct : Neither can wc:r:poffib!y attainc tO ctcri.5 for particular atlons: The firfi whereofls nail life, vnlc!fc we :mnc our ff lncs withp:.tidil~fmr lolbou'l": which is an excellent worke eeDcc to bearc the crofl.C: for whofocucr \•. ill fJ)ceialy in a mtniHcr ofGods word to be painJiuc godlymufi fuffer affii"Clions, 2, Tim. 3. J '!. full in his particular calling;for the faithfulllnThro1tghmtt'!J trtbulations we mujl enter into hca-"' fl:ruClion and godly regiment of his particular 11cn, ACl.14-2 ~. charge. Hence Pautlaith, 1. Tim. 5. 1 f. Plee I I. Ag01inc, hcte oblertlc how thrift ioy.: that l~boured in the word anddoElrine, ·Uprinci~ n'edl labour and patience together£this be dOth 'paii.J worthr doHblehonour. And herein Pau/matfOr two caufes. Firfi, to let vs fee the fruit of chetb, yea prefcrrcth hit\lfclfc before other A- ·Gnne which God hath fet on thdabour ofma. poCHes, That helabortrethinoreabundttllt'J in the . BHorc the fall, the labour ofmans ea)ling \o\·JS' mininifleri~ of the Go[pel ,then theJall, I. Cor. praCtifcd without all trouble or p<li'ncs; bnt r5' ,10. Hence we Icarnc that the worke of t~e fincc m:ms fall, the bdl: ca,llings hauc their miniHeric 1 if it be done as it ought, is awprk'e C croffcs and vexations, which are the punifhfull of g:-catpaincs -and labour, Contrary to the mcnts of mans tr:wfgrdfi9J1. Secondly , to common opinion of men, who thin'kcthat the lhcwe the malice of Sathan againll the go0d Jifeofthemini!te<isfullo(eafc,andhiscalling progrdfe of the Gcfpell. P4HI faith to the ,,The!f.<.• t. a matter ofnothing, fuch as may bee done with Theffaloni-a~s, H~wou/~hauecome tothem;lmr the turning ofthe hand: but here the iudgment SJth4n did hindtrhim. Hee feekcth the trouble ofChriA: is ot'herwife, \vhovfeth not thus to and fOrrowc ofthe minifier, not onciy Qy fiirapproouc alight or idle workc. ring vp pcr!ccution, but by keeping his people' Secondly, this conlmendatton ofdiligence from profiting by his mini!leric: and therefore in the miniftcr, mufl: admonifh all ChriHians cuery mini!ler had need to takepains withpa... that delircto be -approoucd of ChriH, to giuc ticnee in his calling. all diligence to lcarne and knowc the wtll of And as Chri!t ioyneth together labour and God, ~hatthcymay doe the fame, And here a patience in the "''otke of the minillerie; fo common faultis to bee rcprooucd; many will fhould cuerie C..hri!lian afier this direitiori hearc, but where is thdr labour to growe in ioynt patience with his paines in the duties of knowledge and in grace? that is wanting : his p~rti<ular c;;alling, whether it be in Church, which is the ·caufc of iUch fruitlcffe ·hearing as commonv\•ealth,or family.For look what is the is common in the world. For earthly things dlate of thr minifier in hisplace, fuch fhouJd men refufe no paincs; but Gods heaucnly D bee the dhte of euerie childc of God in his. Knowledge and graces -arc not regarded.What This therefore they muft doe: firfi fecke to a01at1'1C: is this that men fhould befim.·.•e their know the duties oftheir particular caiJings, & firc:ngth and ·wit a~om bale and tr::mfitoric therein labour 2nd cake paines with all good things, and yet negleCt the maine good which conldence: Then confidcring the croffc doth conccrnes their foulcs for cuer. accompanie godlydiligence , they mutllabour Thirdly, thctninif1ers diligence in teaching, to ioync patience with their diligence,for tbetr muft prouokc coBfcicnce of obedience in the continu5cc in wcldoing euen vndcrthc croffe~ hearers ; th:'lt is.the end~ ofhis worke, without And for attaining of this patience, they muH this he fpends his fireligth i1,1vaine, and therelet befc>rc them the promiks of Gods blcffing j f0rC with the Apofile they nmfl!ndeauour in-al and protcCt:ion v.•hile th~y fo continue: not I thin~s to kccpc a good confciencc before God .futfcring thcmiCh!eS to bee diftn~lied by any and all men, ACl.?:4. 16. affhll:ion. And if \\'CC l11a!l thus "'alkc in the 'I The fCcond thing which Chrifi here comduties of our rarticular places p-aincfully and mends, is \1::\ticnce in bearing the croffc which with patience, we lhall hat!C our commendati1 - - ' - ----0 1) 1.--~· Thev[e. ' .