I l I I ---------~-=---:---------~ 26,+ 1 dn €xpojition1Jpon v.,f,, ' --------.~~--~~~~~~----~---- !on ofCiaill1cfLISaHd hisble{fcdreward,·which ~- A Secondly, hencewe my gathot·, that C ·tiH fa.rrc furpaffcd1 the prai[c ofmen, and their rehath giucn_to his C:hurch apower itlOiciall, to \ .,.,·ards. But on the comr:~.rie,ifwe walke in-our fi1fpend cmll men trom the SacJ::tmellts ,.and to 1mllings negligently, or clfc forfakc themb,ccxco:mmmicatc them -fi·om thc ·outv-·-ard fe] ... 1 (aufr ofafHittivns:or bee impatient in bbour :J lowDlip of the Church~ for dfd·~c would not I\\·e t1lalllooic our reward, and vndcrgo ,he rehauc commendcd this Jllinifier with hh dmrd 1 .\ hukc of ChriH, which is V\'Of[~ then all Ourfor the cxccutioBofthispo\\;er. The rca!Os al1-Ward cui!s t_hat canbefall v~ .' }cadged to the <:pntr:uic, :\rC"of }lO.for.ccJ.S:~y 'I The thir<l tpcciall '"'orkc for V\• hieh. Chri\l: they, the parable, Mtttth. 1 3 • 30 , allov·:nh ., , \ commcndcth this Church is, fcucritic fhc~;yed ~ tht growing together of tares afld ,~heat~ til,l 1:l§:tintl wicked men; in thcfc words, Andhowe harudl; and chci-cforc cuill men mu~ be fuftC- •\•Ii?or• ~ttn./tnot betH'c tbrmwhicP are e~~i/1. By cu.ill ' red in the Church \vjfhout iCparation. AnfiP, .[ mm~ he ~ncJneth fuch as liucd offcnfiucly_, ~n~ 1~\that parablt: Chrinfpcakcth JKH of any par- 'f. Jnai-pcaincd manifcfl .errors and;hcrefics, Theic · ticular tmrging oftheChurch byEccldlaflical"' ; fhcr <.•ould not bcarc, bm iudged them as btiriu ...didiC.1i.on; but of the vniuerJ~.ll pun~mg of i dens:& thcrdOrc foug.ht to disbu~:dcn her_f~l_fe B his whole Church by his holy angels }nthc end I of them. of the; world: forth ere the tic!d dot~l- not fig- j Thevfe. ~ Hcncc wcm.1y g:ahcr,tha'-i~ is a: 11-C,.dfari.e nifie any particular Church, bm the whoic 1 .Jhing..for cucaic-Churckw bee purged of cuill worhh and the fcruants are not mc11,-but An1 men. The Church of God in aH ~rg~s hat.h pu.c gels, that mufl gather together all b.oth good · in praCtifc this workc. So fo6nc as Caine had and bad in the endc 9f the world , to the bfi s Gen+'¥ ilaine i~h brother Ylbel, a God f:afl hi.m outfto'?l' iudgcmcm. Againe, they allcadge, Lulz: 14.23.. hidfitce,as·appcareth by his ovvnc compbim,~o Compcll thtm in the high wayes to comem to the wit. from that particular pl:J.ce where Adam&: . [upper. }:Iere (fay they~) allmuH be brought in,., ,.his fa~nily wodhippcd God, When falfr J'robut none mufl b·c ,excluded thc"focictie nf the i phcts and jd<;>l3tctS did rife among the Ifrae, Ch~;cb. .Anfw. Chril\ lpcaketh. n'ot of comb Dc1!t.13. )ite~, thc,J,ord comnllundcth b That l~e:Y pelling,men vnto tht Sactaments, but vrno the i~'3. ' Jho~tld ~ee _kjl~ed and rafsn from among them. minificFi~Z of tllc y:md, '~-''heret-o men muft be " Icr,, 5,, 9. And therefore hec fa;th to lcrcmi.:, c lfrhqu ' eaufed to iUbtcC't thcmtC:Ju·cs; which ~indcreth 1 tsrnzeandupent, I willbrmg theeag4iwe,and if notl1ing why the vngodly f.hold not.be debar- ]rho11 tak.!awal the precioU6 from the vile. thou rest from rhc Sacrament:-,which arc she r~ale of ' {halt; hu according to my word. 1. Cor. 5·4··5· Gods mercic in Chri!t,ordained onelyfor fuch l-Parll commaunclcrh iu the name of Chrift, that C as repent and bcleeuc. ~ff.Seeing this fcpal the incr.ftuo~u mt1» bee deliacred V;;JtO Sathtp;,_th~ ratiQqmufi be made, how farre forth.may we-e ! ~Church purgeQ of that old.c lcaucn, :md that conul!lfe with th9fc that are openly cuill and wic-ked man be put from among them,vcrf. 1 ~. otfcnfiue either for life or doCtrine? An[Euill Bcfides the cuid~~1cc o~thcle tcfiilnonics,fome men niull be confidercd diuerfc wayes: tidl, as j rcafons may be add~d to prooue the neceffitic they be members of iOptc commonY\'e:llth, of I ' of t~is feparation. FirCt,God wm be "\'ornl:~- fomc cicic, and ineorporation:fecondly,as they pcd in an holy manner ;a.nd they th:tt"wod}up ar~ tl}e.mbns offome particular Church by toGod mull: be purged and 13nditicd; butcu~ll , Je1:ation. In che fip(tfegard, it ,is lavvfull forvs mei1 defile Gods worl1.1ip, and therefore they to conucrfc with them. I. fOr outward dealings ought to be fcucrc:d from the Church.Sccondand Giuill affaires, as bargaining, buying a.nd ly, \eafi the whole Church be infeCted with the felling, &c. I I. "~c may n,taintainc-outward ~icontagion of their doCtrine, or the infcCtio.r\ uill peace with them: So P.tul commandeth tbc of their life: fen· <'IS lcaucn fowrcth the VYholc Romancs ato/Jau~p(ttCe withallmm as much tU lumpe, fo will cuill men defile the ·whole inthcmlay:that is fo farreas it would .Cl3nd Church. Thirdly, they :..\re burdens eo tQe with faich :.1;1d good oonfdence.lii. In this ci~ Church, ~md fhcrefore mull bee call out. For., D uill conucrfing with the wicked WC'C mull pertile Church fllOuld bee eafed of c1:cric bmfonncall dmics of outW:lrd courtdicand louc den. vmo them, fo farrc forth as it doth not diChoThi~doCtrine is the t:1uh o~God,and ought nour God, or hinder the good ofthe Church. to.beptaC\i{edofGod!Church. Whereby we And therefore Paul commandeth vs to be may fee 2 corilmon fau.It in thctn0~ congrc~- afDftandc()ll.'lftou.~,pJnving all meef:.!njfo':.lnf() all tions among vs;wherem all th::~.t Will arcadm1tmen; euen to cuill mcn,as the rcafon follo"''ing ted notoncly to the h~aring of the "''or cl, •but fhn,·crh: F6Y'IIPeQ11rfo!stuw(rein timepaft tm- :~~lfo vnto the Lords table, hand ouer head wife, difobcdimt,dcctilf~d,&c.aud then were we without reflraint, as though eueric m.an were cuill. a good and found Chriftian: \!\'hercas cxpcriSecondly, confider them as dwellers in the cnec {hcwcth, that m:my bee ignor~llt, m;~.ny Church,and memhcrs by penniffion: and fo we contemners of the Gofpcl , m:tny Subb3th may liuc \Vith them in it:forwe muft not make brcakcrs,drunk3r<\s :md bla0,hemcrs,atl which afcparo.tion from the Chorch becaufe wicked ought to be barred from the Sacr~ments:and in men arc pcrmittccl thereill. ChriH liucd among tha.trcfpcCt fcucred frO' the church as burdens. the_ l_c_" _'es_· ,_t_h~~t_b_c_ir_te_a_d_>e_rs_a_n_d_rulers a Rm.n. .•. s Tit...-Jr - ------' ------r--- ------------------------------------~--~-----'~'·c~re ____ ~