Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ -·------- ----the2.Chao, oj~h-e~ve{_ _ _____,__.~, 2fJj ~I ! ve,f.;. - r . ~-- files brought vpon thCm :~.frerthcy were ~tic~:. A I cxccl~em mcancs for ::m.yman ~r any ~.hutch td ~ ucrcd, pardy by openaftlidion :md pede~unoppo.e tl~cmfducs ?gamfi their enciTncs, and j on, p•rtly by the lpre3ding of their he<wcall t~ ~anqurlh them;for hereby they l11all !loppe I and fchiftuaticall doCtrine. T~efc falfe rc~d~1 crs ttlCir ~ou_chs, and 1f_a _be poJliblcj wmnc them I wereEbi~ Ccrinth;.M, M:!YCt!Jn, and fuch liKe, to rhe1r f.1nh and rchgJOn. . , . who in chc::iaics of lohn troubled this Church; In .tlli~'i .theirpraCliJC \VC haucar:_d::implc.fbr r Thtt&fl4 as Hiilorics doe fhc"v· our dtrcdwn; how to oppofe our !clues agatnfi j HercwccmayobiCrue ,th:ttitisGodswiii, \~icked men, with whome \\·eliue; or anyc1 rhat the belt Churches 01ould bee troubled by ncmie that fhal t~Olihlc vs,either by oppreffion,~ I wickedmen, and heretical! teachers,who both or hcretic;~.ll doCtrines:. w_eemu!t nor render by falfe doChinC, and perfccution, b:con1c tauntfo_rtaunt, an~abufc_for ab~fe; but labour I grieuous bunhcns. This the Lordpermits for for paucncc, not mb::.trmg wnhtheh·_finn~S weightic cauft"s: I. That true bcleeuersmay be (th_at_m_Jy ~ot be) but ma mceke cndunng of cxcit(:d morcconltandy to embrace the fincere rhea tnJunes and wrongswherby they troubl~ , 1,a.;, doctrine of the Gofpcl : and thorefore • IHd< vs. Thus lhall we ltoppe their mouths and ioo< mo!l: worthily exhorts the Chri!Hans in his ncft oucrcome them. time to fight for th< common faith, ll. That .g .Andfor my Ntimes fak.e ha# lahour.d, Here m:w be triedwhether they foundly ChrHl fetteth downethe fccond rnea9es wherthe docirinc ofthe Gofpcl, or not:1.Cor. by this Church oppofcth her felfe again!l the 11, 19, I ei; muu (laithPaul) thattherejhould fprcading of falfe dochme by thefe falfe Apobe•her.fuinthc Church,th4tthrywhicharefound files,.which was the fccond way whereby they I in the fiiith and approoued ma; !Jee ~o"ffne, became a bunhen vnto her. The meanmg oF I I I. That God may execute his iudgcmems the \\' this, thatthcy had taken much J vpon wicked me11 and hypocrites that hauc paincs tdmaintaine the gl?rie ofGod, a:nd the not loued his truth, reuealcd vnto them: z. true doCtrine ofChri!l: Idus, labouring thcril1 The!f, z. 1o,r r. GodgaHethemvp tojfrangeilas much asthc falfe Apoaiesdid to brootch theft lujirms ro heleelle !Ju, becat~fo thq haue not !oued damnablehercfies. his truth, For manyknowc the word thatlC?ue Here we are taught afcconddutie, howwe! it not. are to oppofe our lelues againlt all hcrcticalt 7'hevft• This mull teach vs to take heede of acornand fchifmaticall teachers : namcly,asthcy lamon fcandall in the world, which is to bee ofbour to publilh their falfe doClrine: fo nm!l we fended at religion, becaufe there bee in the C endeauourromaimainethcgloileofGodand Church fchifincs andhcrefics: whichcome not his true religion~ Hereunto arwoiOld labour from the Gofpd,but from the malice 'ofSatan, is required ; partly of the Mirliltcr; and partlywho foweth his tares among the Lord,swheat. ofthe people,The labour ofthe Mini!lcr,thnds Wecrmu!l confider ,that it is the will of God in thefethimgs principally: I.Hcrnultendea• therelhould be fuch cuills inhis Church; and uour by reading and !tudie ro futnilh himfclfe thereforelhould labourro be fofarre from ofwith the true knowledge of the foundation fence,that hereby we be rather prouoked with and fub!lance of the Oofpel and rrucreilgion; more cheerefulne!fe and loue and that bee may bee able foundly and plainely'to cmbr:tce religion. tc~ch the fame. For this caufe Saint John is' And haftpatience and[11r m; n•me haftfi•Jfecommaunded toearr the /;ttle lioo/:s, Rcuel. 10, rei, &c._ Here is frt 9pwne -the de;1l~ng of this 9.10. Which \vas .as ir were by ftudie and me- ' Chr)rch again!l thefc falfc Apo!llcs m all their ditation to haue the fame digelted and fetled'in per(ecutions. But firfl note the cbliCrcncc of his heart. Hence Ma!achsc>faith, aThe Prtcjh a~Mab·-1· this vertue with the-former: Thou hajffuffaed lip.t fhould prefer«< wifodome, a.nd rhither/hoHid trouh!~, andhajfhadpatience., fl!!tfl, Hew can thepe-opl.comeforin{lntllion, And euery Scri~s thc(c ftand together~ lt1s agamft tr' .. am, nacure D taught of God, muft baueftore in the tf'c>tt/itrie in~rrouble to be p>tieQt: for troubles and affiiof hi; heart, lt/:s a good houfholdn- , Matth, clions make rncn difeonrent, and to fret againfi '3. p. Secondly, bee mull dcliucrthc whole God and man. Anf. They t!and not by nature will and countell of Ood; concerning la1ua: but by grace; Rom. 5: 4· Tribu/t(tronbringeth ti6n, truly and dilhnCllyvntohis people ,as ii forth patience: namely to all thofc that ,hauc reis propounded in the bookes d(the Prophet~ cciued to belccue in Cbti!l ;-for to rhem God and Apotlles. This Paul cortunendCth by his giucth the fpirit of meekcncffc it1 their uouowneexample, ACts, 20. '27. tcflifying Vrito 'bles, fhe'dding his louc into their hearts,whet.. this Church tliat hc>ehadta~tght themall thiWi/t by they are enabled to fi1ffcr 3ny thing for his ofGod, and /zypt hack!nothingwh;ch hewd! com.; I name, cucn-...,·ith ioy. . . marmde-d tode!ittcrvntoth~m·. I I I. Heemulf And haft patience, This is rhe fidl mcanes labourto difcer'ne and beable to difcoucr falfC \vhcrcbythis Church oppofed her fclfe againft teachers vmo r~e peOple; that.hemaynot o!;Iy · the falfc Apotllcs:they troubled her two waies: kno;\'themhimfelfc,b~t aUo ·caufe the Chtl-ch by_rcrfccu~ion,andby f:.tllc doChinc. Nowby to take notice ofthcaT_l: Tir.1.9. Pau/requireth pau_ence ~htS <?hurt:hoppofeth her fclfe ag;infi that the c_eachcr in the Church,:Bee a6!c> toc.on~ tl~pcrlccuttons.Andmdccq that is the mofl: uince the gai"{tlJerJ to hi& trnth. In this d?(co.. Bbh_x_ __ uerie