__ . ----------- ·-- the2.Chap. ojt~e<JVvel. j zGJ / files brought vpon thCm :tfccr~hcy were ~ifc~:.. A I excellent mcanes for any'm::m or anyChurch tO I ucrcd, partly by opc:n affliction an.d pcrfe~Utloppofe rhcmfclucs againfi thch enciiiies, and ; on, pmly by the fpreading of rhm _hercttcall to vanquilh them; for hereby they Jl1all lloppe j and (chilinaticall doctrine. Thcfc fallc rc!lchers their mouths, and if it .bepoffil>lc 1 winnc then\ I were Ebian, CcrinthvA, M:!rcim, and fuch like, to their f.1ith and rcligwn. , who in the daics ofJohn troubled this Church; In rhi.<> their pr:~.Cl:ilC we h3Uc an c!impkfbr ;. TIJ~Vfl as Hifiorics doe fhcw. o~r direCtion,; how to oppofe our !Clues agafn!l j' ' Here wee may obtCrue , that it is Gods wi!I, Wicked men, with v;.,•home \;;e liue; or any crhat the bell Churches fl1ould bee troubled by llcmie that fl1al troUble vs,cirher by opprefii.6nJ ! wicked men and heretical! teachers,who both or hereticaJl doCtrines:.Wee mull: not render ! I by falfc do&rinC, znd perfc:cution, become taunrfortaunt, and abufc fOr abufc; bm labmir 1 gricuous burthcn~. This the Lord permits for for patience, not in bearing with their !inn~$ wcightic caufes: I. That true bclceuersmay be (that may not be) but in a mcckc enduring of cxcit~d moreconfiantly to embrace the fincere their iniuries and o,.nongs wherby they trouble:~ doclrine of the Gofpcl: and therefore • luJ, vs. Thus l113ll we floppc their mouths and foo: moft worthily exhorts the Chri(Hans in his ntft oucrcome them. time, to fight for tht common faith. I I. That g Andfor mJ Names fok._e hafi la6our.J. flcre profclfors may be tr!cd whether they foundly Chrifl: fetteth downethe fecond meanes wherhold the dochinc olthe Gofpcl, or not:J.Cor. by rh is Church oppoierh her felfe againfi rhe u. I 9· !tu muu (f~ithPnul)thatth.rtjhould fprcading of falfedoclrme by thefc falfe Apohe•htre(resinthc Church,that thej'whichar.found files, which wasrhe fccond wzy whereby they I in the fit;th and appYooucd ttJa} hee /z.norvne, became a bunhen vmo her. The meanin~ oF I I I I. That God may execute his iudgemcnts the \Yords.is thi:~, that they had taken ~~uch vpon wicked men and hypocrites that hauc paines td maintaine the glorieofGod, :rnd the not loucd his truth, rcucalcd vnto them: z. true doctrine ofChriA: !dOs, labouring thcrirf j, Thc!f. z. to,It. G•dKauethem vp toftrange ilas much 3sthc.f3lfe Apofiksdid tO brootch rhcit !uft~m ro he!eeue!Je.r, becaufo the] haue not loued damnable hcrdit>s. hU trnth, For many knowc the word thatlt?uc Here we are taught a fccond dutie, howwe' it nor. arc to oppofe our felues againfi all hcrcticall This mull teach vs to take hccde of 3 cornand (chifmatic:lll teachers: namcly,as they lamoo fcandall in rhe world, which is ro bee ofbour to publilh their falfe doClrine: fo mull we fended at religion, becau(e there bee in the C endeauour to maintainethe gloilc of God and Church fchifines and herelies: which come not his true religion! Hereunto a twofOld labour from the Gofpel,but from the malice ofSaran, is requited; pt<rtly of the Mirtiflcr; and partly· who foweth his tares 3mong the Lord,swlieat. ofthe people.The labourdfthc Minifier,ll3nds Wee mull confider ,that iris the will of God in thefe thiogs principally: I. Hcmullendca• there lhould be fuch cuills in his Church; and uour by reading and (ludie to furnil11 himfclfe therefore lhould labourto be fotarre from ofwith the true knowledge of the foun<fation fence,that hereby we be rather prouoked wlth and fubfiancc of the Oofpcl and true religion; more cheerefulne{fc and courageto louc and rhat hcc may bee able foundly and plainely'to cmbr:1ce religion. ceach the fame. For this c:IU(c Saint In/m i~ And haftpatimet andf~~r my Hamt haftfitjfeco;nmaunded ro '"'"the little book!, .Reucl.JO, rtd,&c.Hcreisfctd,owne thedcalingofthis 9.10. Which'c'Vas asir wcrebyfludie :and me- ' Church again£\ thefe falfc Apolllcs in all their ditatidn to h3uhhc fame digcfted and fcrltd'in pcr(ecu'tlons. But firft note the cOherence of his heart. HenCe Ma!achte[aich, aThe Prrcftt a;.Mai;-.t. this vcrtuc with the-former: Thou ha,ltfuffered lip.r fhou/d prtferut wifodome, and thither/hould troublr, andh.jf hadpntienet, f!!!ift.· How can thepeop!tcomtfor i•(/ruiJion, And eucry $crib~ thcfdhnd together?' It is againfi Iila1n nature D taught of God, mufl: haueflore in the trea[iti-z·e in~troublc to be potieQt': for troubles and aflliof hti htart, Irk! a good houjholdtrr , Matth, Clioils make men difcontcnt, and to frctagainfi 13. 52. Secondly, bee mu!t dcliuerdle whol2 God 3lld m3n. An f. They £land nor by n~turc will and counfell of God,- concerning falua- .. but by grace; Rom. 5. 4· Tribtdalion 'bringeth don, truly and diilinClly vnto his people, as it forth paticnc.: namely to all thofcrhar ,haue reis propounded in the bookes of. th~ Prophcrg !cciuedto bclecue in Cbrifi ;·for to themGod 11nd Apollles. This Paul codnnendeth by his j giueth the fpirit ofmeekcncffc in their u·ouowneexample, ACh, 10. 'z7. tcfl:ifying Vrito I bles, lh.eddinghis Ioue into their liearts,whcrthis Church tQat bee hadttmght themall tht'Will by they are enabled to fuffcr :mythin gfor his ofGod; andk..fprhack!nothingwhich hcwlftcom.- name, euen "''ith ioy. . - matmdcd toddirtervnrorhem. I I I. Hcemull And haft patience. This is thefirfl: mcancs labour to dffccrne and be able to difcouer faltC whereby this Church oppofed her (clfc agai·nfi teachers vnto. t~cpeoplc; tl;athemay not ot1ly · the falfc Apoflles:thcy troubled herrwo wai<s: kno·,• them h1mfelfc,but aUo'caufe the Chuhh by_pcrfccu~ion, and by falfe dod:rine. N 'hv by to take notice oft bet~: Tit. I .9. Pau/requi.reth patience th1s Chmchoppo[cth her fclfc :\g~infl: that rhc teacher in the Church; Bee a6!e tocM,. their p_crfccutions.And indeed that is the moft uince the gainfiqcrt to hU trr.th.' In this drfCo.. B bb- , - -- ucrie -~-------·~-------------------~~------':..-:..:.:_ ___ _; I vcof.;.