1- .----------the2.Chao. o/~h~ ~'IJe[_ ___ .-~-~ 2ij I ve>f.l· [' . • ·-- . . ~ -- 1 filesbrought vpon thCm :tfter they were ~lie~:.. A I cxccl~enc mcancs for :m_y man ~r any <?_hutch t~ ) ucrcd, partly by open affiitlion and pcdc~utl~ oppo,e tl~emfclucs ~g:nnfl: thcu encitucs, :ln<. : on, pmly by the fpreading of their herwcall t~ vanqu1lh thcm;.for hereby they lhalll\oppo 1 and fchitinatical~ doctrine. T~efc f::t.Uerc_!tcl~,:rs t•1CJr ~ou_rhs, and 1f _1t _be pot1iblc;~ wmnc them J wcrcEbi 011 Ccrmthm M.-!rCtM, and fu~..h 111\C, to theJrfaJth and religiOn. , who in rhc 'daics of John troubled this ChurchJ In _tbi_,s _their pro.C1:iiC we haUc ar: c~lmpk_fbr i Th~vfl. as Hifiorics doe (hew. our dJrc.J10n; how eo oppofe our klucs agaln!t j Here wee may obiCruc , th:lt it is Gods will, wicked men, with \.\'home \\-e liue; or -any crhat the befl Churches J'hould bee troubled by ncmic that 0Htl ttOLiblc vs,either by oppref1i6n~ I wicked men, and bereticail teaChcrs,'Nho both or hcretic~ll doCtrines:.Wee mull: not rcndn J by flllfc doChinC, ::nd perfecution, b:comc tauntfo.r taunt, an~ abufe.fOr ab~fe; hL~t bbour I grieuous burthem. This the Lord permits for for paucncc, not 10 bcanng wnh rhea linn!:S weiohric cauft>s: I. Thattruebclccuersmaybc (1hac may no[ be) but in a mccke enduring of cxci~~d morcconfhntly eo embrace the fincere their iniurics and wrongs wherby they troubl~ abd.). doChine of the Gofpcl: and th<rrcforc a IHd~ vs. Thus null WC Clopperhcirmotiths andfoo~ moll worthily exhorts the Chritlians in his nc:ffoucrcomcthem. time to fight forth< common faith. I I. That B Andfor mJNdmct [ak.;haH!a/,our<d. Iierc mav be tried whether they foundly Chnll fetteth downe the fecond meanes wherthe docirine oithe Gofpcl, or not:r .Cor. by this Church oppo!i:th her felfe again£\ the n. 19. feu muu (f~ithPaul) thatther<fhould fprcading offalfe dochme by thefc falfe Apo- ~c·h<r<(rainthc Chu>·ch,that thry-whichar<found lllcs, which was the fccond way whereby they in eh~ fitith and approoued tna} bee k.!zowne, became l bunhen vmoher. The: meaning oF! I I I. That God may execute his iudgemcms the \'\'ords. js this-, thatthcy had taken much j vpon wicked men and hypocrites that hauc paincs td maintainc the gl?rie ofGod, and the not loued his truth, rcuealcd vnto them : 2. true doctrine ofChri!l Idus, labouring theri11l Thc!f. z. to,t 1. Gtdgauethemvptojlrangeil· as much asthe falfe Apolllcsdid tO bro;teh thdt I lufi~ns to bclee11~ !yes, beca11_{e thry haue not !oued damntlbic he: refits. hU trurh, For many knowc the word thatl~uc Here we are taught afcco~d dutic, ho\~ we it not. arc to oppofe our !clues agatn.Cl all hercocaU 'Ihevfo; This ~nufheaeh vs to take heede ofa cornand fchifinaticall teachers: namc!y,asthey lamon fcandal! in th~ world, which is to bee ofbour to publilh their falfe doCtrine: fo l'lllft we fended at religion, becaufc there bee in the C endeauour to mainrainc the glotic of God and Church fchifmes and herelics: which come not his ttuc religion! Hereunto a twofOld labour from the Gofpel,but from the malice ofSatan, is required; !"'rtlyof the Mirtillcr; and partly· who foweth his tares among the Lord,swlieat. ofthe people.The labourofthe Minifler,llands Wee<mull confider, that it is the will of God in theft things principally : I. He mull endea• there lhould be fuch euills inhis Church ; and uour by reading and lludie to furnilh himfclfe thereforelhould labourto be fofarre from ofwith the true knowledge of the foundation fence,that hereby we be rather prouoked wlth and fubllance of the Oofpel and truereligion; more cheerefulncffe and coutageto loue and that hce may bee able foundly and plainely to embrace religion. tc~ch the fame. For this caufe Saint ltilm is And haftpatime<and f.,. myname haftfujfeeommaundcd to e<rrr the little book.;, ,Rcuel. ro. rtd, &c. Here is fer ~.owne the dealing of this 9· 1 o. Which 'f.' as as ir were by fludie :and me- ' Church again£\ thefe falfe Apoll!es in all their ditatidn to haufthc fame digelled and (ct!td'in perfecu'tions. But firfl note the COliCrcncc of his heart. Hence MtJ!achte faith, aThe Prtefl.r a;Mab .t. this vertue with thc·formcr: Thou ~aflfujfered lipl Jhou/d pr<fcru< wifodome, and thithn"{hould troub!r, andh.jl hadpatience., £l.!!tift. How can theptopl< comefor i•{irt~flion, And euery $cribs thefc ffand togcther~· ltis againfl w.:ah' narurc D taught of God, mufl haucftore in the t}'ea(rJ.ie in~trouble tobep:itiegt•: fortroublcs and af!liof hi, heart, l>k.; a good houjho!dn , Matth. Clions make rhcn difcomcnt, and to fret againfi I 1. 52. Secondly, hec mufi dcliucrthe whol2 God and man . An f. They £\and not by nature will and counfell of God; concerning fa1ua~ , . but by grace; Rom, 5: 4· TriGtdnJiimbringcth tlOn, truly and di!h~C\lyvntohis people, as it patience: namely to all thofe chat 1hau~ reispropounded in the bookes d(the Prophetscciued to belccuc iu Chtill ;·for to them God aud Apollles. This Paul commendhh by his j giucth the fpirit ofmeckencffc in their trou~ owneexampie, ACh, 2.0. ·27. tdHfying Vtiro bles, fhc'ddinghis lone into their liearts,wherthis Church that heehadtaught themall thitvifl byrhcyart cnabledtofutfer :myrhingfor his tJfGod, andk..tpthacf<!nothiwgwhichhewJt6"com~ name, eucn 'Nith ioy. . . mtttlndcd to deliuervnto them', I I I. Hce muH A1rd haft patience, This is the firll meanes labour to difcer'ne arid be able td difcoucr faltt \"¥hereby this Church oppofed her fclfc again{! teachers vnto t~c peOple; that"he may not o1ity · the falfc Apofllcs:thcy troubled her two waics: kno·.V themhimfelfc,b~t aUO ·Caufc the ChUrch by .rcrfccu~ion, and by f1lfe doCl:rinc. N ow by to take notice oftherf): Tit.1.9. Pau/rcqui'.rcth pat1_cncc rha ~hurchoppofeth her fclfc :tg~inft that rhc t.eaehcr in the Church,: B_ce a6fe tDc_on~ tl~p_crfccunons.And indceq that is the moft uinc~ the gain[ayert to hiJ trnth, In this dffco.. B bb- , - -- uerie