Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

An Expofition vpon \~"r. . \ "eric he.mufl doctwo things. Fitlt, detochhe j A labourro conuay that kno\\l<dge he h~th vmo I~J hcrc:tlca:l dot1nncs. Secondly, che1r wtcked h1s ne1ghbour, yea to his enemies. Tht Itwu , manners. Thus dealt our S:tuiour Chrifi in his bwould comp4Jft fl4 and land fQ mnk.! • man 4 ~s~!mh. 13· m~·nc pcrfon liuing in the Church ofthe lC\\'cs, !.rofif;re: .And ldobtersat this day ~\·il.I tr~uel l wirh the Scribes & Ph:lrifics: he (lid dctctl: vntlrre and nccre ro make a man ofthc 1 r prof·.Jllto the people their f:dfc interpretations of the on. Much more therefore mu{\ all uue Clnilav\'s JAmtiJ, 5. 11. ro the end. And al(o their tlians l~bour t~ conucy their knowledge ro 0 _ I ..,,.kkcd liucs o.ud damnable hypocrilic , LWarrh. thcrs, io to wmnc themvmo Chr-ifi. lll.Eue. l 2 3· 5· 4- &c. to the cnJc. }dHJ S. Paul in all his ry man is to cdifie thofe that be members ~fthc EpiHlcs, laborcth tn difcoucr the "''icked liucs, fame Church,in thcfe three things; faith,hopr, : .lnd to confute the heretic:~. I! opinions of the :md louc, as IHde notably c~hortcth in_thc e-pd I faHC Apofllcs. I V.Hc mull cnclcauour that the ofh!s Epiftlc, Edijie onr ttnllfherin )'OI:;· mofl ho- 1 doCtrine ofthe Gofpcll thus publilllcd, may cI; fqirh, v. 20. haHecompnjfionoffome inpuumg difit·. This i~ the end of all teaching, <JS PaHl differma, and crhtrsfl1Ht withfMre , .,.. pulii11g fllC'.\'cth, 1. Corit11h. T 4· throughout the whole them our ofrhcfire, v.12.2 3. I V. Euery p·riuate ch:tptcr. Now it doth cdific, when it is fo apman mufi profcffc and defend the trqC.r$)igion pl}~ed to the hczrcrs, th:tt thereby they are B ofChrifl againfl all the enemies thcncof; r. ·w.onnc tOChriH,Iilffcring themfelucs to be rePet. 3. 15. Btrtadit AlrPnitJ togi:uAn ~tnfwer to formed Py it in heart and lifc,and fo made fit for eurrienMn that IUkJth;ouareajon ofthe hop~ that the kingdomc ofGod. V. He mu(\: be c:ucfull U inJ9U. And this confdlion mull bee nor onin his ownc pcrfon to become a pattcrne ofche ly in wotd, but in dccde. For by 'a blamc- .d-o,Chinc ofthe Gofpcl which he ;cachcth_, that. lcffe and holy conuerfation cueric ChriHian fp the people may haue a doubje lig~tto folholderh forth the word of life, Philip. ;:..,r 5, 1~:>\"i, This is anotabl~ meanes in fhc miniflcr to 16. "' · m~k'~ 01en to louc the Gofpcll,and rhc; negleCt. Seeing~hemaintenance_of trpc r~Iigio.n is rhc~c9f<;aufcth many to comcnmeal'l.d rlefpife fo excellent a workc: we·mufl be-adrnoniJ11ed the fame. V I. Laflly, hce mull be J;liligcnt in cucry one in our place to take p~incs in all the praying for his ownc and orhcrp''hic~lar churduticfthat belong vnto vs', that byys Chrifl:s ches of God , rhat rbcy may knowe, belccue, religion may be furthercd.For Gods Chqrch is and obey the fame doCtrine which is taught notcalled the pillar·oftruth, onely becau(nhe thct!l out ofGods word. Thus did Paul as we mi!litlt;rthcreof maimajneth Gods tJ:uth: ·but may fee in his particular Epitllcspray for cucry alfo bccaufc cucrie mcmberofd1c Church is as Church:tb~t by the blcfling ofrhe fpir,it, they C a pillarin his place ro mainrain and profdfnhe migl,11 em9~aceandobey the Gofpel ofChrHl, t.ruedoCirine ofChrill for his glorie,l l\t-lides, l!hil. '·4·9,,\ o;Col,r.9,to, t 1. thisisa durie of the firfi Jab!e, anci!hc<efore J:he.Feopl~ alfo fo1 the name of Chrill and wemufl haue.morcfpeci~ll care for thcp.erforl~is religion, \lluft.vndcrgoc a threefold labour. m?ncc thercof.And thus '-'}'t fee the twome~ns ~· J;:uc..y one mufl f~e that hin,fclfe k11owe and whereby the Church pf Ephcfus oppofe.d her beleeue the true a11d (,I! cere doctrine of the fdfe againfi falfe teachers, ,: c;!ofpe\. This Chritl inioyncth to all, in this A•d h4f not f•in,_d, Here C.hrill .fctteth ~?llltpaundcmcnt , R,epent and !ulcefie, which downc in what manner this Church laboured ll8DCf ~an dovnlcflC they ti~fl: kt\ow and vndcrto maintainc his truerclig\on, and thereby his tl'ln~t,he dpchin.e rh.creof; an4 therefore euery. honourand glorie: namoly. hy conllancie and 9Ht muft doe :1~ Mar1~e did, (or ~h_ich Chr-ill fo. perfcu~_r~ncc-hllabour.Th"isis aQ exre!lriu: ~c;np!'f\Cllds h~r. : ·nan,1cly, Jay; afide matters of tuc-,:m.d 3~1 notable exarop.t( (o.t::VS toJolo,w.:fot \c[er,~omcl~t,.,and giuc o.ur (clues to hcare and we through -Gods good1\es hauc tlte true rdiI;mw the dqctrine.ofChrill, Luk•. 1 o. l9·4'· gion of <::hrifiamqng~·, ·and forinany yeares !).. : 'li·~~ryone tpult vfc :~11 good 111eanes thOI fundry among vs haue ma'iQtaine.d the ,f'lllle a- ~l)jlW(~~ge ofrdigiou which hill)fclfc hath r.egainll all enemies, tbQugh ~lot vvithotit fpme c.eiucd, bc-~oquai~d to others. And indcede, D trouble and d:tngcr.Now thi"~ which blrh been (f. we. truel¥ bc:lecuc, we~ c::nnot containc our done is nothing, vnles \\~c hold on in PUr good (elut:s., but we IH4Cl needes reach Qthers. For, courfe conHantly,and labour vn~odeath•in the ~<:h.J,".iftfaith,.J-Je qhat d.,-iJ.k!thof thewattrof tnaintcn'an'e thereof. This exhortation is the aIoh.j-J8lifr,, qrq. ?/ hUbel/iejl)4!1jlowriucrs l{wau,·oflif~, more necdfarie, bccaufe '~'CCkoowc net how Q;«,aJning out for- thc;.good of others. £2!!!11. long wdhall coioy, the gofpdl with peace; for ~o.w.·!hou~d priuat.e tnCJl conncy their knowvfually ::tfrer long pc·ace God~ trleth his by l~dg,c vnto O'thersl .An f. I. All rnafl-ers and gopetfccl!tion : neither knowe Wfe 4y what uern.our-s of families arc bound)l'\ ~onfcicnce mcancs of triall God \\'ill CXC'.rcife vs. ··Theret::> tGa~h tl~ofc, lhaZ1arc vndcr; tl~cttr the ~nain~ fore as we howprofeflC· theCofpci, fo lee vs ppiws a.nd .grounds of true rcli§ion: his pl_ac~ continue conflanr therein, and not turnc with 1 -,pnd God loo~s for cncrcafc.-For time or Hate:for then \o\'C loofc our con~met1dac;uet;y!.chrtfH:~n f<~mily .lhould be-a-li_title chnrcQ, tionat Clirifl:s hands. And thus much for the 1 1 . .., it.i> f.1i.d ofthe houft.e of..Aqui/a 1 and Prifcilla, commendation of this Church for her rcr~ : t•• Gll.r. 16. J 9· I!,. Eucry man in his place. IJ1U.fl: tucs. \ !__ , . . - _":_.1:-: