Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----------~----· .... - ·. the z.Chap. ·qfthe 'l?p;e/. r z6.p I y 4 ?\{ euerthe/effe ft fjati_e ·,'A _rcmaiuc Hill as ignorant _:ilr~ ;rophoo<as'<'u~r i ---- ~ • •"' '-.,... 1J" J · \ tlicywcrc-.llusarfiucthtl'latchcyhauenolf>uc / I omeWhat tlfltiJn~ thee-, /Jecauj"e : ,of Gdd in:''hbl IH:a,'_·.rs,.'th.~ugi,-~hc_l h. aue·alo~- . ~ • '1.. . 1-:- '. • , mall p.rofe.ffi'On-ef. h1-s fi!l.m't•Jfl ~hctr 1110mh;fhr ~ thou hafl/efl Jhyjirft/oue~ I ;whcrci:Jio'iOIIc'~t God !~);t'~f"~ mu!~ ~ecd,be ; . Jf: ! . .·. "'I~' J:·:· -mctcalcift~ai3Wlcdgc;·rt:l gracrc;~ncltti ob'~Ct .... I The-le words c8ntair\ thc·-fJectnd-part"Ofrhc ehcrc:t·i~tcia'i'nc11(C'c'how~M~tJeriCrally·W~;:ifkt-in 1 propolirion ofrhiiEp.ill!C,t"o \~·1rj!arruarpc and -~~l_c~r_C:ti'tlr1_g§f :ftul-~h~r~i:i·t'~~~1~,!:t_rne~~ftl~ / !Cucrc rcpriiofc <>f rhis Churt1i"t 1 o!'decay in fcchjf l<ftfe_:l\.1flthe Pi"!'f' ,Hey't'a~e IS fontlqr ' grace;·as will appt,:lt'cin the"Opmli"Mg•of 'tile -pl'itfa(~gi'ii'lc'~nrd;tilc~flih!· ; no te:·gard?S riN~·of i words. N.umhi:leffc I h.111~ fomeili/;at ajai'!iJ ·Go<is gldt>ic, dfthe tnainleif>ti'cc ofrrtlc TC1igiJ.I·. '"'"' Here Chri!l frcdi<!Jth as·a IuCig9 vnro this dh,_and of th,c ~:dbd :' h~i'<~i! Church;and 'to the rfli_nHlerthCreot~c'imd laieth their ownc ·ro,Hpcncc~ fhalPDcthc. y..-;rd~ffcs: this aClion VntO theit'ci\hrge; t~at the} h~d left So that gchcr31ly this rnay be fjfd)VVe ,bapc'n~ their fiffi lou'e, th'aCi is~ tllar' JOfH~ \\:hiCh they louc-at :1ll. VVhat·~n aCtic:m·t'hefl TI13Ww~thihk ~·;;n:~~~~t::.~~~.;;~~~~~·;~~~~ofi';~i;.~;';ci · ,n :~~h' ~~;,id'r:g~~·;~.v[e?kta~~~·:r,cJ~~~~IYl;:~~ ~~~ vnro the profeflioa of rhcGofpetl•.·This Jouc Ifan earthly Prince and pou!ffht<; Md':ln,¥~!1!! i they are t3tdc to haste"left:, not as tho-ugh they ~n .again£\ vs~hnd his cai(!,VCi-t! gOpd;~t'w6llfd•j! hadquite lo{l<ir, bm.bnef)r be,caufe they iitffc- ~akc vs lookc :ibOucvs·, yca 1oo."tremble· ;t!'fd I' red it to decay,&"to wixcc~3H.i in good vvorks. (]uakc, and tobe a~ ou'r witsCh& BChod',no't\r But fame w1ll fay: ilieyarc bcfore-'cOt~mended \..Joddly Prihcc, but che Krn·g Of-hcaUCtl'and I fortheir z.calc and•labol,lr for GoHs glqfit,and tarth hath _:linancr againfl Vs~· iliH and £l:?C~1 . fonD'cli' feucl'itic <~gainJt (a\fc teachers; hov! uous: oh hOw {hoilld this mooue 'vs' io h?a'fth then had they lefcrheir fidtlouc? Anj:Atthis o~'r fel 0 cs,to rric our ellare 1 :it1.8 t<l·hlf~lBiloitr·\· timC whc,n Chri~ doth thus ' rcproouc-d1cm; fcfn~s v 1 pon the knees of our ht~.l·tS'·~d(l(C 'hW1 · ; their h:>ue was commendable; but Y,Ct it was· .naict'tic. Wemay not im:~giRC··&ac [his shirg'c"~l! nothing in regard 'o~ that wijich t'hey h:id ·at dfChritl doth nor conccrnc v~:'[hC ccnd{,fiolf · their firtf conuerfion. ·' '· ofthis !;'piale lhcws iJ; belongs ¥6'all th•i'R3uC' If'C~rill h:tUe fomCthing againfithis church cares to hcarc.And thcrcfoi-ri\l\tc1lioul-d laboui for lcauingher firfi louc;then no Ooubthc bath tdprcucm Gods' iudfiemcn;s, by iudging f~Ur fomething againfl the Church ofEngland>aod fclur< for ouf d\'cay and wan·t of lou,. .. againfl vs atthis day: ho"focucr we'may per- C Agai•ic,thiir!:buke of Chrifi fol decay -of fwade our·fclues that we be hi'gh'i(l his fauour, louc:, fhould tc~Ch 'Vs ro labour for indcalC in yet '!"C are in the like, or a worfc- cflate then louc to God ~11d to our brCdl'rCQ;adding g'Y~.Cc this Church now w::&s: for a great pa~t ofthe to grace inout hcarts,:ts \\'C ad6e da;YVnYb d!if. bodicofour Church h::&th left off_ t\l"cir fidl in Our liucs, t_hat fo·our10ue nl~faOOund-:fc;il:l. louc; and the grcatdlpart hath no loue atall. 1. Theff.4.9·to. whc;rc Pfml Vrgeth~~i~~dtr~;. ' That many hatic JcfCihcirfir!l Jouils too too tie atlargc: hce confcffetH iRey diC! lou~~ne, cuidcnr. For fuch ::t~ i'ri ~ecne .A-1-arier time an other, andyet Iicfeccheth thc;m't~illcreafc were conrcnno fuffer foi the Gofpd ,· isrhc thercio.Phii.J. 'l· t'-!.inPaielsperloiHi·c?h"~uC' , hi!lorieSofour ChUrch do fhcw,aftcrthcy in- ~"''orthieprcfidcrit, which we mu(l'fOIJO\.v., i'f , ioycda little quiqpeffe bCcarnc mCere worldWC thinkc to corpc wh.ither ne iSt"'OnC bcPrirti, Hngs, as tHcit· Hues h3uc tcfHiicd after-ward. thO(tgh he hid gone: farrc.rn.tll'e lo,llC orgb-u,· And in fuch congregations whc'rc'Jthe word yet he laboured to pcrfcCbo·n ; ?nd th~refdi'C hath longbeen preached, rhis is toO·apparant, confidercd not' ~hat "''hieh Vds p::(!l, a1~ i{lfinF,! that men who fOr the ~lace of twciltif, often, in it,but rather ho"" farre ne·w:~.s tOO ffi'ort,\h~~ or feuen ycarcs, l~auc fl1cwcd fciltcn~ Ioue to D fo he might vfemc:mCs to increafe ih lduc~·:nffi ChriHan~his Golpcl, and to their Orcnhren, in all other good gta.ces, till h.c com'e to pcrfc.:. doe now tall away, nnd fhcw none at all. Hce C\idn. A Chri!lian m:ms life is a \,:ay d1at fca.- 1 that bath bur haUe an eye, may fee many for 3 deth tO heaut'n,\-vhfrcin we.9ncc"f'2tfingfo6~r.~; . ycate'or two very fo.rwird and ?.calous in rclimull cucr goc forward, and rlO.t HinCf !till OF I gion, "''ho foonc after fuffcrplc3ftJtcs,p'rofirs, turne backe, leaft ""c t1cticr co'tVc rhcrc. The! orprcfermcnts,to draw them quite away:fome llatc ofa Chri!Han is likcvnto a child, "vhich I confeiTe through the mcrcie of God'>arc free flill growcth tHl it com{ro aptl-(cC\: Hfe~grh: from this decay. But ·there :s yet a mdre grica'nd fo rnufl cuery chrld ofGod lab9urro gro\\~- uous fault atnOg vs:_fOr th·cgrcatc-tl-part'lofou:r I rn the graces of God, till they be pcrfea nich people hauc no louc it ~11. Thc!c orc1hc•daics in C:hrill: For if tl'tc'y !lau_d ·!~ill, Chrill hatn' wher~ofChrifl faid, !oucjl)(JU!dw<txe.coid(: and fo:i1cthing ~gainfi tbet-:-:, · , • '> . ' ''\" 1 whcreofP.-w/ f:~.idc, Men !hould bC loners of TheRhcmHh in their annot~tioris abufc d1iS'.., thcmfelucs: for t:\kc tl~c mofl congr.coatitHlS Jil':tcc, to proouethat a ma:n maY,;qu~rc·.'f3ll ~:"~ where the Go_fpel hath becnc long pf~:tchcd> way from grace. Thcr'cforc t'6 ·clcarc thiStbt, yet you 01all hndc that the hearers arc neither &. to conlirme our he3rts in the truth of G Ods , I b_:::~~i_~r knowlcdg, nor f<:r obediencc,but .word, this qucHion muH be fcanned,f.f?htthCr a• . Bbb - riMn I Thevfo.