Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---- the z,. Chap. if th.e 7?.!v_c/; . . . _ 1-z 7l I iverf+ nor, 10 long as he conrin~eth to bee borne of A he faid,·:~ Hucott!d wifhhimft!fe to bee[cpar<tre 1 3 Rt1m.9 J. God. This lhHi;is cut oft by the \\'Ord of tht from Chrift/tJr thci(JueofhUhrcthren the IcweJ, I' rexr, Jlleiihert.~t1;hefinne, bccaufc the fecdc of They further vrgc the Lords ani\."'·er toM ofa 1 grace, cucn the word of God~bidcrh in him. v. B· WhofbeHerbathjinnedagainfttnee, I willpm · This pizcc plainly p:.-oeti<:-th, cucn in the iudg- , hi.f ;utme olltof m; 6ooke. But as the Lord .lhct.-: mcnt ofrhc Papilh, that the child ofGod can.... in anfwcrcth to Mofes pr..aycr, fon~uH it be vn.:o I>Ot wholly or tinolly fall g<~ce. They fay derHood, with the like exception. it is an hard place, and indc:cdc theycannor:an- ~ I I. Obieff. Ezck. I 8. 24. If rhe rigbtcoHJ fwcr to i(. V 1I I. Reafon. Ifa man may finally • man turnamvayfromhU righreoujnejfo , ar.d c:om~ fall fi·orn·orJce, then m:1y he be .wholly cut off mir intquiric, allddoe according roa/lrhe ~~.bbomifrom ChrfH: tOr grace isncucrwhoUy IoH, till n~ttions that rhewick.!df!'landorh,jha!Jheliue? All aman be quite cutoff frOm Chrill. But it canhiS t·ighteoJljne./Je tbl!t hee hathdor.eJballnot bee not be, rhar amember of ChriH canbe~ quite me11ti011ed: lmt hejht~lldie inbM (zmu. Here (lay cut off: for then it fhould folio 'IN ; that one·and thcy)it is plainc,rhat atlllnmay £311 front gra~.:c, the fame man mutl beoften ioyncd to-ChriH; Anfw.Righrcoufneffc is t'NotOld :·of the outnamely, fo often as hec fallcth by finne, ifhec ward aCtion, and oftheperfon. SoPaul difhnwould be!illled. Whereupon this would alfo B guifhcth,when hcdefimhtobefoundbnotin-hu ~Piul.j.f. foliowe, that oneand the fame man muft be ofOJJII1e righteoltfoej[e, whichUofthe l11we; that is, ten baptiz~;d: for Baptifi11e is rQc:.Sacramctuof fuch as \Vas in him while he was aPhlrifi.e: but inlition, the me:mcs of admiffion into the inrherighuoufoeffi of Chrifl. Therighreoufi1cs Chur,h,and the fcalc ofourvnion with Chnfi. of thcadion is, when a man for outward aCtiBut Rcbaptization may not·be-adnlittcd; The ons ~cc.pesthe !awe of God. The riglneoufChurch of God 4cnied.1 it vpon this ground, ndfcof thep.cdOn is that, whereby a man i:s bccaufc a man is oncly once borne of God. accr.ptcd.rightcous before ·God. Arid anfiNC1X. Rea[on. Chrifl: tcacheth vs to pray thus, rabic hereunto, there be two kinds- of rightc:.. , LMde fJJ.not into temptation: that is , fuffer not ous men : one that is outw:h·dly r.lghtcous be~ Sathanand linnc wholly to vanquifhvs. This forcmen,though notindccdc :.the other, that petition beeing taught by Chrifr,muft needes is truly righteous before God.Now ofthe for... . · bee lawfulland according to Gods will : and mcrofthefetwo, mu!hhat place bee vndcrthereforc hereunto, as to cueric Iawfi1II petitiflood: for the Lord thereplcadeth with fuch as· on. belong thefc two things :Firfi, Gods cornd1d cficcmc and avow be · m:lUndtomakcit:Sccondly,hispromifetoaf .. C ous, faying, Their farhcr.s had fure vs it !hall be grauntcd. Whereby this is egrapes: that is, had finned, and they wc-rc1nmu•·l uidcnt, That there is in Gods word a promife, !hcd for their fathers offc~ces; though they a!furlng eucry child ofGod, that he!hall neucr were nghtcous: And the holy Ghofi (peaking whollybe conquered of thedeuill; andth~rcaccording: to their owne conceit and-opinion! fore hee can neucr wholly or finally fall frQm of themfclues, callcth them ri-[hteous: and of. ;for ifhe might_, then were he whoUy o. fuch it is ttue they may turne""from.their ri"ghtc...: ucrcomc in temptation. ' oufneffc. The contrariearguments be ofthree forti; III. Ohiefl. tuk.8. i~. Some 6e!eeucfor~ places of Scripture, Examples, and Reafons. fim.e andbJ timeof temptdtiongoe Jttvay. ~nfivl For the fir!t, Exod. 3>. ·3>.when the Ifraclitcs There be thr~ekinds offaith, HiHoricall,ITen;J had finned that great finne of ldolatrie, Mofu porarie, and fauing faith, In Hi!toricalf faith; prayeth God to forgiuethem; Ifnot (faith he) is knowledge ofthe word of God, with a!fcni Mot mee out of thJ hooftr•. Hence they gather, vmo it4In tCpQrary taith ar three things;know.J that a childe ofGod may bee blotted out of kdge.oftheWord,Aifcm;apdApprob~ddn Gods bookcoflife, and fo finally perifh. Anf. •lfo, with fomc ioy. ln fauingfaith , there arc Thatplace mu!t bee .vnderfiood with this con• fourc things:Knowledgc,Aifent,Approb•tion, ditlon ,!fithe poffible :as in thclike prayer it is and apprehcnfion: that i•, in applying of the exprc!fcd by Chri!t', FAth.r ,if it6upoffi6le!et D promifes of God vnto :1 mans felfc; whc11ce thu ct<pp< paffifrom mt, This condition mufi proccdcth ioy.And anfwerably,therc arc three necdcs be added: for clfewemull fay,thatMokinds ofbeleeuers ·: I. 'fuch as know the word fot prayed for that which he knew was impo!li.· ofGod, bmycthaue noloue thereof: I I. fir eh blc; namely, that one priuate man fbould fuffcr as know it, affent VA to it,and reioyce in it alfo~ ctcrnall punH'hmcnt for the ftnncs of others; for a,;:hr.e. The third arc fuch asdpprehcnd rho though in tcmporall punifhment fuch a thing promifcs, and.applythc?" to thc~~fclues. No~ may be, yet in cternall it is impo!liblc. Againc the two firfi kmds of faith mav be Jolt; •nd ihd Mofu ~n this pray/ rp ath principally !hew his two firfi kind.cs of \>clccucrs' rj>ay fall away 1 ex,·ecdmg ,ffdhbn and ><ale for Gods glory, whercofSaint Luke fpeakcth: Buthcncc it fol• and for the fafetie ofhis brethren both which Iowcth not, lo!t; for hc.prcfCrrcdbefore his own life; a; ifhc fhould hcc that is endued therewith can ncucr fall a.... f.1y, Lord pardon them, and rather then thy way. But faitli(fay rhey)is onely one, Eph-4- 5 ! · name fhould loofc gloric, blot me out of thy Ther& islmtpnefa;r!J, oneGod, one hope ,andMe· , bookc. The like :l{!cCHon wasin.Pau!, when Bapri[me• .An[.Byonefaithisthcrcmeant one B-bb rdi-