Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

M:u.11lki!. liug. WhenkiJ. llngi,aJ. Iowed. aGtn• .$1.1, Jo,u. 3 bFf2f.Jo6. JO,Jt. our heat rs, declared in our geCrur~;:;,::,':.::~::~::::his brother f and rhls tceod I f 7 bchauiour, then. we muH labour to be gncucd kindc of killing is difHngui!hed from that_· forthcfc finncs: for which endc. we mutt apply \\•hieh is vpon ctclibcr::nion, by the nalne of vnto our [clues, Gods fcarcftll iudgcmcnts 'lh.Jnjl,mght:r , an_d nlfo (a~ou:c~ by the law·N::s~ 1 MtnO:tu~li. due vmo vs fOr them.Thirdly,we mufl: carnc~- of fomc Coltmncs, bccaufc lt IS ndt done ot nr1~ 1n1.r~ ly fue vmo God for mercie and pardon, as tor fct purpofc, but through fitddtn <u1gcr I t I cr. life and death, like as poor< pti!oncrsdoc,whc the blood be cold: but Gods law rmkc~h'IJ6th . the fcntcncc of death is to be pronouncc.:d aofthem murthcr, :md adtnittct!1 J nu rtcomd. :iumL. i$· gainH them: ye:~, vvc muH cric with figh<; and pcnfe for the life oftin: mtlrthe;-~r: nay, befide it I 31. , groancs chat cannot be cxprdfcd, and giuc the.: adiudg:eth the murthercr ;:o crcrnall death ; Lord no rdl, rill be fend into our con!Cit:nces both in foulc :utd bodic. To this voluntaric the comfortable mdfagc of mercic and pardon anunhcr, we mull rcfcrrc th'ofe that giuc eOm... by his good ft'irit. This done, WC mun labour rnandemcn't j c6llnfcll, or hclpc vmo the mur'.. in om callings for the time to come, to pro.. thcrcr:for he that commandcth is U1c prirt'cipal cure and further the welfare and fafctie of our Agem, and the niurtha;r~r is his inilrumcm. brcrhren,as \.Vel as our owne: "''e mufi not fcck B Againc, it is yoluncaric murthtr to firikc.ano.. our [clues, bur the cormnon good, efch c·wing ther, though with purpofC oncly to wound, thofe things that 111ay gricue our brcthrcn;::md ifdeath follow thercon : Alld that alfo which doing thotC that may be good and comfonais cornmitted by a drunken man: for his will is blcvntothcm: that fo by ncwc obedience wee free, though fenfe and reafonbe blinded. may !hew forth tbaukefulndfcfor Gods mercy C.<[H411 kjlling , comohly called chnnce c,r,.u kHand fauour to..vards vs. medii~, is when:.. m~n killeth an other, ha~ing 1 !,ih~·(i~nc• Hitherto we haue handled the three degrees no purpofc tO doe hnrthurt.The prefumpt10ns t 1hcrcof. of munhcr, v·:hich Chrifi condemncth by this of c:tfuall killing be thcfc: Foft, ifa m~m kiJI 1 law, beyond the doCtrine of the Icwifh teach.. an other, hauing no ill ~ill or anger towards ers. Beiids thcfe, there is a fourth degree here hhn, nor td an}' other for hi.s fake; ncirh~r is condemned,which is aC!Hallkjlling, This Chriit rnooued thereto by coilctoi.di1,Cs,or any affct'H. dorh not here name, becaufc he taketh ir for on,St'condlj'.ifhe bedoing. the lawfull duties of graunted, cucn by the doctrine of the Scribes his particular calling. Thirdly , ifhce be \'c!t andPhad!ies. Now bccaufe fr is the maine fin occupied, doing iOme lawfull workc bdidchls ofthis ~ommandement 1 therefore here it is ro calling. And!ftj/11, if bee bee doina a t~rr!! be handled; which we will doe thus :firft, we C which he ordinarilyprat!ifeth, kcep~1g his v~ ~ill !hew when killing is murther, artd when fuall place and time, And albeit this kinde of It IS not, and then handle the kinds thereof. killing, ifit be mcerely c~fuall,is no finnc ,ye~ For the firfi: Kzllsng is not alwaies rnurthcr, the party committing it,in old time was boul1<\ for~ometimcamanharhpo\''ergiuen of God tocdptetd hisanfwcr, tlicrcby to purge and to ktll, and it is no finne:now God giucs a man clcare himfdfc from fulpition ofmurthcr, power tokH three waics:I. by rhc wrrttmword 1 fo to auoide thehatred&. danger ofth<l fi·1ends thus Princes and Goucrnors, and vndcr them ofthe patt!e killed; 3.nd Iaflly, to kccpe and executioners, illowed to kill malcfaCtours mainraine the hatred ofmurther arnong Gods that dcfcruc death: and thus fouldicrs arc warpeople. Now this fixe commandcmenc, is not ranted to kill their enemies in alawfUll w3r: JI. robe vndcr!tood ofcafuall, but of volunraric by an<xtrnl1rdinari< Commnndement: and fo Akilling. And this alfo mufloc obfcrued , Jhat braham might lawfully haue killed his fonne,if Chrift giueth the name of munher, to all the the • Angel of the Lord had not ftaicd his occaGonstherof, that hec might breede in our hand : I 1·1. by an cxtraordinaric in!lint! hc:trts an hatred ofthe all, as ofmunhcr it fclfe which isanfwerablcto a tj>cciall comrnandc~ ft{' h h b · h m~nt:andfo u~binmfluc Zimri and Cofbie, ,D Ve 2-3- JJ t OUt en rzng t !)' Without gurlt or murthcr. But killing is n.urgift to the .Altar, and remem~ thcr when men of their ownc wills, without warramfromGod,llayothers:andthisfinncis breji that thy brother hatb ·plamdy and dircClc!y forbidden in this comh •, fl. h mandement. . oug t agam;• t ee, Th,\;,d,of ll.Poiur. The kinds ofkilling be two;either 24· Leaue cbere be.. b,',:,'~.'~f~nta· vo!Hntari~ , or cafuall. Vo!untari~ killing is , when 3 man kil!eth Ot fU'J'Ofe and int<nr: and fore the rv1!tar,goe thy waies j :J~~~mb.u. thisfinneis fohainous,thatit c defi/etl1 th~/and J:.,fll • 1 d h 1_ h where the blood is !heddc! till it be purged by ,~r,, oereconcile tot ry vrot er; the blood ofhttn that f11edae tt. And this pwh 0 /f. I - p•fero k,itlis two-fold: cithcrwtthd:tiberntro• t en come & 0;; er t1~y gift. and fore-ddlrc ofrcucngc,as when a manhath HereChrift propounds a Rule ofconcord, carried a gru.dgc in 1 his heart long before: or by fccking reconciliation v.ith rhcm\vhom,\NC I >'f'ithout dclibera1io11 ~ when a man without all haul:' wronged: and it depends vpon the for- • former malice is fuddcnly carried by furie mer vcrfc as a confequcnt and condufion E 3 ·- drawnc .