Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----~--------~------~--------~-------- - ~ l j:-~;::~ ,.,(, '"~ '''"" wfM ,,,:::,::.:.:: t:e ~"::::,,;, R<f<0 ''"""""""'" I.:: w . and opprcffion; 2dding withall,chat 1·ejrai~ing may fee tJNre he degrees i11 rhc_ dulteJ of Gods ~~~~:\:.~r. fi"om crJteltie, a11 d doing ~V:Jtf:s!o[ m:rcie, U tht: lVorjbip; _all :l.rc not cquall, _but iomc-morc, anJ f'h;p. I J.tjf whichhce requires: whicll lcrucs to oucrfomc lcflc ncccifarc. The tirfi lr.d highdt deAdutitof Com!!\UrU- '""' throw the naturall conceit ofmen, \Vho chinkc grcc of holy "'"orfhip, is prcfcribcd in the firfi chat chc v>holc worfl11p of God, fiandeth in Commandcmcn t, as to lot~e,fcare, and to rtiOJC6 the duties of the fidt Table. This was indeed i;: G:dab(Jue a!/, and to bclccuc in him, a!lll all the.conceit and praC1ifc of the Phari!ics,\\:hcrhis promi!Cs.Thc fccond drgrce ofholy <lucies tlpot~ they c tau.~ht the pcoplc,that{f th:.r laue is to loue o11r neighh:mr a1 our {clt!eJ, to feek! ob/arfom totl1e Churcb, though th:J re/~ell~J. not p~:lCe and re:onciliati<m '1-Virh them whome we tb~ir poore parentJ, yet G~.d WM pleafid with h.ut.e wronged or ojfordtd. Thus llllll·h doth them. And thclike isthep.rachfc ofthe Church Chrilt here import, in preferring the pracri!e ofRome,\\'hoincafesofcranfgr..dfion,through hereof before the offering oflacrificc. The want of brptherly louc,..doc not appoint this third degree conflfls, in rheourwa,·d ceror..onidt I RcconciliatiOn,butAuricub.rconfctfion,& GodJwvrjbip, commanded in the firfi j nonicall fatisfaCtiori, as matters well plcafing Table; as the outward aCbons of Gods \VOrvnco Almightie God: yea, fuch is the conceit B /hip, and the outward folemnitie of the S:Jb1of our common poople,thac ifthey be prcft't at bath: for thcfc giuc place; to the \Yorkcs ofloue diuine fcnticc,ifthcy heare the word preached, and charitic commanded in the fecond Tab!e, and receiue the Sacraments at ordinaric times, and therefore ChriH faith,firft be reconciled,& then they haue done God good feruice, and l]e thenojfor rhygift. will rcfpcct them,tbough in their ciuil conucrNow by this di!tinchon ofholy duties, \\'C fat ion they be at enmit.ic ~ith their brCthrcn hauc a good direCtion for our bchauiour : th<!t or liue in fuch like tinnes. Bm we muft Jcarne, ICcing~ the 1oue of Cod and ofour brethren, that God is ferued, not ondy in the duties of arc the t\.,.to highefi- degree<> of gooci workes, ~he firH Table, but of the fccond alfo; and that therefore vrc arc aboue all things to fecke after Cod abhorres the duties of picric iu fuch perthcm,and to prcfcrre the doing of them before fons a.s make no con(ciencc of ~he praCl:ife of .rhc outward worlhip of God; for that we fee louc.:md mercie,Icrem. 7.9,10. 1'Filt'you jleale, ;ommcth in thclafr: place. But the praChfc of murther, commit ddH!terie, &c. and7et come men is otherwife; g<"nerally they are more forand fllttlti 6~Jore me~ intbil h.oufo, whaein m; ward in outward ceremonies, then in the main Amotiuc:: to tbc pl":ldlfe of1ouc: [0 God Sc:u;aH• nam<i:s call<d, and fa;, W< ar<deliucred though duties of the loue of God; and of their breweht~uc. done t.tll th~Je ahbominationJ? ~ if hcc thren; like to the Phariftes, d who paffed ouer d Luk.J 1 ,it. lhould fay,n<U<rthinf:$ it: and therefore if we C iudgemenr and the !care ofGod,and were very defire true comfort in our fcruing of God, let firiCt in tything mint and rue: but this is a prC"- vs make confcicncc to ioyne therewith the pra.. poficrous courfc, and cleanc comrade to this Ctife of mercie towards our brc::thren. precept of our Sauiour Chrill. Thirdly, here alfo wemaylearne, how to Thus muchofthisRulcingenerall. Nov\• I Cc::remoniaU behaue our felucsbcfore we come to the l .ords come to more particular ob[eruations out of . ;b;~t,i!r;;t Table, if we call to mindc, euen when we be the wo'rds: Leaueth} gift at rhe A!tar.l Here 1 till Cllrith: in the Church, that we hauc any way offended Chrift approouech of this worihip of God adeath. our brother, wee muft firft goe and rccc;:mcile mong the !ewes by offering facrifices; from our fclues vmo him, & then comC' to the Lords whence it followcth,that facrifidng at the AlTable: we muG not abfiaine vpon the remcmtar,and by proportion other ccremoniall worbrancc of our Wlonrr doing, for fo we addc fhip,was not abrogated either at Chrifis birth, ftnne vnrq finnc-,rcfufing fpiritual fodctic with or bap,tifme, for here Chrifi alloweth ofthem: God, becaufe we will rcrainc enmitie towards and therefore they ccafed ondy at his death, our brother; but fccking fpcedily-rcconciliatiwhen vpon the crocle he faid, e /t H'finiPJed, e Ioh. 11 , 30 , on,wcmufi rctume to receiuc the Lords Saera- D then f heput out the hand writing of ordinances f CoJ.)·i• ment; Whichflarly condemnes thccommon tbatw.uagainflvs. pratlife of many,who abllain<from the Lords ThJ gift; th., is, thy facrilice; whereofthe Supper,bccaufc they wil not feeke to be r~conIewes had two kindcs: Propitiatorie, and Gra... ciled to their brethren. This argues an hc:trt ful tu!ato1ie, or ofthankfgiuing: and .they are here fiufr with pride and malice, ·which preferrcs called giftJ, becaufc in facrificing thepeople it ownc lult before the will of God: for God gaue fome thingvnto God: in which rcfpecla commands that the funne goe not downe vpfacrificc diffcrcth fi·om a Sacrament, wherein on our wrath;and it is his ordinance we f11ould God giilcs fomc thin~gvnto vs, Now the facri~ rcceiuc the Sacrame!lt to lbc.. 'I!C forth Chrifis ficcs qf the law, wherein men gauc fomcthing death, when it is adminilhcd by the Church; vmo God,fignifie'd two things:firH,th:tt ChriH againfi both which hcc offcndcth that abfiaifl1ould giue himfelfc vmo his Father for our \1eth,becaufe he is at var:iance with his brother: finnr.s: fccondly, chat we flwuld wholly giue for.Chrifi,.vill not hauc the gift that is brought our (clues vnto God, both iti foulcand bodic, to be taken a"vay, but there left a while, till reto feruc him: and therefore God faith, Prov. conciliacionbc made. 23. z6. fr&fonne,giue mee thybeart: Rom, E 4 6. 13. - -- ---------------- Wh:ctthe gif[of:tf.t· crificcfi~nj. fied. I.