I •wr[I7. the_;; eh~-;;-;;tlfe ~tel.----------! j (;i __ _..........____ •.__ J ---- , ___ a:Col.uct. b t.Cor.J. l:,lJ. tofecle ourow;,c po~tcrtic, bowby l~aturc ~hr~c A . God-td be their G~d in (:hriHo For \Yaht hrff:: I. isno goodndfc in vs; but we arc vr~c!ly-~dh- - ~ qf Chri.(l c<tllctll _the Angtl! df tHis Chilr,t:l"'i ! tute ofrhc:gracc: and fauour ofGQd;t:.b1r fo \-\'C '6/ind,_t-hough othcrwifc he wtre a ''er}' k :-.rnu.! 1' mav go out ofour (dues ~ and.in regard pf QU( · man. Which mu(\ reach vs not w re H contc,nt 1 fel(u:s cut'ti dcfpaire o( Our fatuation: fOr till ~".:Lt~l eny humane lc:~rning1no not \Vith tl:c: lite~ J this poucrcic oftpirit ba V\'l:ought inV:S;-\\.:.C.I11ay. i'all knowledge of tlic G:ot}H·)I , but'' cc n~ufl ~mkc a !heWa in profcfficmjheate the ~~or.~('lnd labour ftinher eo knowc our fcluts .J aJ~d lO rccciue: theSacramcms,bm ·we fhal.n~uc-r lpue kqpt\' Ood iq,Clrfifi.,abd ~hriHotll"rctl,t·(mct i found (Tr.atc~ Pl.nd'bloffc~wcrc our dhte, i:fiwc: d\td Se-e abiC in rome go"od fort tO difct•(!)C be.: I could{Jy,alirlnb:at dcuilfifh·pride ,1vvhi'ch pf.lf• t~cd~c !bin&s t~it: differ. i;J{i_uid:.r~oll w~n: fnh vp our}lcarts ~ attdil1cc6mcpbot~~intfp.idt; lh1c Pi"ophc:t HHtrulcth the 3 2, Pf:t; Ius IMr~tir.r: then \\·c.re:~wc Jntbc. ri·g&t';w,ay to rC~du.c.the W.bat leat niQg.il;lcw_crh be rhs:-re ? A ;.j: Stuclf. Gofp.d;am.i.:.thc gf:~tes thereof: b~t,till':.\.\"e. be nothing but. the kno ... viedge of ihc pardbn of ?egge~Sib_ IDllr fc!\ues,wc ?~UCl' begmto be riCh fti.,)fiJiiH·Si And indecde th:tt is it \>\ hieh rcifo~ m .Cilflft. ,, ; .. , , •. l),O!I all.ourlearning: ~d the~:,rfoie about ail Ho.w""'" Chrift tnrd'y charge thi's Church B th.higs we mull labour for 1r•. ~ ·" with peud:do; for the Laodiceans wcfc,~ri~b , 4 ~~he t~i,td p~r,t ?~ .t1lcir n~iiCri(', is-J;iHk{417!~i 1 people;'•ndJhad gllfot•llore of wealth? A•f i Nakcdncffe istwol,old; tO tk eye or tnau, an<tl' True it is, thfl'y \vcrC1rich ip ~·calth asrhifiorid~ ; w ... G_M. 'Naked!Toffc w the c!ye·of man if bd'..; · fhew ,::m:chycc poor~ tofGad•. FO.r oH honour I dily, and tha~~~--al(o twofold,;dthcr that w~i._c~· ~ 2nd w.ca:trh.iri the world;s. notlHtig: lw.ithout , W:ls before dlctafi 10 the bo£Jlcs of our.fHA~\' the grace& fauourofGoa m ChrtG.P4~Hru•h · rents, whcr(by theirbodies being vncouereJ 1 .1 a1Pt~~re-r.ompftnt tnC-hr.ift: fonh ofJurhltherc- • 1 . ap,p>t:ai-ed veric glOrious\\ ithom fh:l.iile;or.tha_c fore wibaue noththg. To•theCpnm:htans be which is after the full , whereb)•the bodic bee• · I f:mh~ bn .AO.thmgt4Ye!JO~.r ,ami!011are Chrijh, . ing_ na~cd nnd b:trc, appca.rcs fUll offh~mc} l and Ch'riftJ• Godl. Bu\notlung 1S oursull wee , wptch IS fo excdTiue by reafon of mans finnt} hauc Chnlt, and Chnfi Vi. , • 1 ~ 'r that ifnecdfttie y.-ouldpcrmir,the who~e bodr: , o_thcr.Eucryperfon and aiLpeople ate bur poor. uclfe bCforc 9od, is when any'm:rn lies bc:fore ASit wnYv-ith thJO!Eburch, fo it is with oil bot:h f.1ce a11d hands !hould be coucred.Nahd• t and beg;ttly 1 tfthey wantChnll :ond thereGod a deformed finner. In this cafe Mofes fa>' . fore. 1f. God hauc giuen .o111y man 11chcs and chc Ifra_clires, ~ wfun thq l~t!d madl a gold11i ::t ~:-.:cJ.jS.- wealth, he muft lay tlus'good foundatwll ; vfe ' c~lf- .. for thereby they depriued themfei!Jes or . ,,. them as he!pes to further l\is faluatioa: !or by C Gods Jmoge, ~nd were guihie of rim m61! ehcm hcC:may attainch:o the meancs of faluati- , grieuous fin'ne of Idolatrie. Thi~ is a m"ifcr·i·e on, and alfo fhewc fotth the fruits;offaith. But 'of all mifcrics, and the grcatdl n:tkcdnf:s tlra( they that haue weahh ond vfe ie·other,..ifc ,' oon be; And this is 1he nakcdnes ofthis church· !hall finddtturnero their deeper condoin11atiin this place. Q_~fr. Why doth Chrifl call them on. • :• -,. \ . naked? Anf.Tome:>ouc them, and in their perThe f.Ccond pare oftheir nu{erkis Mindn~ffi.· (onsall profeffors eo haue care not to flit from Qyft. Hpw.can they bee faid to be blind; ·for God,b and tohidn h•ir /imus withAdam,buttd 1 b lob j;.jj, they had :1 fearncd teacher no doubt, ~hat both bring themfelu<:s into his prt'fence ::~ :tnd there · was aQlc and did 'teach the \-\ill nC-God; andj .lay open their hnnes, that they may obtalnt 3 • 1 tht people likewife know the.points'bf rcligi-\ Goucdng for tl~cm by Chrlll. It is the prallife otr,and btlceued tht!Oof}>d 'I..AnJ.o'l'hcy hao· of the woPid,ro hide thm /inncs from t1>Cn,lnf> knowledg indw:l,bm.yetrhey wero blind:firft . neucno care how bare and noked they bt in b~ca.ufc rhcy kneWcnocchclr 0\·;..·nc Cftaic. lf::P t-he fight of God, who yet fecrh them all a.s ! man ~ad.all skill inJaU :tnS & fcien·ceS.,andgtcat piaincly as v·.'ec the fores of omy poorc J:iztr knowledge in·thcw·~l:d: y;cc if hc-~nowc uot: ~ that fhcwcs the fame to mooue our pi'rt'ic'ro~ himfdfein femt mca{urc:hc is b:\;lt 3:blindman.1 D w~rds him; which ifwe could fee, \\'CC :fhould Secondly , bccaufe~hoy didnot kno\\'CGod in1 be afhamed noc.to leek to couer onr finnc-s be• G:hti,!l: 'fher knewe·Qo doubt, th•••hcre ''•• fore God. Wee muft therefore labour ·;n.<!or aGod,.arJ"dthat Chfilfl was a Sauiour, but the)~ ownc confcicncesro fC'e the n3kcdneffe of «'ur could notapply i<?o themfclucs ) to-bee abf'c•o fouleo b-efore God:and (eeke to be rduched& • j fay, God is my C·od~,)Chrift iS ·111Y1 Rcdccmrr," bumbled (or the fame, that fo \VC may car~cllly and the holy6holfmy fan6lifier, Thirdly, lie-1 intreat for the righteoufndTe ofChritl, to'Be :i cau(e th'cy could nOt Oifc.crnc ofrhings th<ae-di-d J couering ro cl oath our foulcs.Th1s 'A asDm11d1 I differ; as bet\.<~;•ocne.good and cUilJ, bctY.:een c-.::e pt:!Chfe, fOI \o\ihcn hcc (:Hth 1 Bl~ffra ar~ thtJ · nill and cuill,betwccnc tcmpGrhll things and c.! wbofo (irmn ttrt couerett ,Pf:tl. 32. I. hee -would tcrna11 hlcffings: Thisfpintuall:d1fcc"J.·ning, iS'31. {l:ltlC Vs to vridfrfiand.that hec v(cd to vncouer 1 gift ofdods gn<'c. ·· 1. • .d. h1s finne,., and Jay them open hcfotc Cod; tflat l they h~rd knowledge~wee may le:trnc, that ~llr ihcm. · \, In that Cbrill·f.,it\1, Ther"'"' h!ind, thoogJ, ~ ar hiS hands rn Chnll, he mtghr get acoucr for I knowledge is but tnc-t_rc: ignoranc<:- before god, I Thffc ~re thep:trricul:~r p::trts of a m:fnsmtI to thofc perfonrrhat know not themfdu~s , &,, fer1c, w~l(h euety man r~lin lahot~r to fC'C'I_e~ j· ·-- h>m·____ 1