Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

. ·' An E~pojitiQrnJpon · . . \~~~ himfclfc, ifhc would-be panakc_r of the: righ.:. A I much more: ought wee eo honour Chrifi our I ' r.coufiJcffc of'Chri!l: forthus hoth Chritl boih hcatienly Counfcllcr, whofc coonftll lcadcti1 I irr 'gcnerall ~uld inpar(icular,fc:i dowl'i"e the mi. Vnto gloric, and is Hablc :md fure fo·r:cucr? f~fiC of:this-~l~t~f(:·l·l~that he i·nighr ~rcpar'e them Loekc: how much his-cou.nfd ~xcellcch theirs, I to rcccruc the bTdlCd comfcircwluch folowcth fo nluch bughthc to bC:•honoure.d ahouc thcn1 in t_he BCXt vcrH.!. · ': all, JS'Ccondly, ' 1 ii1J :~H dift:rdfes·am1··uricuous 0J r· ~. > ,, " •. •'' : ... '!~:; ccmp:rati0ns,anddabg·arScith~ro6fou?cot,Do::.. -.·, J ·,:li,8;' J. ~otthjNl,'(hee: tg. ~ify· ~:ii~;,~eTt.~~l }~:·,~t~~~~~n~~;~t·;~c~;~~~- o_if_· ,w~e-- ri,o_-_. M , eocd by__the ·fi,'~,'e, •.;__ himf~lf•_<o·be:u:aui&lllo•;•<,ilin·~·J!lr~tre '/. hi':) · comming-~to· h~mjb¥)l~i~aduife.mighcbocoinJ {(}at $ 011 -maieft bemade 1 ich : foitcd· "ad' eafed-. ·tW.Ij,~n Moa6, ::dmmon, and arii/ .. ilih.itc ratment .that' thOU. Mu""' Seir -bandedJthcrttfducs·.againtl/udfi; l the people: were irl-grcac~:difitcffe andxiangcr ;' x ab'' · I • tb d ·h-dt'h t'·tb'· but marke what good kmg Iehofaphafilid he m.ryen e CtOtz · e ,a a ?Y betool<e -himfelfe io clre1Lo.rd his ·counfeikr . ..:fth,_ie nahe_dn~~ do·n'()f_t111'f'.C4r.e;_. B faying, Lordwe'Jzyuwn~t wh~tio4o<Jb.tour.ry~; ~ 1 r1 are'towardJ thee, 2.Chion;~ L:z.:chards <hiet"t and annoint . tl?y-t[J't-i 'With eye-: thouv"sin-thisdager;fo'oofourfclu<ls;l!o~\,;o.w' 1 h ·h ·· (l ' 1;, · :!·· Mthow!o efG!pb,;Jlhisl'xaJ!lifo~ughl,ro·bc ~tUe~- t at t ou maye ;ee. -•; I follo'N.-.l9f<allmeniHpecially, initiin•-nfany- .,.,,;•·' •',!. " . .... , dangcr;-'fuehaf0thefcld)yes-arc oy'!ccafoq ·of ; 1 •• Here bcginncth the cout~fell of Ch'rifi vn.t~~ . finnc;T.hc rcomifell.of\~i'z.'11rds, Sqra:ere-ns,~n·d ~~ r r~, this Church. Wherein, firfl he propoundCth!a' 1 Ailrologiails;ou:gbt<tiDt.t,o·bc' fou~3fwr;EuC: 1 not~hle remcdic for: her mi(cric before notc.d·. by pra)'cr,we oUgh\ to.h\!_mh}c,pu'r.MtucS, :lnd: •~ .. ".! Io•thiS rc~edy,we arc to confider three thmgsl call 01icly am:i«qntidual!y<on tl\isom il!>lytlue· n!l.,e:manllet of pre(cnbmg '1t; the ren1Cd!c It. Connfcllcr. .n-+!r:1 1 "! ·s ,flnd~> i: · fclfe ;.aod themcanes- wh<:Icby:n::Is.obrame'd.).' 1 I I. P·oi1ir: "trhc-i'clllfdt<lJt (df'e-:'v..ffi.ich h:Uh .~.';' ~tt: . .,,f:<.u: 1 th< fidt,rhts rcmcd1c ts pr&poundcd;noo •relation tdl·thc former \l;arfc~ for thcuJilec·f; ·tn~ny fharpcr ~o!lml:lundcmcrltr;.but 3 mildd' ;down thc·tnifcriCOfhis·.Churdi itf:,t1u:s;~:par[s; ¥:: - ~aft et gtotle adUI[c , I cou?tfollthu,. And hereinr ! which Were all grcar: mifcciJ?s~Anl:i hei.Chce:fo- . {;hr_iil- doth take to Oimfclfc the office:of ehe. !propo.undcth his remc;die-,'t~at it is aof-.yei<ib1e Counfdlcr of his Church. Foros God bath his G. to their .miti:ricsIn the .feucrall partsrthcreof. Church 31\d peoplc,Co hbhalh his·Counfcllm;· For firfl,here i•gold t<Ymakc•tbemcic-h)arifwe- :by whom in mcn:ie he hath rcuc:1lcd bis couii-· rabk to' thCir poucrtie!; Secondly~r4'Jth.t'nt ro fell vmo_his Church.The principal\ Counfelkr· hide thcn·nAk!dnrffi; Tllitdly;optvient to take is Chri'ft;fo he faithjn thCpcft0'2.QfWifcdom 1 away thtinh!indne.Qt. ri:ub 01 :::'11U~ 1i J!·. 1l' !] Pro\J.S:~<fr·Counfollil mine. AndJ[19 faith; .TD' Fonhefir!l; by g•ldaccording to the Aoavs a Chi!de Mborne, and heeJb~tU· cal/hU 'namt", logic of the Stripturc'\Tb3.rc tO\"Iidcrfl3nd' the Wpndcrfu/1, C0 V N SE L L'E R, rheMighti• gr-_amof Clod.<JPnit' .s-l~ufuirh, rejlrorir,co_~ God,Jhe1 ~m·lajling Father, the Pr"ince ofpeau:· thefeare. ofi..God ,.loHe of God: and the tm8/oue• ye-a; he~ is bot~ rKing:lnd CounfCller .to his ' ofmrm:'t~.,_f>tt·..1.7· FaithisJ ·compAredt~[oldm · ~hl!I~Gh. This office Chrill ch•llcugeth to him"> ' ,the trinlkrhtr<&fi,;and fo,may all·oihci gift-s of (c)~~•.fpr thrfe-caufcs: fir!\, bccaufe he aduifcth thc-fpir,ii llc'P~rcby vnd~r!lood. Scconoly; by his Ghu_r.Ch, touching thQway. w,hcreby- they gold, wee areto ~ndcl'fi:and.!Qhrijls m_eritl, yea, mu!l;efc3.pc eucrlalling: dc~nh, and.£omc toe~ Chriflhimfclfe., as the'fout'l'.t~inc ofa..Jl gr:~te. ·,. terna!Uifc. Sc~onoly, bcc,ufc-hc tcachch.theitj T.his;g:v/d•is·furtlt<:r faid:; ro·beo tr;edhj-rhe bow they m:.y pra&ife eucry bulincflC,fo as i't !fire: thatois,inOftpurc atldtpr.e(!iousgo/d,pUrgcd' may plcafe God. Thirdly, bccaufc he tcacheth D from all dxoffc;as.finc as made by'rhe m them boY{ the-y may in gricuouSt:dangers &.diofman1T.hi.S'is addCd tQ:expreffc thcpropcrtie llreffqs, ,finde a good iffue, or e!fc'bc ible wirfi ofGods gmcc.s.anl>gifts,,namdy, thafth~ arc . patiencc:to be:1rc them. Thcfc he wortf!Oic precious :vnto God the'ngotJ.;.Y~ tHtn ket\1 daily in his Church, not br cxri:roldinary goltltried hpbrfire,asP.#Imfinib, . . ' "·, '· mcanes, but. his wQrd-and fpirir.; By this ~u~r}" pcrfon is1ttutght!_h~w.t.o;bc,al;l- • Th,vft. and thcrtforc may i~ttlly chalcngc t'bt. honour; I tific himfelft'bpth iJl fouk<Uld ood!C; I: is the to-be <011lcd the Coupji/lerof the C/mrcb. · ~ common·lJhnd opnuon o£ tho "'orld, t\Jar::-~or~ Thcvfe. From this office of Ehrift, wcclea!n"e·t,,'O J.Zin·e -attire-· 3J.l.d.... rioh 1cwgl9odoe radQrJlC~thC. things·, Firfl, to doe all rhc honoor:and rcue- ' bodic; and 1 i~dce~e in (Q~"; cafes t_h,ebo'dy rcncc,wcc can vmo his M:1ic~ie; for he~ is ouc may.?c':lrle~aJld: lc,'"''c}s,_: b.ut'J profcffcd Counfcll~n · who unployc:s, hrmfdfc· ~ the nght way toadorne any.potfonm~OCde IS:,' I for th'cgood of his ci1\JrCh. Counfellcrsofthe i t_O,furnifh thcff>ulc with thef:Igr~dsohhe:ipi-1 ' .J \ Statt' ;md ofrhe tlw, 3rc highly l.l~nou!·cd ~-a 1rit,which v·nto·f?,.<:ld b~menRpnet1ous t-h~6 fine 1 I rcfpcded ofall forts ;t•ucn for thC1r.counfc11m nold. Our b§'dJes-ao4:fQulos ou~hN? bee-the. 1 ·~orld11 matters , t_hough oft:~ how .dwclling_l>laces of·the Ho(r.Gh0"1J~:\?~-'; ~---~---------_ ore 1: