Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---'----··- ·,., 1,, 8 . ! tbe ~· Cbztp.of the'R,{vel. 303 1----, . . j fore we mu{laJomc them, ;:md m:~kcthcm fit A thy gi!is ofG od n~ay br g~nri1, is by l)tlyh>g ! .tOr (o wonhy aGtldl: wbich muH be done by land b:ng:thling: fo ChriHt·:irh, I cdmrfe!l d~t the good gr:u.:c ofthe lpirit,and :lOt by Orange l to lm)' o[m_cc. vy~u:re!luo_~dl t~ thc.o_u;:\~·ord & forrai ...neattyrc, which no oood null could · flat<' ohh1s C1uc/or 1t was nch,and alio gwctJ cuc-r abide. :> , ro much tt::tffickr;:ts HiHPdo.·!) r::( tl t:r-= Sccondly, thcfc gr:lCI~S h:wc a fLii'd1cr cffc~t :ore hcc ~'cakes to thbn w th~ir O\\ ne k_l~i.I,_:~S , th~n to bcaucilic; and d1lt is, rom:tk$ricb.Hcrc If he Owuld i:~,; you Jrc·~ pctJplc c~cr(Jlcd n! I then (cc the common folly, ycl the fpirituall muc~l n:~ffick<.'", ~ind dtliph~cd v. ith nothing 1madncffe of men in this wodd; .,.,·ho lpcnd all more th('n buywg and fdl1ng: w.:-11, l ho.uc their time, wit, and (hength, to fnrnjf11 thtir wo.resthat wi!li~·ruc yom· turnc; as io/d,g,Jr·· hou(cs with rrcafurc, & t'O enrich their bodies~ mcnt!, ai1d oylcJ rhc:rcforc come .-mrl /m; ofm". :md in the mcane &im~lc;;~1 c rhci~ tOu!cs vngarThele wdrdslill!(t not b~ vnd:r~tc~d properly,: I nif11cd. what a madncflc is rh1s, that mtn for fo \.\'C can blly nothmg ot Chr:tl; bcc~urc !hould negleCt tbt true riches, and fo!Jo"" afthere is nothing thm is. good in :my, bt:: it pro.J. ter that wl1ic? is nothing elfc but counterfeit j cec.d:th fr,om.the fre~ gifi: of G od iA Chrifl~ copper? Sccltlg thcr~forc Gods graces be the 1Th1s 15 onely !pokenby ,.. ·ay ofref~.·mblancc: tb . \ rrue creo.fure \Nhich fadcth nor, let vs feckc af- B buying:tnd Idling; ..... hieh lhnds in thCfc pOints' rcr them, as \.Vifdomc counfcllcth: Pro. ·8. 1 o. which are the princip:tll things in barr;aining.' 1 1. R(ce/11( mu:e injlrnU/o'J, a;ulno.tflucr: and Firft, :lmon fees his want,and defirts tb h::uc if k..,now!tdg( r4tb:r th~a finego!de: For wi{edome fupplycd; and therefore goes to ;:ht' pl:tcc \·\h~r is better then precioJUftones. The fc.,ond part fi1ch things arc to be fold. Scco.ndly, hcc feetit of thi~ rcmedie is, a white garme"t; th~t is, the thing, 2nd he likcth it. Tbirdi.Y, he prizcth CIJrifl himftlf<, Md h'i> hghreoup,iJfc.iil:put<d. and valucth it. Fourthly, he mokcth cxchansc So p~,/ faith, 1 All that arc 6aptiz.~d into for it, by money or money \yonh. Fiftly, if it Cbrift,hmuprlt·on Cbri}!; There tn!idc be a grcac finlnne; he giucth c:un~ft. So in.the a garment, whom ·cu,c~y ot1c that bt,J~cueth ih gettingbfCh~iH1 there is a kinP of rcfc~b!5ce him, doth put on.Agai1\c the fruits ofthe Jpiric to all thcfe. F1dl:, a man mufl fcdc hitniclte to· arc~garment; and therefore we are c·ommaun- !land innecdc ofChriH and his n1crits; bccaufc dcd to bpM 011 tendermcrcic, ~indcncf{c,hum6!e... men !cc want of hrc::td, mc:ttc, nnd drinkc irr neffo of minde, mcek!nejfo, at~d /o1~~ fiiffciir-t!. their houfcs,thcrcforc dor they gee to buy the Further, ChriH tl1cwcth the ende of. this ga~- f:nnc, Now lookc how i(:nfibly any man feclcsmcn~; namely, to .coucr the.nak!tbrej{c ofour thcfc wo'rfdly wants ; fo cuidcotly lhould we fo11Ln, !eaft tl.1efi!cbimjfothercof;Whichwe6] ON1' C fcelc our wam of Chrifi, and hisnu.:rieS'. For fnnuhaue 6rought vpou. vs; doe·appc'are. The this is the firft beginning th2r· ca-dfeth vs to third,part of this rcnif4ie ii, awr..o;~ntivg with fccke to rccciuc Chrift Icfus.Secoildly, fcClin~ 9efo!tte: whcrc:J by eyefo!ue, we mu!l: vndcrour wants we fl1ould hunger and long 3fter ftand the fpirit of Illumination and i:..,nowledge Clltifr,that we mlght be made parc:~.kcrs ofhim wrought in the minde b] thchol] Ghofl, wherc61 and the Yerme ofhis merits: as aman that is. tq. men ftnoru themft'Lues artd their ejlau,: for 39 buy a thing cloth take liking thereof; wbi&h Ieyc~falue f'harpens the eyes aBd "learts rhc cloth !Hr Vp addire in him-to buy, fo mufl: we fight,,vherc it was by fomc occafi6·dimmcd,fo labour to hauc a l1l\iing of ChriH, "'vhich \vil! dothC\1riA: by the Illumination of the fpidt, moouc vs to feeke vnto him .. I.f."'~Y· ~ 5· r: rHoe; makeamc.n·kn.~vV Go' Chriil;& to difcctilc all rhry th11t rhirfl, c~meafld bu}: fo that nOne bctwecne gooc\ gnd eull,:md·betwc.endthings makes this b:ugain,but he that thirflcth.Third tcmp0rall,and bldlings eternal!. · ly, "'CmuA: priZ.e 2nd valoe Cluifi aboue nU Thus .;..,·~c h:~.uc.d~c theaning of the words·: things in thfs world, ttlcn at fo high a r:ltt'that whereby we may fec,tbathy all thcfcthree,wc we 2ccomtt all thi'ngs in regard ofhtm tobelmr can vnde.rfiand nothing els but Chrifi himfclfc Q lolfe; ye:t, e11m dro.fJC and doung, :l as Paul did. :a rhil.j.S'. and ~is 1~1errit~.Now on.c and.the fame thing in ' Foutthly, we mufl ma~c exchange. How?,..we Chnfl,·ts figmfic.d by dmcrs tcarm<?s to ilicn·e c:iri giuc Chrifl110thinftbtit his owne? .AnfiP. thar thcr~·is in ChrHlt~c fulndfe of all.graccJ Propcrly.thcrc is no cx·ch;~;oge,3nd therefore he and plent~full redempuoo;yea;fiore.~ftHpplies faith; Ifay. 55• 1 .lloe,come""'d!my wrthoHr mofotall ou~v-,oants. Thq,,baodiceam,werepooreJ N:J,for nothing. Simon Magm is heauilyt"hctc-. but Ghrifl was thcif riChes; they aie ·n:z:kcd, kC"d anli :1c'curfcd, foroffrting to bu)~ the gifts , bt~t ChriH was their.gannCt:& laftly,th~'}were 9ftheholyGhofl,ACl.8.2o.And yet there: i's:;n blnid, \hut C:hrift was their cyc-faloc. So that cxc;hangc to l:ie ,made, Wu mnft giHe hitn CHr \.V bat w:mts ioeucr be in vs, thtrc is 2 {lore of finnu, and rueiHr-his;_eflC; :mchheJc- ~1J1Piy t~ereofin Ouift.Thismuft thr more di~ fOie be is !, z·. Cor.s .2 1 .• To ber.iJn'dc Jinne Ugc~~ly.bc marked; bccaufc the Papifis make for vi, thatlJ>( fb~Hid 6ec "Mderhc·rt,ghuotifilef{e! Chn!l ~ut halfc a ~auiour, in our merit of Godl]t him,rSee 3 mofi blcif('d cx'changc; for vmo \us.::a~1d fo d1fgdcc: him in his glorious ou·r @,nnc and f,hamc, y{·c rccdue his blc!fr(l worke, \'t'her~in l\c is a moLl: abfolutt: Sauiout·, grace and right:onfnetlc. Qf_!_rj}. How is;his I and Rcdl!o~ncr. . t . e~cha[lge made f Anfw. In ,'ldif.! offaith I lll.Pomt.Thcmcancs''' hcrcb.y tticfc wor- ·~~:~~~~-:t '::~we h:~~lc our=!ff~ l____ -