/ / ·----·-------- - -- ru1n Expofition '"!Jpon -, ___ i·a:nd <'~ntCil'c our finncs, pr:tying carncHiy for [ A ; callcth vs hereunto, ltt vsn 1 akc this one b:~rrc:mi_!hqn, an~\ belecue _our rcc<;>nci~iation by gainc vvith h1:n, and that prcfem:y; which \o\C ] ChnH, then IS h_c ou.r n~htcou!ncflc•. La[lly, 1l1all teflific by doing the fiuc former d.u~ies;lct thot~gh we can g1nc noch;11~ vm~. Chnll:_, yet v~ ncucr be at rdl, till we may fay each one for . he gwcth vmo vs an c·3..rndlml th1s b::~rgawc;to hm1fclfc, 1 h:lllc bar.,aincd wirh Chri!l and ~-~~;::.~~: wit, !omc pore ion of Gods b ft,i~·ir, and fomc rccciucd his earneft. Yea, our care fl1ou(d be ii1ul~ mcaliltoofhj-;. gfacC's.:as grace to bcwaflc th;u this bargainebe made not with ~s alone: , nur lmnts,to lnunblt: our fciucs,:md to pray for but with our children. Many arc: fon:\'ord to. 1 1 the p.·ardon ~f lhcm, with purp?fc: .not to G.nnc bring vp their children in good. trad.cs~v.hcrin · agatn~, t~c!c be the carncits o! .t111s hargamc·: they may buy and fell for rhc:ir lllling, :wherein ~IH_I t1HlS IS h~:aucn hou.ght ::m.c~ f?uld bccw~cn rhry doe well, bur \Nitball they ought to be as graces) be thcr tltoer ro tmal,encn as apcll!(.\IS wnh Chn!l,and then they doe farrc better.For a li.Jffil'icnt camcfi for a b:trgainc of a hundred this is.thc ch.capdl and the chiefdt marchan- .,.ChnH. :\nd VSj the rccctu~ng ot his trl\C r~n:u'.g can-full t.o reach them to mak_c this bargaine pounds.· dize that cucr was fct to failc, which wc m::ty ;y~~vfc. / r ~ere we fee \\'C ~re c~mma:md~d tobuy B I buywithourmoney,and.yetit~·ilmakevsrich Chnfl,atH.i to make a 1>:ugame With hnu,whcr-· for eucr. Many labour 111 rnfficke and take !by we m-:ty hauc r1ghr ro him and his mcrrits. great plincs, :lndyct often looi'e thereby : but But how goes th.c'l'::~c \-\ith r.h~~'·orld? furcly make rhis bargaine once, and rhen thou lhalr many come where tillS bargame 1s offered, but ncucr loo(c it, nor any tbing thereby, but conI r f. Ifew there! be rh:ubuy. \Vc arc like toP<lffcntinuc for cucr xich in God. I ger:> on the fCa,wbo fee many goodly bildings, \: fumpruous ~itics,.and fmitfulllfl:utds,but they j make no purehare ofrhcm; th~y oncly praifc ! ·them, as they behold them, and fopaffe by; fo I w..c come and hcare the doCtrine of ( 'hriH and · ~lis merits, and.app'l:noucofth,e f;tmc:bur where I i.S'thc partie th::lt·makcrb rhis 'barg~1inc? Come ( ro p:micul::tr ppjms, as it v. ill appcarc, that j'few bargaint fqr Chrilt. Fot \\ho' fcelcs his i.OD\\·e mtfcric as hc'ought.?Vv'hoperceiucs him.. 1 :fdre1o fbnd in fueh need ofChr(H as he doth? j;'h·orldly \\'ants \lro'.Oft·cle, .:~nd :uc·afteClcd with them, but 1 in regard ofipirituall u•:inrs, we are ~f'cncCldfc:-;and ycr till'we·tru:y fccleour mifcry, ~·c·ncuer. come to make tbJS bargainc wirh ChriH: Againc; come to our dcfi;candhun~ gring after ChriH: In bodily tl1irH and hunger, '\\le: can lay; 1hmtgcr,·or lthirft':' but 1,.\•ho can fay, I hunger & thirlt after Chtifl and his righ– tcoulilciTe? Ala~, our heans arc full, '"'C fceic no \~am: nay they are dead,we fcarc none cuil; .and as for our valuing and cllccming ofChrill, we arc pla.ine Gadcremand E{awa,·weprcferrc rhe v\·orfd and the b::~fcfi things therein boforC ChriH. Andfor r\:leccX.changc;. we arc loath ro 'pait \Nith our .fumes, and to put on Chrills righrcouftlcffc.\iVhiGhpbinly fhewcs we make no C'Xchangc; and though we be willing to by :hdpes of tlnues 011 Chrifi, yet w_ho rakes ChDi!ls riohtcQurncs and dedares 1he fame bY, tho{ruits'51ereof.·l\ud lallly, for. theearhdl of rhe ft>irir) though folnc rh~re~bc1hac ham~ receiu.cd it, yet the bo.dic af our peoplc;as their confC'iencc can tell [hem, bauc.uodccciued.it: 'foo they want ~.no.wledgc, fahh ,·and other I oraces. · ' . '. ·, "'' > '> . 0 By al thefe,it is more thcii m::tnifdt,that t-his:. barg~in-c iS" not m:tdc:-And yet tq.J~ it is,th<u-fot_ .worldly :1nd bt~.!C'b:ug"3ins hc_e:.mull rife driy. f that_muft ;;,.oc b_pyond th:l'll', Dur.':'•ha~ :.aibamo 'is d11S_;tha--M"'e·n1ould be fo cxpcrt.JnVJlccartb.- JftllingS.<lnd h:mc ~1v regard of rhis. ~xcelh:~lt ! and hcaucnly~~m?.VVhcrfdre fccmg~nft v. '9· ds many as fjloue, i1 rebtik! and fhapen: be zea~ ·loru therefore, and amend. Becaufc our Sauiour Chrifl bath fo !l>arpely rebuked this Church} they might thereby rake occarl.on to dillrufl, and .ddpair~ of his tluour and mercic; here therefore it pleafct.h him, to i take aw~y all Ofca!ion of doubting, after thi3 C , fort. If I vfo to n[,uk! and chaj/en all thof~ [whome lloHe, thtn JOH RYe not to defpaire of mJ ! mtrcie, by reafonof m} (barpe reproof~, lPherr6; I hmu threarnrdtofpew you out of 7»J m6mh,for [7•ur Jinnt of luk!-w.rrnmej{t. But thm I vfo t• j dealt with all thof! whome llo11e; and thercfor~ in rhis rt'gard )Oil nttd<n~t to doubt ofmy loHe a11d lf•uol(r, · I '{he mr:aning. .At ""'"J M [/que; Chrifi loucs the creatures twow:i.ics; as I1e is Cr~~ttor, and as he is Redrmur. As he is the Creator-, he Joucs all his cre-atures,with a common and ge. I ncrallonc,whcthcr they be liuingor dcad;rca– fonablc or vnreafonablc. ·As he is Redeemer. he loucs his creatures with afpccial &;·apccufi- . ar louc;which is nor common to ::t!J,but proper D to that parr ofmankind,which is chof~n to fal~ uarion b~forc the world was.And ofthispecu– liar louc he fpcakcth her(,, 1 reh•k..<: The word in the originall which is rran{lated Rrhuk.J, is more fignific;mt then G:m fitly be cx~rdlcd. in . any one EnglHh word; thus much 1s: meant t\Jercby, as if Chrill had faid; Firfl, l wilh>n– Hinu them ofriJtirJinnes, and a(rtn r.eprooue, admonifh, and chuk! rhrmfor rlu famt. And chaj!m: This muflbevhderlloodofakindof corrc61ion' which a fa.thcr vfcth of m~:child,' callednurturing: which is corrctl:ion to break t·he child ofhis fault and bad manncrs,-and to teachhim his dutic'. This then inhe mc:ming: All thofc whom 1 bcarc fpcciall fauour vnc ro, doc~r~~~nee ofthc_i.:_ p~ticular faults, 1 1 311(. .• " -· --- -------- -~- ------~~----~~~~-