;.::!:.~ I the~· Chap.rf the~ve/, I 1and then chccke and reproo~c rhem& nurture r A mc1~t~; bo~h w~ich d~1ghr tO moouc them ro them as a Father cloth his duld: to'makc them I put 111 praC.hfc thts duue. lcaue'rhcirparticular vices, and 'to w:xlkc in o~ · Thirdly, the very order Of Chrills word!; bcdience. And to affitrc vs that this· is the cruc' dorh minificr vmo vs ncccffaric inr..t utlion, \ ~- meaning, read Prou.3, 12. whence rhc words touching his miner of l'Orre~tinghis feruant~J {lfC taken, and Hcb.t2.5. where t:hc.y are more For firfl, hec propounds a d1rcCC end of all h1s fully cxplancd. cdrrt:Ctions vpon them; to\vir,rhclr nurtunng Here then Chrift fcts doWnC·llis drdinaric and reformation; then, that hce m3y anaintl dealino with them, whom he rakcrh andchoo~ , thereto, he proceedt:ch thus:FirH,hc doth con-' fcth t:be his difciplcs :md memberS ; namely, I uincc their confciencesof their finnrs, thenby be conuinccth them oftheir flults; llc rcprooreproofcs he rebukes 01ndchecks thcm,and bft..;. ucth and ch3tlcncth them for this vC'ry c:nd, to ly, corrcClcth thcm,by l:lyi·og tha!lifcmcnrs or1 brcakc'thcmoftheir finnes, and t6bring them them, A moil excellent and bldfcd ordcr,in ,__. to reform3tion.And this dealing of Chrilt,bcfin~ correCtion for the good of the partie cha.. lonceth to euery f0ruam and mcmberufChrill , llifed, which ought to be followed of all Go• · ·wit~out exception; yea, Chrifi laierh rebukes ! B uernottrs~parems, and maficrs efpcciall}'.FirU; and challifements on all ili• children, and that ! they mull propound a good end of thcr corIn diucts me3furc, 3ccording to the nature of I rtClions, eucn the 3mendmcntand faluado11 their linnes, and the difpofttion of the patties, of the partie : and that tbeymay thenrtoceed Such as arc hardly Proken of their Gnncs.s he aright,theymufl: firH cOnuincc theit confcience bieth on them more heauy iudg'emcnrs ai1d ofthe fault, then reprooue, checkt; and adn1o.; challifements, that •hey may be brought to nilh them:and ifthat take not place, they mull deeper humiliation, and foto true repentance. procecde vnco meete and conucnient bodily And therefore euery one tl121 would'be a Difcorrection: all which mull be don<! not forrN ciple and member ofChrift,mufl IoOkc to goc uenge, but to bring them to ainendemctit, a"r1d vnd'tr his correction; and his lharpc 2nd fcuer~ to make them obedient to the will of God. reSukt; accordinga.s they•are in hc'3.r"t difpofcd Whcrby vve fe:~ how f,a m.any parent!iand go~ vm.!' finncs either ~oreor ldfc; Hee mHftpaJTe I uecnours ou~rlboot thcmiclucs, w hen 3S th~ej; v11der therDd, that wouldconuinto thebondofrht 1 make their corrcCtiom matu:rs of reucngcland e-ouenant, Ez.cch. lO.l7• ~ ~ " ! chollcr;\vherein they fddothe intend rhc ~cfor... The vfe ofthis dochineistwofold,fct down iC mation of the offender: which is a fault !lata•" Prou. · ~· "· Thefirll thus; h{f fonnc dtfpift gainll the wordof God 1. and therefoie 'to bt' notthe correflion of theL•rd, for t#e L•rd c•rconfidered ofcuery good Chrillian.. reEfethwhom hee loueth, hU chafiifrinenrr Arl. Be Ualosu thereforeand repent. In the f'ot-•. tok!ni of his lf»>e: that is; Whctifoeiter the _ mer vcrrc bee· propound~th a rctncdie againfi Lord either in the minillery ofIris word rcpro• their Spiritua/1 pride:In thefe words he dorh di• _ueth thy linnes, or by any affii&iofichafleneth re&Iy propouhd a remedie againll their 111/ir. thee, defpife it not, neither fetlight by it, but W4Ymcneffe, Budirll obferuethe coherence of make good vfethtreof vmo thine t>wne foule, thcfc word• with tbe fonner. Chrill had·faid; The-fecond vfr fs, Fain~ not when.tholllfrt tqr.;. whom floHe, lrthllk.fand cqyuCf, dCCBrding m rrfled: that is, let not th'c grcrttfielfcofit daunt theirfault u: therefore faith he to this Church, thee 1 but arme thy fclf~with patience;·becaufe. hec•ufe I hallcre6uk.;dand currefJed thee IJ; ft• hce vfe1h to eorreC\> all thofe whome hce lo-' llere thrratni;•gs,forrh; luk.;-warmentjf<,rherefort ueth,:makinghis-chafi'ifcments' 'toktns of his now hecome.z:..ea!om «ndamend. leue; : ..-. · ·· ··' Here fee the proper ende ofall rcproo(strfd Secondly, Chritl h<re f<tteth before all go- .1 co-\re&ions : namely, the reformation ana ucrildurs, an cx:lmplC t& follow ; ..cfpecially ro D arncndment of inetls faults and mifdcmeitibrs fathcr-s·and mafl:ei-'s: his'examplf:: is' thi!>; On e.. whatfocuer, that fothey may be: more careful tuti"e&htldth4t heelouerh, hu IAJelh correiJtons, of their \\'ayes, and more z.calous io good du... f'w this ende to !Jreilk! them oftheirfimtd~ So an... cits then eucr they were. \iVhcnfoeuer thcrfore {\vetabiy, Goucmours muIt IbCtV1r~kcns of· \\'e arc: reprooued by the wotc.l of God; · or love to\~ardstho(elthat arevnder'th'em,by due when the Lord !hall vifit any in body,mind,or . reprpof~~~~d con-cil\'on'' that fo they may be goods by any kind of crolfe, we mull rcmembroken ot their mifdfmeinor:,arid [:nought vn-~ her to rake occafionthcr~by' to repent and 1 a... ·toohed~cncc to Gddf I"r" whc tO-be Wi"tbcd~ mend>knowing that by all t~efe,as by fo many thatbothParcntsond Mallers would follow Sermons tlfeLordcallsvstoarncndmcr(t, ' · Gh.iif!"\ncthi~exanij>i~,and to fctk the~cformaNow ~ome ·to tl1e remedie of their Ink!- · tiorilof thole that~bc'vndcr them; but·morc lawarmenejf'e; Be z:.ealom. That we may vncfer metrtablt is the cafC"': Parents and MaHcrs doe fiand this commanrlcment 1 we are to handle th'in~ it flifficient fot them, if they pr6t1idc for fome points touching :::eale. 'Firft 1 what is thdr 1 c::hildrcn and t~niants, food; and·iaiment uttl~? :t.eale is a burning affcCHon in regardof I and nCcdfarics ror the body: andlfo odtooc~ I ChrHHan religion, and the true \Vorfbip of tber ne~lect the goo,d oftheir loules,whic~ i~ God. This z-e~le is compounded of two a!fer· the caufe ofmanyfinncs,and [QQf.rnany iudgc.;. Ctions: of louc, :sncl anger or indignation:"fo \~-· . Kkk z that -----------~--~------~~~~--~----~~~