Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

rvfn 8:ep.Ojition )pon ' , ~hJt in this comm:mclcmentarc: two duties cn- lA rP~6eout of DHr win, fl'e ,. 1 re it 1mto God:orJr·IJt· vu].19, ! ---; toyned vmo this church.Fidl,th:lt they fl1ould ·thtrwe h~ in our righf mindt, wc-trrt it vnto;oH, i louc Chrill ::md his Religion abouc .-all things. FtJrlht lo~~eDf GoJconflrllintJh 111 • So \\hnc- : Sccondly,that 1hryOlould be grieucd clpecialy foeucr this true zealc is in any ~11 cafurc, it offcl for this,that Chrit.t V\· as dill1onourcd, his worreeh violence ro rhc hean; fo as a man cannot 01ip proph::tncd, & his doCtrine not !mbraccd, but cndcauour ro doe his dutit;, fOr the louc I but infh:Jd thcrt·oft3t(~ wor01ip, and fal(e dohe bcarcth_vur~ ChriH. Elihu faid, Thegr.tce of ! d:rince·me~t~lned: \·vhcn both th~i(· concurrc, God WIU m hu htart 41 new w,fff,in ~ veffill, I then ::::.:crde ts Ill the hart. A moll notable examwhich mHft n,utkNitnt owt, lob. 31. 18. 19. plc hcrcof•NC hauc in Chril1: Pi31. 69.9. \V here Secondly' truezeale makesam:m t'OdtuOur tO i the Prophet Dauid in his pcrfon lairh, The fcrueand plcafeGod \\'irh aJ! hishc:m,powcr, ! ualetJf Gods ho:tfe hadearer. him vp. Whereand ~rength. So good king lcji~th hearing the I by thus n)uch is fignificd, thoa the heat of his worosofthcLaw read, hee turned notfiil(;kJy llouc for the maintaining of his Fathers glorie, or neligrntly, hut with All hU ht 4 rt 1 1111d had cucn confumed him: :md that hjs indign:~.- 11/l hU foult, anJ with all hi.s might, a,cqrJing I tion was fo grot,bcc:!u(e his fat[lcrs,qamc was B. to a//the law of M o[ts: fo IU lik.f him WIU nq dilhonourcd. and his wor01ip profaned; that King 6tfqr~., n~ithtr after him t~~roforhere Jn_y it d1d cucn cat him vp. This lhall fee to be lik! him. Pf:.ti. 5r. D4Hid . humbling himtrue in Chrifi, ifwe read the hifloric ofhis.Jift-,, fclt"e for \us finnes, praycs for the pardon of l lohn.z.I 7.yea be profcifcrh of himfclfc, tha( them with fuch maruellous zcale-3's no tongue itwaJm~ateanddrink.! 'VIHO him, todpe his Facanvttc:r) D~jiring God to rmumbtr him .M· I tiJtrs.will, Joh, 4· 34• That thing he cording 111 the mH!titude of hH mercies. often before h\s 0\\'t'e life Or fafctic:nay, for theacrepeating the fame thing in diucrstearmes,tha, comp.lilhmcnt thcrco~~hc was comcnt to f~;~~er in fome fOrt he might t'xprdfc. the carnefi del the pangs of hell. The like z:-ea/ in E{tM,, fire of his hean: And in giuingGod thank<;for when all Ifracll was fallen t<> Jdolarr.i,c;Mhear-t his lienefits, n~e putt<~h all t·he fircngtb ·ofhis w..u z.<alotufar the L01·dof Hojls, r. King. J?. heart thereto, crying out; MJ foHlepraif! tha11 14. : .. ·. ·•; theLord,A,J40thatUwtthin-inee, Pfal. ro·~· ·· I I. Point. The kinds ofz.cale.Zeale is either And thus )\'C fee \\hat a thing it 'istobc zcagoo.d or bad:In good ze3le arc tbcfc things r<llous; whence truezcale arifeth,.& what it worqJJircd. I. Truef3ith,as the rootc thereof; 1. keth in mans hC"art. •r; Tim_. l.S· The endeofrhe ccmmawd,emenfl is loHe 1 Seeing wee (as hath been~ fhrwcd) are out ofapure heotrt, ami ofagood cowfcience, and: C t.ainted with · this finne of Lllk.!-wtrrmtneJTe., of faith vnfained. Now, one part of_r..eale is apd coldmeffo in Religion; let vs here lcarne I Jouc,andthcrcfOrca~loucprocccds .from~ruc .'l hpwtoredrc{fc this VICe. We mufl become faith, fo.mufl truc.zcalc alfo; :10d thar which is 'tealous, hauing in our hearts a fcruent Iouc not grounded on fa,ith, is rather -rafhndfc:: 2nd . of true r~ligion, and vehement indi~nation I fierccndl"cof natprc, then trtlt :r..Mie, 11. Re. when the fame is difgraccd, and falfe.\o\orihip 1 pcntance; 2. Cor.7.1 r. There are fcuen fruits takes place. Let Religion therefore take place of rcpt;manec, whercof.z:-tf/e is one, in our hea.rts; and let vs be fcruemandj}\ewe that i~ gqod z..ea/c;.P,ucn a burnin:g loue of true that fame in our Hues h;y z.~aleU.s-! 9bcdifQCt'. R~l,igit;m, and ind1gnatiqn when falfe Away with all flacktndfe. and luk~-)'a\m_ciorclig!On,is embraced. There :t.ta!e in~ ndfc; it ~\-..ere better to be and.l'·u..rk<'.$; man that h:uh no rcp,enrance; as WfS in lehu., and tp hold no-·Religi.on; then tO ,be l~ke- ~,l<;ipg.;o.J6. Come;)VIIh me(faithhe)andfo the warmrio thet-rue profd!ion. And thus much, z:.e1/~ that Jhau~for the Lord. YC't \1ce wanted , : for zcale~.. ' ., ·j ti;. ... ·r:- ~ repentancc,forvcr(c. ,g. ~r. lt-isfai.d,Iehurc- ( ,..The f~cqndpanofthis, nmcdi~ is,~<>;.~r.- · lArdednot,t• walk! in the Law ofthe L.rd God. , pent, oramind. This they are alfo cnioyi1CQ,b<– ()fJff~t/ with allhip heart : fo~ lue departed not ~ caufc ze.ale without repentance·is tioth~og but fr.__om,theJinnes of lero/Joam, which mad~ lfrae/l ra!hnes. lehNes Zt'ale was no true·.zcal'e,bec-aulc , tojin11~: and t11crcfore he had ,not in hini'the he wantc:d,reptntance, c::uen then whefl hC"was.; trtf1!. 1 :r...eale that is here commanded. 1I 1. :r..tale. zealous.But wherefore was this Church.cnioy1 1 mu!l come ft·om k._nqw,fedge: for wiJ:hout k.._nq~ ned to rep,~nt? Namely,. for !Hkf~<atarmeneffe: !eke it is but r.afhndfc and bo.ld~hardineffe, not forthit Jhe- had commiuod any horrible fi;~has the lc\o\'esJ]ad, Rom. torz. wi;ofe~eale finne, but bc:caufe fl1cc was fi;ckein goo~Lau~ WIUWt_lhout k..,nowledgr. And r~,~cftpts P~tHI had ties.. ·~ •·. .. b.cfor~ his conuerfion , Phil.,.6.. j1z z:-eale hn Hercthcp ~vt h:1uea good ldfon for1 th~~ig.. per[<cu:e£1. Gods ChuYf~: Knowledge therefore coramfort, t~at challendgc Gods mercii: .vQto i!!, G odswordJ mufi be the guide ~nd conduthernfclu~s; b~c;-aufc they a1e DQ ootorio~tJna... dor ofo~1r z:-tale. JcfaCtors; as murthercr.s,, and adultere.r§:,they ·rrr. Point, The fi·uits be harcnoman, butdocgo<>d-vnto all; lluthcre J , co~lidcred for the better difcerning of uue they are teforme't,his theirbbJ~odnctfc 1 zealc.Firll, true zcalc con!lraincth a man ~ne- & ignorance ~ Forropfmancc mufl cTOr want I u_cry .thi_ng to frckcto olcafc God: whether ofgood·dutics,ycaforflackodfethcr<in:tbcr. __;_ - -... ·-· -,-- _....___....-- fore Tht-v[t, '.--_.;._-----------~---_,.-=--- .......--,7""-----