Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- ........ __ ,... ·~/ tbe..J,;Chap.ifthe<J<..evel. ! 367<: · fore let no man [o.oth hi m(clto in his ig;1orancc · /1 I_n 1htS def1re Chnll e~prefl.eth '" o thtngs(l _:___ l with :1 tal re pcrfwafio1~ t_h~t :~11 is )Vcl!.if he liuc I lu11,thlt this Church(1f \\C rcgaw the grtatd't ( not in groffe finnes. '1h1s ts rhc ench:::-umm;:nt pan thcrof)had no rruc tCl\o\,fllip \.\·irh Lh6fi, j· of rhc d.cuill, "'·hereby he roc~s many aflcepc- ! nor Chrill with them;for he fbad.; :~~the dr;orc: i in their tlnncs' till hcc:nric then f<oufcs to hel!. i 0-f.thcir hearts j wh!ch \.\'ere clot(:d vr ag:unn I A good n\caning wilLno.t iCruc thctornc;God ~~ him.This may tfeJ~C' lh:mgc, hu~ rhc cat<: is r.... rcquircs:z.calc in V\· ell doing. · uidCnt:fot though rhcy hnd in them tnany.g.o,>J j I · 1_ / ~ 1 things; ::~s knowJedge ofGods will, and 'clfd![ . ,! .. ;V_. ;2Q• . ;J3.etvO f1 Jjlandat ~1·ofcffcrhe Gol]>d,aud w·erc·p:makers ofthe ', the do,ore,,an.' ~,-!J,·n·oc'ke, : :1(anv I figucs and (eal<s•ofthe CollcQant ot :gm•!· .. 'f, ~ \J ') ~ ._., ycc they t:J.imed wah:t:hi! •notorious l}nne 1· i ma'l) beare 11'/)"'VO)'Ce, and oPen· I of lukJwflrmen~ifo, which do[c(i vp th~ doorc. • ,J) T. u.(j· ...., . t 1 ol 1heir hcarc :J.gainit Chr;H, and harred· [ the aoore, -t '-l~z ··corne-m vnto 1 out. · -" ·, . . b . ·~ 'd "" 'fFC{"' • 1 h'~ · ~ B 1 HcretflenwearecaiC·filltytoobfcruc-,th~c1; ;m) an wm.rtp Wlti:J. tm, anu I I man may haue in him many good things' .ant!' h. n l"'l!·~b mee ; \ ; ·· .. yel by Jiuing in OOC f11111C, be quite CU[ offr~CH-Ut ..e, -~ . '5 . ~ 't, J • I :11l rruc fcllowfilip with Chrifi.!Hda:J had niany 1 Here Chrifl to kcepe h;, Church from<it- · ·<xccllem gifts :.hce for(ooke all, and followetl fpair'e, nli11'ifle'rf v·nldtht!mthc figneSand to- j ' Chritl, h<:' preached the Gofpel, and ad~irii.... I kcns of hi)louc and (aUolJr: and beforr the I fired the S:ln::~rncrlts; and yer by couetoulnclfe .. fame>fch•downc r:hiG'dotc~~fahcmion, ·Behold, the doore of his.hcart'\\':ls quite barred :fgainfl:J ,hb-t(lbyli'l1icn,.Jing t~ n~~kc them more attcn- 1 Chrifi. SoHerodrcucrcn,ed lolm, and hear{ltilldy eo in!arke·t hc ,tbkcns of his lo~1C, that I himgladly, and did many things ac his inlh tJ... ~ plaincl~~Ccing-thc taiifCi th~y1tiight -?9~doubt Ction,Mark.G.':!o. ycr by the finne ot:mcdl ;h_i-s thereof.;,·' ••i 1 1::; .; c:Ji ~"!' ·: :r . heart \\'as fo clofcd, thar he h:~d ~o tcllowi111J.1· ' Hdeby it'cg~n~r:ll! ~'C!dre!l:l}fght; th1it=ifwc with Chrill.... And fo iris with vs; le is good- \~ould ~rmc ou~.felues ag:ai~H~defJlcratiOii I , th"at we know th~ wfll of ~od, apptoouc ~he dJfl:nilt many dtHre·fW,W:C·I.n~l(t b~.~h of~·~n and , .[bm~, ~nd. profc{fe the Golpd,anda,{o rccc'!UC' 1 ferioun.y confider rana IW.akc thc .tt'o.kcns of i thc~t~lcs ofrhe Coucnam:But yc-r for all tht.:fc I .. : • z Gods louev:nto v.s, .and :that· 'fiUfo}cdl'~ o_ur .J; j ourcJfcmay ~c fi1ch,' as V\'Ce !113"11 Oauc no rwc~·l faith:Re~tl·Pfal,>fln1'U~1)'"veife!auc"ihe'lafl, r • fellowihip Wtth Chri{\. For if we nouril11 1 1 hofCtSdb\'Vne tokens of.Gods-louc :Jn<tf:m'our' C' though but one finne, and lii1c therein, thar1 rowaras'hlm; an<i thCrfill ·the'la'n ContlU'Octli will makea reparatiOn ber:wcene ChriH and \'Sj thus; Withoutdo'!bt, "/zy1d~ritjfoan"dmircitjhal/ [ be the "finne what it will; as couerouiilc:ffc, a.. follr.Jwt.met 11/i theday.n'ilf!tny./ife, an-di'Jbtdb·edultCric ,· P,rofai~Ctlcffc, or fuch like. Hereby mltin'e4/1JJJgjehfonit;"tlfi'houfe1IJrtht" Lutd. Out t-hen~ all ~hatJdircto haue true f<;llowt1lippC': harts are.liaturally6llcd wi'thdoubdilg;"\\•hich With Chrill, arc tobe wartfrd to purge their will bcw;ay it f~lfc in any d:Clrdfe. BUf tO P:re~ liitc5 from all finne; fo as their hearts be not " UcntQrid ·cucoff :1!1 hurt tlnlt m:i.y .come t~frctainte-d with nourifhing any one fin ne-; fOr c-:: by-s let -vs rrtarkc the gO'o·d:dealing of o'\1r GOd ucri one iinnc, "'.hatfoeucr It be, ·is. a Hrorig' towards1V:c;, llhd Obfcrl!c'tile"tok'eliSofilis loOC barrc,that wil!kecpc ChriH: Ji-om comming in.. :md /mcrtiCin his ordinar\c prouidcnce ': ind 1 toVS, .; ' "" the[ewil ndtably tlrcngtlie11 vsagaiRfl'diflt•tH'I.' . 'So-~ondly, whereas he faith, I hnHe jffMd dt. 1 k"" And fi~rel)l!no)'er[on is fo full of dcfpaire, but the door<: (for lo the wordsare) 'flne he ~>ea:•/ jf hce could lookc- .b:~ckc in!o the merdes of kcth to this Chui·th,ashe vf~d to fpcakc by·hls God, from th:ebegmni~gol his dayes,and lay ol<\ Ploph<ts. A: by,Immic,' I ha"' font"'"~·· I:,X.'·'•'I· them to hHhcarc,thcy.~-ould m1mfier comfon )"ol~>~tll ny Pt•ophets)- r-ijing early eu(ry daJ, ani:/. 3 . v-nro_him it1rfgard ofhis loue and fauour 'at D [mdmgthtm.AndbyE{ay;blhaHefpr~adfJm7t>J b l fa.6J.a. th:ilt mfhnt.. ' hands all the d~JV'Ito a r-cbelliompeople, nhi.-chl 'Morc'P<!rticu!arly~;~ Chrifi minifhi-ng,com-, walk!tb i11a wd) lh.trwas notgood:euen nfurthCirf~n vnto this Churd:; doth exprcffe hisr.-:caowne ima.'{inations•• So here, I haueftood ttt- tht:l nmg bya borrowed !pceth, comparii1g cuery door-d; Th:lt is, !Ong.,cuen till niglnps the o,\ OJ d man vnto· a hpufe, hi's heart Vnto -a:·d-ool'e,- {wpptHg importe'th. . ·, : whereby entrance is madr,and hi.rr.fclf~ vnt'o a Hereby Chrifl \\'buld fi gnifi(' his gre<'lt p:nigucfl or flrarrger defiritig to come and cnrer in, cncc,inW{liting for the com:c.•J fion ofthi~ p·c:o... not fo much to finde counefie, as !O thew f:rplc of'L;wdicca:Jn iuAjcche mighr long agnne uour atrdkin(lncffc. hauc call tht m to the pit of ddlruCtion for , r. In the words of rf1is vcrfe, there bc:·t\\·o thcit f..IHH'S, 01nd yet in mercu: he w:liccrh for 1 _.,! ~:gncs of ~1i~ louc fct downc. Firfl, a hearty detheir 'comtel fi01~!; an<l"compl::l.incs thar he hat'tt hreofrhcu· conucrfion,which he carndlly feewaited lt!>flg.·Hel'e then \o\'C hauc hl(i .occafion . I ke_th : S~condly, apron:ife·of nmr~1all fellowI to ta~e-a vic·wofGods pa:::iencc~"m 'w-~dJinF- fo1~ 1 ll11p, alter then· conucrhon, The firtl in thcfe the· tonur~ 1o·nof~.Gnner.A~d rhat,_, hi<h h(\(' I \-\'ords; BehiJid, Ifland4ttludoore nm:!/(.noc~l- ~ faith. tothls Church,. hcmay asil1fllyf:1yvntO 1: J K k k 3 v~; ~