Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 36S !- - !!An 8xpojition "Ppon · '1 1 Vs i tor ht: hath !toad vnic·long at our doorcs, A and endlcHe merciC", i c_ucn ;6. ye;ttc.s atH:i_ vpward, at~d yet llill con~ fidl,kcing we hauc Chiifl knockino- :lt our ?hevfc, I ttnucth knockmg,to a~ he tn:ly 1uHiy complain doores, thcrt"ought not to be in vs fu~h.d.ul~ I ! of his long,\\ aiung. Lcr vs then here learnc to ndlC and dc3dncil'c: of hear~ in J1earino him lol0·11· the d:tyofOltr villt:uion,which is then to knocke, If a man of any account "'n.~ and I i ;~.ny ptoplc, ;vlH.'\1 ChriH n~nds at thei~ door~s knockc at the doorc of our houfc: oh V·:hat all and knvcks,~nd vmo vs thiSday i:1 prdcm:'\Nc Hirrc will \o\'CC mak~ t~ let him in Gtuickdy1 1 I ' hauctl1c minilh:ril' ofthe Golpcl;and therefore \Vhat a fl1~11nc rhen IS a, chat \\'C Jhould bee ' [ W(.; mull be pc1·fw:~ded, rh;u this is the time of dead.lwn~·d when Chrdl'Jcfu3 &eking ofhca. i our v1Gtation, and hereupon learnc th~ dutit ucn knocks at the doots"ofour hcarn? fccond. I 1 'b'hich Chritltc:l<heth th,· Iev,.es: namcly,acly, this r'llufi 2dmOnilll v's~ with all fpccd ·to , lz..nowlcdg~ the d:r; o.f oH<vifiuuion; which if "\\'e rurne vnto God by uue repentance ,-fOr we ; doe not, '""c mutt lookc for hke vengeance knO\-'\' nor how long be ·! cOtinue knoCking; j which fell vpon the lt:\o\"CS, bccaufe they rcg:nand ifwe doe nor h(arC",_and rurne-bcfOtc hce I ! !ded n-or .... hen God !Cm his 01Nt1c Sonne from W1thdraw himfdfc fi-omvs,WC' perifh ctt'rnaly. l h1s bofome to knockc at the doore of their For ifV<,C refilewhen he knocketh art-he· deorc i 1hearts. B of our hcarts,hc will refuic "'hen .._, cknock :lt I ! ...Andlz..otock$. Hcreisa fun~er fignification thcdoorcofhismcrcic,Prou.t.'l 5 ;2C.M.3t.2): \ 1of.his dctlt cofthdr conut;:lion:wheriuwcmay I 1.' 2. · . ! behold his grace and vnfpcakcable mcrcie toNote fwrther,thi\ kn'ocking is not ordinaric , wards thi:; Church, and in them towards all obut it is ioyncd withClrying:For he faith, lfb~ i I .1. t 1 rher his children. This Church hath bard out heart m; 'fi()JU, fo that hc.e both ·lmo£kes_,altti : CtoriH by their t1nnes;and yet he pUrfues them, cries.It is then theknockingofone that(Wopld . h.c k,"ocJ:s!; hcc vfeth mcancs to enter for their enrc;r: we rhcrcforc ought an(,\~ith fc. 1 g0od, and vouchfafcs them mcrcic, euen then rious rcg<\rd to recci.ue tht threatuitlgs of the 1 whC they refufc it.Thus whCA dam had finned law,and the promlfcs oforacc,and fo b.easca.r.. and fled, and hid himfclfe, did the Lord fccke ncfi in rectiuingandcmt1acinghith;u'shc.iS io ! inthq~ardcn, and make with him the coue.. knockingtocomcimovs. .' . n:mr of grace. And the1·efore it is truly faid in. The fecond token Of Chrifls Joue, is a gram.. r:s~.t. · a !fay, T lu Lord is found ~f rbem tbM neHer cious promifc offellowfhip with them,!n thcfc fou·rht him. Luk. 1 5. 4· 5. Chnft fcrcheth the words : If anJ man hear~ ~1 vo;ce, and open lo/ {hrep( rhatWJUgon~aftt'aJ. All which fhcw rhe J()vre ~I '¥'Pill CQm(i(JVntohim, a.nd_wili foppt ! and fct out vnto vs, the: vnfpcakeablc grcatnd C /Pith h,, ami hre•irhmu. Thcfcwords ha_uc · of Godsmcrcic in Chrifi vmo mifcrablcman, becnf' much abufcd, and therefore I will fiand ! \\'ho then 01cwc:s mcrcie vmo himwhen he neto fet downcthe true ':_fc and mtaning of the ' \ uer fcekcth it- This his n1eu·ic is verified in all fame.•¥-arkc, the forme of fpcech. is--fuch,as .·Churches, and ·.;nco vs; Which mufi be an ocgiucs vmo a mans wil 'aod(oulc an aCtion in his I cafion to enlarge :1nd Oin-c vp our hc:trts to conucrfton, v.-hercby· he: comes to CbriHand j blcffc the n:.1mc ofCbrif1: fur this vnfpcake<tblc recr-iues Chrifl. . i mcrcic,in vouchfafing vs faa10r when 'AC neucr This may fccme~ fir:mge, b. ut it isJor iufi ! fought it,but r~.fuiCd ir. caufe vfed by rheholy ·Ghofi, for in,.r-he cpn: I . Qf!~f!. Hov'\' dorh Chrifl knockc? uedionof.a"finner;·thcre be tbl'ee.~or~cs, the , A11fv. The words £Oing before, whereto holy (ihofi, theword,andmans wiitThe hOly *'' . thdCha~c rcfcrc_ncc,giuc hgh.tvnto_thc qudl~ Ghofi is the pritlcjpall Aget1t inlightning tll<; 1 ion..Before Chntl had rhrc~tned thts Church,· mind v.-ith truekno\vledgc,;thc.hean, I c_ucn. to [t1ew· b,t'Y o#t of hU mvuth for her.btlzeand chaHging the will.from e·u'ilhogoo.d. Tf_iC::: , warmmepr. ; and after bee cqunfds her tobuy word is the inittument of the hbly Ghofl; for · · · of himgo!d,undotherremu/;u, Now, vpoh this ,D now hec workrth not by reuelation or ij>cciall gricuo;~s threatning, the Church might dcfinflinCl;but in&by t})c;word,\''t"hen J p::tire of his mcrcic:: But Ch.rifl {0 comfort her, aman is rc~ding. hcanng, or meditating ('.ither ! rells her hcre,rhat thcCcrcproofesand rebukes, pubhkely or ptiua~ly;1fOr the word-prca_ched is !·were but knock'.ngsat the doorcs ofour heart~ the power of God to mans·om fai{h i to make ehcmopcn:For wh,enChritl knocketh to fajth. Thirdly, n1ans "{o'ill 1 though~ by n:nure I at the he:ms of ~my people, .when he vouch ... ' it be euill and dead vmo:grace, ycr-bcein~ re ... ; fafcs them meancs to fee tl-eir fins, & rhrc--atc.ns newedby the holyGho~,1n the fidl2~ of cD_- them for rhc C1mc; and witha.ll giues them c_ollucrfion mooueth and !lnucth to be n,1rned.Ir t~ ~ fGl whcrby they m:tyclc:ipe the [careful pun11b.~ not like apeen· of ,_,,axe onely paffiuc, which I mcmsthcr~by dcfrn1rd. without:my aCt ion rrceiueth imprcffion. Bur , H::re then nott rhc fhtc of any people that a~ fire. {o foon" a!i ir is·flrc doth burne; :md fo ; haue 1bc m\ni!tcricof chc Gofpcl vouehf.1fed {Oonc as it burneth it is firc:fo thc"will;though vnrothem; they haue Chtift among them;!lanby nmur~ it moouc not, y~t be.dng· renew· ,dingJt the doorc of their hcarts,:~ud knocking cd by grace- it mooucth, and fo foone_ as_ it' 1 t0 come ' in, by exhortations, admonitions, niooucth it is rC"ncwcd. J\nd hereupon 1t 1s, thrc:anillgs_, and by promift.·s ..,~ich ts a great that the holy GhoH afnibcth ·aCtion vnto a i ··- _ __1__---:=-- --·- --- -· · - - · --- finner ' __..;..