.:._ ... -~ ve>f:o~ _ -_-- _- _--_---:---'--~· ~th_e3_.c_"h_ap_ ··_tf_t_b~--~-~i_v-_~i_.--~-=--;--"-=-'--'--" " = ! 369 finncr, rhat is w be conuen~d: which argu- A i isfarrc othcn.Vi(e: men are c:hhiHfh Nabah·~[l;! crh not, chat by thCihfel,ucs men ca1: hauc a I to Ch,ttt,. who though he Comd'reif!dly, Jh; w11l to be conuened,bnt that beeing renewed, rhcy repell hm1 ;_makingn~:accou~t.bf 1~CI~:t 1 they may will their conucdion. And for .rh is r· gucct. Nay,wc are Bcrhkmn:cs,wl·adi haue..rt? cau(c is rhc Gotpd1•rcachcd in chef-.::: rcarmcs, roomc for Chrifl in the 1nnc.s of ·our.hc-~rt.'i', 1f j Rcpmt a'nd bc!eeue: not to fhcw drat man by I Chntl wil1needSlodge W~th vs, he !TlUt1: lie a~! nature can repent or bc:lc<;uc; bur that God in J mongrhc bcaHs.itl rhc filrhie f.bi:He.N~)',n1arfy:J m:uu: conucrfion, doth·giue him grace to will :fend himout ofdlcir g<l.tcs v\'~th rhc Iew<t'S,afh.i :! and ddlrc the fame. crucific him wich cheir finnc:-s'. :Bur.!et·vs :l:~rf.: I Hence then it JOIIowcs, that this text bath .don ch1sgtiruous finne, for ir i.s rhe rfght'~-A'hly J becne diucrs waies abufeCi:FJrll,bythc.P;rpllls; ~otplungc ohr.foLIIes i_nCoth?'pl_r:o'f d_~lhfftUoh 'I who hence would g:lchcr fra will of comurjion r f!.c!J[t. I.-low~ tnpH a 11)~11' open ··h~fs<:h~tt¥r-trb· ina fimur/;J narure. True it is, n manhath free ;I"ct:eiuc Chfifi? J1nf. Br d01rrg -t-wb·tf)•ngt. ·i will in his conucrfion;yet not by n:nvte,but by Fidl, hcmufr.JabOur tq fce~hi~ pt,.\·n't ·'\riJ~Q,t1l'r} ~~ .;.t " 0 .R:. grace:-, neither ca.n :tny r.1ore be garhredhence, that heC is vn\YOrthic to rcceiut\fd-bL~ffc'tl\i for hcrcit is onc:Jy Jlid, If any ""'n 'hcare awdoGucft ;ithC:nl1Cmufi·hU'm-bJ1!.RifflfelfSJ3nd~r..: , .·\;.' ·::~. Y pen when Ik.,11oc/:!. Nay, hence we may rather B knowlcdgcaha:t his vnwotrh~nt!fc:Euen as th'C · gather, that aman by nawrc cannot hcarc,nor H.uler did ~vh'tlllfe faid vnto Cl:it=i!l; Lord,!~~ ~iattbi-s.- opcn, bccauiC the counli:ll js giucn eo fuch as 1tot.worth] thou p;oHidefl Cont~VndeJ WfJ.1f'oOfo1 are poore, and blind,and nal\td by nature. This htunili:itiO is the bcginniii~af:g{~e. ~flfi_S Secondly,thcy al!o abufe this tcxt,tlmheredonc;he muj\ by<rue faith !ay hO·Jd ~n'J!llii\tlf by would proouc a jkxi6J< fm will 6ygrae< to that is,bdeoue'that Chrilh:deat~ and-palliOlPi< be in man, which is this: Sundry men thinke, for the par~on,of"his finnd,".lri$:1 1 fbNh.lrCatiiifl that afrcrthe fall of Adam, all beeing wrapt tion ofhis foule: Fot as Gllri'{\'11\v~IYfll·:firt;l~ I vp in iit1t1e,God gaue agct1erall grace,wherby hcarrs by faith; fo•by f.1i"rH, hemhll be t'ec't:'i'tie~ \ _ aman might will, a1fd receiuc that which'is into thc1r hea.fts. Hctc [drh_c \V ill 'fay; iftlfl·~ !Je 1 good:and this grace, though it difpo{e the will to rccciue Chrill,then all is<\,·eiLB"t cake hee'<l in fome part to chat which is,good; yet it takes thoU d!!cciuc not thy fclfc 'wrth· 1 a vaine im1lgi~ I not the corruption :1way, but tbpt r:emaincs nation of thine ownc brainc In Head of filth . . fiill; whercup'?u if bee will, hee th:ly rec.ciuc toOke rl}ci'cf6rc that thy f:fi.[h be trit~ 'a~d Chrill by tl1ar g::nerall grace: or ifib.c will1mt', C found: ljfit be true faith)'i't'~V.•ill worke l>f loue~ he may rcfufc Chri!l by his naturallcerruption cuen a true lbuc of Chri£\t. and hiS merr;b&S~- which yet remaincth in him. It is f;tid, this may '"hicb will ~ppearc by ktipfng: hi,:_Cori\manc bcgathcredfrom this text: Bm.tbc truth is, demems. Ioh.r4.'l3'.' ... r_:~- · . ;:··u7..:. here is no foundation for flexib!eRfr.ee will, all I wiO com~'invnrohlm) ~hli JHj> 'with biiihiiiJ that can here be gathered is, rhatitUan bath free be withml!'i.Hd·e i'rt.lie'ltllih'g ptOrlliJC'd;(b~\\ilf; ~ill in his cot~ucdion,yct not by a·gcncral,but fnutu3tl cfununioh-and-fdlOY:Oiipwith (fmffi by Gods fpectall grace. Nay, Chril\s minillory This is the principa[l token of<i:hrills Joue;lie! feruos forth is ende, that tho(e wbich before ing_indeedetlievqy grouQ):l·Ofall'frue-happy.t could not turne ofthemfclues, might bY grace ncfle, io·}7:,-~1f'ld COplforr~a;n'd~~cJ-e~·r~1tt1tlJ82 be conuerccd. Tkis -.flexible graCc;:>is againH dcd to moo~r dl'cm to ofm!V!Ifta':Ch'riR?r~"Fi.f$ Gods word; Chri!lfaith, 'EnnJrhu.that hath focictie,is;ller<; in'op.ouna~d'i'il !\\-opdft'~FWIF, heard, and hath learnedof the Fathfff,commet/, the finnet_bcfl1ig ~onuCtcea~a'keS.1 alfe~A:-l\•'firp vntomce; Hefatth not,may come i6he "''il, but Ghrill; !J.fiill'i!Wti;;n~J-iihiiY-'hiiiJ ~ aH&-fUft ~,4pcrcmptonly commeth: For mans\\ Ill c:mnot ~im. Secoi]_dJy, Chrifl: rukt.s... ~ fea{b:lll.~ 1 ddpofe and oucrrulc the v.otke ofGod;but the ~ A11dhejh..1U[up w~thme. And m thcfc [1.-\ o con· : work,of God ouct,~lcs the wdlofril~n:thougb Q ftlh ,the ftimme ..,r S•/E'('I,;,~qbg_,~ngs; man be Vnv\1 llhng, tt:t \\ hen Gbd' ca11eth c'ffc- · \Vhere ChTI!l::~~tcTtai"nftli d~CthJrc~: and the dually he cannot bm come: F~r the crc:ltu~c_, , ; thurch~g~r e fc.t~·ChtiQ. ; cannot rcteCt or rdi.H rhc w1f and calling ofhJs \ FOr rhe firfi, fomc may aske, how can a j Creator. - - poore-finncrmakc-af~atl-f-0-FGArifl?..A~. ; If anJ m~n open vnto "!~~, 1n:ilteo~~'. (Jrc. , , 4· ~6. T~e .Church or euery ~hrifli<ms fonle,1 t· The proper mrcm ofChrtfi m rh1s coJldmo~pl _; callt th C:bJifi vnto a feall inhuGard"nro eatel' l pro1~ifc, i~ to pr~l~okc them rha~ ~c dull and .. h~p/(afa~r thiJJgt. Thisf::tfl confifieth ofrhcfe .'t' hcame, to Idle~:~ d!lsgcmly to Clntlts "''ords,& thmgs. Fufl, of the f:-uttsvf nuc rcpcm:mcc. 1 I ! to r~ceiuc the doChine of fa!uation from him Pfal. $1. t 7· A brolzen ttnd comrite htarr, is a !j glac.iy. . cl~intic diih. acccp:al·!e 1.:mo God. Secondly, 1 l In th_c cxan~p!c oftl-.Js chmch w,., ~rr t:wght . ot an heart belceumg the word and pronnfcs :1 our duttc. Sccmg ChriH in the min!l1crie of hi~ . ofCod, ~Or "'' lthout fatth 1t 15 1mpofiib!c to 1 r '-\'ord ~!locks both by rhre~unitrgs, by promi~ - plcafc GOd. Hcb. 11. 6. •"ff'll7d~y,tb;pc-;;-t;nt I I fcs, :n~d good cotmfcll ~ rhcrdOrc_ \\'C mull all finncr muft ~ guu vp hrmfo!f~' mfore!e and 6odu:, 3 Ro, 1 -..u,J. ofvs ldlcnvnto the words ofChrifl , and open a ho!J am{P.cctpr~ble{tlcrifu:e-vnto God, by fer- '\ r the doorcs ofour hc-3ns, and rcccinc hitr ~nto umg GoG fjithfully,not oncly 111 the dll!!Cs of . the fame. But :tl~s _the pra(Jife o(J.he_y .. ·odd t _pJcty..!. but ?.ffo JO thcla~.thfuJJ pcrf0fnTB-ttte~of 1 ..,__ _,:le___ K kk 4 - - -:-,~•~,--~ -,