Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ \_}1o ;' An Expojition-vfon~~-. ------- _~.,, ,~,. I -- :\.- thc_auoiu! r?.fohisl·panicular c~lliog: thcic be A by their daily 6tltlcs. '. :I"IYf'fli~htfllll·•liG1C•wh~tC\\iUl Chtiflisfed.,, I v. 21. To him that ouer~ l 1 :rl,;eondf.e:JRum3He,b~ YGhn!l,attdhee ; . _ . 1 ' · fop//jil~ '"''' m<e,Chrif! COtnC>IlOt tO•q- ' I (QitJ/netb wzllgr (/U!Jt £0 (tt JPJ/U e t l +t~i.n~"-l•c;:~JwJtj',l~llt.tP:(Ilt<!rtaint; !And .rhe fcaft . ' h J i I ~·,' wh:lchhec,aked•his.o,v;otbJ>die.andb!ood: , me tn my t ron.e, ,.euen ·,aJ. 0~ 1 b Io!1.t155· .,o,. Fpr /Ju j.ejb itr mP~!~.mdadr,,nmd hit /JQdie u · . d f · £ . ~ I '.! J!h.·aii;int~<~l!c.·m;.c,v.offt•lsw . ·he~co_nth&mcats : Uer.r~me,. an ;lt ·l"P!t) 111.J , a- ,1 ;>~!l<.artt~d.,.a.t~ rhc.!t<ordanJ 6acramrnl!. At;t! I ther tn hu throne. . · ' · .;1} ,th~t be lu!t }i'~lrpJn~ .guc;.H~,ar~ rn~c p<!l)ltCOt I · · .· !r Ain11m , .whi<h•h.<,u.~hung'riog ~nct rbinl~ing ! v. 22. Lit htm that hath I fh~~~r-ts·.a(i<';- rhtf b.oo)e and WoQd, Lui<:C I · J h I h - r; · · 1 5$.•.Ans!.frow,tb1sf;afl arif~t1il:f"' blc!liugs·~ I an eare, Jeare Wpat t ejpmt ''"~··•·7 ~;'Rig.kteq~-fri!J<:, P.*' •f-oa~fcie~~-, nnd io; .,. I 'ttith l!nto the Churcha. tilsfipf;<fii?J'.ft>""- ,, · , , 1·.·.- • .• I ·}_"' Thevfo. o,cS~~~,gml>l!:frU.o\v,(hip. \~ioh,<;;brif\ is hrr.e · B' · Here is the conc!u(ion ofthis Epif!!c, and it pt~P'Jifcd !9)"'f~?[c:'Jha,t cpma>:t4:ri.~~itle him intp h:~th t'v\·o parts, A promitC, vcrC 2 J. & a Com- · ...~..:n~u; ~ir/~:ari{>1if.:>t!frhcrcby ,,.,,c;ar~· maundcmcnr. vcrf. 22. In the promf!c, note !l~c~U·d,ii\~)J~. and can~al ~lc.afurcs,and not U.\'O things. FirH; to whomc it is made, To him ~Rlld~t.~gtJtkllurn·to dnJ!JiJ!'lg -and that ottercommeth, Hereof "'''C hauc fpoken. ScCftMHl\J?i.IIPill~,r~~lfo,r hercjsa,b~ttcr feafl fct ' c~ndly, thc'thingprbmifcd; that is, fellow01ip ~qfgf.~c,t.n\l hfi!SI!!l9.n.,~3 roufl re, our heam, with Chrif\ in glotic: I willgraunt r. fir, &c. .t~tt"ildrtrtt>lU'I ~o/.~.ft:m;t-t,lallr ~Qrldly plcafures. whereby is·1not meaht cqualidc of gloric :and ~.c-¥nqy,~P:YIPii'Kfi.£npe h9VJ:freinds entertain h9uour;for due is norpoffib!e fdr~my cr'eature ~~~}ti}t·hcJ.:$fhl-l~ )'Yf:{plH(l lta.boli[tP. ~now how t.o.rccciuC?:hut aplnidpatiotr;onlyoffonic part i ~~ fOtc-rtti,:Jc~lt,r!,{l, 3n,.d.~to (c:l~ bim 1 Nith his 0f1hisr~i'O_ric-;fo.much i3S fl1~1J ~l~flicc for his pcrp;yne. grace;; <~>~J'F.In•~:lilr, '~''""vs, a_nd we fl:Cl happines.Andbccaufe tt mrght be thought .with hijnj and (o..,h~o~ t-ru~ f~lloW01ip with , no grcac ma~tcr; therefore iris illulhated bya .hiw.. ·. '• . 1,,, \ r, "v<Jr.::: 'c eompari0~{as/ o;u_r~am~, and(irwirhn:yF.t1! L:·.Ag.:!)p,c, J>y th)~ ~< moy fc<.a l\Qtahlql;ufe rhervr hw rhro-.. AStfhe Q,ou!d fay; I wdladt -~~,n_y.t,hat ~OfQ€;-t.P.the Lords rablc;forhere " uance them that oucrcomc their fpirituall enc- . ~+;(~f· !s,rc~tli~~.Q an. jrtt>rrb~ng~ of (~afiing, mics, into1he participation of my-glory, euen .9.!'.!:ti.<;!;JI'~<¥.i&r!l<f.Qhjiflian:but many there ! as my fatqbn(whcn J had ouercomr)aduanced be that will come to the ~orP~.ta.\J.le, and fca(}: me into the f~lovdhip ofhis glory.NowClmH: ~-.\1\l,,<;:)l;\fl;t~~II\'J\1 n~!fcr.fc•fl,C)nil\. againc: as he is Modi_ator,is inferiout' ro his father, and ~J}.dQ'~hW.Cr~Y£?.~~q~;a~carefu'J.f;ofc~il·him, notadu:tnccd t~ eq~:tll glorie ~~~o;fyafi:. ,\\'l}hftiJJUtlt'H ~·lh?el}C·tO fup often wnh h1s FatlH:r, though he lit wnh htm:So ~he ~~i~h,,5:;;hri~1,aJ)d f~t .lik.av!W~t~~ull Nabalr, members ofChrifi, bccing infcriot:rvn~o ht":', X¥Cpc~ t€> h.atJc qaq.ggqdP.iQJ,Qfgrp~~•. an.~ holy may. fit wi~h· him in hi's th~onc, though t~ctr q\ic·~~~~S'iJR.fGtll;>ff'i'fC h1% '!';1:1~~\!1\th;ndeed glortc be VdJequall. Thcfe tbtngs for.fubllance !~R-P'9!M·fc;t{(,l\i~p.d.aily,QtheM:~!ill feeme tG hane bCCii<:>bandlcd,Chap.i.vtr. '5. aS. ,ffiYI'i ~i,m.~o,4 fiiiW:1i'i)lC\~~~t_,,for ~h~l day. The kcnnd part of ehis concluG~n, Let him ~\19'fi99•tJl£<.Y£Gll)r~tlh1 h;!\n~;kY!fqgt]~aftcr. that harhan>eare, heare, &c. hath alfo bccnc i ~~ ~i>:~.hiJ'lg;\l,tQ,f.W,an~'iJJl~.~~l\tq ~rin~~- handled before. 1 •zr:id 010 '1 fl , I C; 2~)<CfH t; ) , ")''') ' i - !!0) •..> n:-:. J bni bu/~ .<:to~ .• • 1\'· • · ·, · · ' ' .:'i~T~~fi~tr;~f;fpe righteous~- iu_ '!treeoflife: rVlnd.hee that ; · , .wmneth_ffiules, tJ.o1Pife~ 'Prou. u. 30. ·. : o; ;-;r.~ ~.-ror{ ~:42,; '."':r,· .... ~. '",11 "• ! l s. .. r.:. .. i .,.. . \