Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-···i·-'+-···· :.. 1 -- - --···----- f-- ·· THE - -i I COMBATE 1 I BETWEENE CHRIST AND THE VettiD Jijjla.Jed: 0 R., d C0~8v!EJ(TA1{/E vpon the T tmptationsof CHRIST: Predched inCambridgehy that r~erendand iudiciom Vi"'9ine M. "'vV. P E R K 1N ~. The fccond Edition much enlargedbya more perfelt copie, ar tbercqueft ofM. PERK INs Executors, by r};Q.J'urfonPrc1.cher ofGods word. Hereuntouprefixedan Anaf;fi,.rgmeraOviernfrhu c.,,~"''' RoM. t6. 20. TheGodofPe<tce fbaUtrrad Satan vnder JDUY futtflortlj. LuK•••• 28, •9· roURttheJI•hich hailecontinuedwirh"" in"'! temptation~ : Therefore I "PP•intvnto)Oil a l;._Utgdome, tHen M m; Father bath11ppointtd1Jntome. Printed for E. Eo oAR. 16 I 3• -----~--------~-------------------------------- ----~---- ·