__ 'The Epi/lleVedicatorie. _ 1 1 - ~- cndcleffc, and rcmedilcffc~frer-naw:all death. Indeedc the nawrall m a~ dos_h not ·-~--~ _ , perccn:e the work1ng of Sathan wh1cn cloth procure his woe: it may be he hath fcenc · r the pla<ers and the pa1nters De1HUs, fi1mc blackc horned monfler.with broad eyes, ' 1 1 !crooked clawcs or c!ouen feete: and ull fome ttlCh thing appeare vnro him, hee neuer I }car?th hur: by S~than: little cloth he thinkc that ignorance in the Sctiptmcs, negleCt 1 1 I of GoJs wor!lup, profantng ~ods SJbbJths, WJt!J greedy affcCtmg the wcalrh,pompe, and p:;:af.;rcs of ilu• world aoe_giuc aduanr>ge vnw Sachan againtl hisfoule: and . rhcrcoorc wlHle the matters oftlus hfc doe anfwcr h1s de/ire, hee can /in" to himfelfe [ o t"b'-"' : this plcaflnc rrq:tiem: Joule, jot~ le, take thy rcjl. Bur o11r-voyce[rom healtt» cti~s wot to all Jfuch inhabican<s ofthe cart h bccaufe of~athan·: for they are of this world, and hee is I P ;-~0'·••· 'l' their Prmce, and thcir•IGod, who hauiug blindea their mindes, 'Workin• i>Jthdr ~n;i~::~;·· hwts, ~nd fo kccpes them lure in his poffeilion: Indeede likea feeming freir~d he fuf: !t,k.u.u. fercth a/If thi»gstobeinpeace: but woefi1ll peace, like tov1bfolom wine which hegane I :::''"·'•· toAmman , that' whenhu heart W.# mojl merrte therewi/IJ, hu kajl fi1feE1ed deadly wounde I "'<'-•·•· might light vpo>~ him. Euery one" by»alilre uthethi!de ofwrath, and fo of hiinfelfc-ful/ l t ofall miferie: but mercilc!fc Sathan feckes the incr~afe hereof; by caufing rh~ root.,of mans corrnp1ionto fp read foorrh the branqbes of all tranlgrcfftons: indeede hee is not the beginner ofeueryfinnc, for tpnch impi_ctic G<)Wcsfrom mans in!ited impnritie:yet fo line a frcind i• Sarhan to corruption in.theworkes ofdar~eneff~,that ifnature do but , G,... ,.s. flrc,tch fonh thchaud, Satan will thrufl at the dbow: Doth C•imhateAbell?then wil fa– t:m bring rf1is lmred from .rhe hear-t.ro r_lre hand,and ca~lfe' C aine ro kill Abel:Is lt#da,s ,_zoh.,,.,. 'oueronS?rhen will fatan for the h1tisf,..in~ o{!hardefirc ! IP•ke htmtraiterom:ler him find but a fjmkle,hecwill foonekindle it ,roaflatll_c: fo. th~~ wo~full isbiscommingto:Jll I natur~ll men . .. -., :. . . Em dorh rhe childe ofGodcfcape hisJJ_ands? no v~rily: Sathan i~a_profeffed deadly ~~;~~;:-!;. foe to ~11 fuch, hce is their ~4d!~trfarieand 'acm[Ur : that which 1hot1ld procure rhem I good, lie feekcst~ htndct: rPtl!.'(l)lt Oil<t may worke -tho!ll Woe, hewt!lbeftltCtO fllr– ther: if they fall into lit) ne, he fc~ke;to bping t.h<m todefpaire; and when they endea– uourtq qoe good, hec .mQo.uc> rhep1 ro be_proud : rbey are no f<?qner conuerred to d.'"-' l- 8· the Lorq, but he bathrfom,e ~'E/ym,u1tp mtne them backe to the world : and ~hough they flandagainll that a!faulr,,_yct he-will putlil~ them frill, by troubl_es wirhour, ,and terrours within: by ~aging foes,•nd flattering frcinds, fo as in regard ofSarban_aduan– .rob:,,.,. uged byth~ir ~elb and hjs_V(<)rid , they lnali-findc thisto be rnre, -•while tfoeir fltfb is ~ponthem>tllfJ gJ,flbeeforl~!Y({t.J[: p»d_whiktheirjOules bee i»them thry,fh.a/1mo11r»e: Sarban 'J g~~·:.J.:~. t~a ~1ghucrP~mce,and:~~~4ttf:&f~£rp.ent-,-ap,d tf~Jtner fu'fCC-9rfraud n~ay.worke them wo, 1 no_ chi.Jd,ofGod (1,1all efc:rpc his hanch: h,c.fpa~~dnotthc grecne tree,what then will he I dot;.to ;he dry, - , ..__ 0 - ,' • " "' . . ·r.. . But is rhere no remedie to map-for all ;h-is lvoe-rbar ~omesby Sa1han? Yes,l~leffed be our God\vho\J~~h NOJ·leftl. Y~J9r~_ puievi\to his teeth, blrt to 01ew th_eexceG~ing "'""·'·'~' riches of his gr;tS.~ and lH\le•tO the w_or\d, h·hath gir~e» h!Jo»e~begottctJfotme tqbc:,q4r, ;r:.<b.:.•<. P,~incc- and our, deliuerer: who in no fort tooke-the A»gds, hut 1ht fettle ofAhr~f;am: '·" "·'•· al)d~beearif.e thCJ. n~tre' fwta&fqpf jlefb andblood, lxehim(elfo tookeap.rt with tbtm, th•t he I ' m,ightdcflroythrou~/; deathhi!p-tf!Jit/wl.thepower ofdeath, that is, the Demil. For the-_cm- ~ dense and applic!riqn of w~Lqh d.elipera.k<>, hec hath orgained in his Church an ho– k ' "-• 6 -•S. ly l\1ini!ierie, w~,ercby ll•Wr.aJ],men are.b,ron~ht'fromd.rke?Uffivn,olight,amifr•»_Jth~ J JEpb.;.•spowtr ofSatha»tfo&tmfelft ;.and: i)rs ~O:wpe ,<!h_1ldren doe 1 growevp m_to chrijl thetr head, , ~·:~:-;··, and beedj(i.-dm,in.thfi~m•fT/;~lJfoi_th;rhrough nwhick•theyare ktpt bythep•w~r o(God'iJ»- ~ . · ·•· · toJ•IIIatio(i. Yet ")'C mufl [q<Gfli)C~_iue.ofrhjs deliueran_ce, rhat as lfrael bee~ngbro!tghr <>ut ofEgypt, was not pr,cfcmly,' ferle.d iq thcJand of Canaan, bur f~r the fpace ofj . fourrie yc•res was exe-tCifed.wnli limdry tJ:IT!prauons 111 a barren and drte Wilqern~ffc, ; •""m.u '·I whe1,cthey!~~ WithojitrteSerpe»ts, a1id were encountered with many_and llrong e- : I ncm1cs, who fought te clcbane rhem,from the promlfed land : fo the chtldren of God, l ' though redceme,c_! P,y Cltti!t,are nor prefenrly rranila cd from the bondageof conup· l / / tion, ro rhe full Il!hcurancc ofperfeCt g.!Qrie 111 _rh~. hcauens; but mufl p~ffe rhrot\gh 1 / tll!S.vale of rcarcs, and in the vulderneffc ,ofti11S world meetc With tnat_crooked Ser· J ! pe_nt the Deurll, who will feekc to flmgrheirfoules to death, and alfo flme vp many \ :,_.--.--·L____ - . . 4~~