-----·---- ------ - --·- -------- -~----------...i..--...-------~-- : I rrhe Epifl/e 'Declii:dtorie. ;--- anr.Arndtc to entrap them in the way, thar either through dii<>bcdicncc or vtibe- ' '''m·•l·•· i lecfc rheymay be dcpriucd ofrhcir hcJucnly C3na>n, True ir is, this marrh isfarrc vn – cqnall ,for fletb and blood to light againfl Cf>iriruall powers; yer here is camf,m,diat we hauc him for our Clptaine who in hisq d~epcft humllide fpoylcd our flrongeil Jd- ~.:;;·;::;1· veri.Hic, and'is now 'cro'tmfd rvitb g!orie and honoilr, bceing liigh!y d .lfled r.fu aboliea/1 , H.b·, j. I migh~ t:tnddmnl~.:tioJJrtf his F~th~rs ngJJt h.1n'.1) where he mun t raig'!e Id/h!eh:;~/iput allhis ~~-~~~.:;: J enemiuvndcr /;t; fle_te: yed rtll l~e_c harh utro!loJ S.1taJ'i vn~er the (eete _ofa// h~r membtrr/ 1 ~~·\{o·m_6_,0_ I onciJ \his hee. reqrHr~rh that we fh'lnld be1J.tlt.mt a~td' q11!t oJJr{ell~<s ltke me12112 rhef!fWer ,.Epb.•·••· I ofl 1 ismight, knn'-tl'\9 rlnt rh.e b_attdl 1s the Lords, and frHhc vttl:one furc befure we fhikc a llroke. No'\' for the maQner ofour fight (a matter indeede of great moment, becaul~ a~ fmooth )lone 0111 of DariMjling will(oiu to lht groHndguat Go!iah) we luue i11 ~;:stm.t7. this combat betwecne Ch,tll and the Dcmll/o,pregnanr duectton kr bcfvre vs,thatvn- 1 Jeffewe doe wilfully i11ut our eye.s againfl the lightl in this behaffc we cannot be i:snor~nt of our dlltic : -z. r:chat[otuerW:U l'Jirittenaforetime, WtrJ written for otir ftarning: a.nd 1 1. B.o'rius-4; therefore rhe recording of this combat is~s much as from Chrifl ro eucry Chriflian, I asrhefpecchof Gideon whisfouldicrs, •!oolieon me.l!ddodik!!Wi(e; mma< ldoe,fo do •klg.J'.>s. yee: for.Chrill left hi1hfelfe an example rharwe !bould follow his lleps, though nor in . his miraculous fafl, yet in his·couragious fight againiHinne, The vfew hereol hatl1 fornferly beenepref~nied ro your Honours,by.Maft"Rohert Flt/1, bach~lor of DiuinitiC: vnder rhis rirle, S.tan, 6ophliMeaRfwered6y o11r Sa11iour .:hrijl. And now at the inrreatie' ofM.Pirkimexecutors,! haue pubti!bed it ~gaine;yet vndcr a neW title,&more ar large almofi·by one third pm. Mtn.e endeauour bath beene rh_at this poore Orphane mlghe". imir-are-liis•brethrei\; who were the meffcngers of lone vnto our Church, while their' happi!: Eitheriiued.i<RGilg vs:' What is wantin~ herein, or may deferuc aiuflreproofc J•willingly take to my felfe,mOneadfumqllifoci,&c. Whad hauc beene able to doe, I Acnotd-1• hutnbly comt'nencl ro the Church of God vnder your Honourable protection. ~f he'rein I fecme prefumruous, becaufe I am vnknowne vnto you,! humbly craue this fauo·ura~ ble colJfirucrion ; tha·r I chofe ra(hcr by prefi1ming to wrong my fclfe, then to ;;liemre this lbooke from your Honou!s; who_hadrighr hereto by former dedication, When your HonourablC'imployinenfs in rime pall: required your wifedome andcourage, for· the i'ul\ defence of.our Sc;>Ueraignes right, I make no quel\ion, bur as well rhe mefferi~ gersof vitl:orieouer rebels,~Sirhe counfellcrs of peace were alwaies welcome ro your Hin~oitr•: ·why tlien £bould l Qbubt whether this cnfiting difplay, beeing as well a counfel!Crot peace\vich God; as.!m Herauld ofrryumph through Chrift ouer Sath~n, rhe. J\rch-e<;e•nie of our foul.cs, w~ll b~ grarefull vnro you, who haue learneqlong linte',"\h:it whofoetfe'r Will k~epeagood &Mfcience towards God•rman, muft endrirtmJpj ,uo'njlitJwith s4ta1i. ( , !1- ~ :' ( . ' Now the God k>f peace who·is able to doe exceeding aboundan<ly aboue all that we cati" aske or thi<lke; grauntvlieoy,<YuY Honouts according t~ the riches of his mercie, ,fa to fighr-the ~ood fightoffattll'on earth, that you mayrecemc the crowneof glori~ i'n hca)lcn. <;:~mbripge, Emtrtanuel Collcdge, a5· of Iune. z6o6. . _l :.•::~ . : .. .!· .i ·~~..m . . me.!•o-*Eil•c,?c... d'•t@•m- .... c-.!~~ ', Ttlur Honours in the Lord to be command~~ ' . ·. ; :-J( T Ho. p lE R s .0 N,:_' ~~--_.:.:_:_~~~~~~.-_._ ~-,.- . ! •.;.." ,-~-~~·t err, T_o~~----~ ,,