Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 : ::::~, ~'rl~'l'~~'t-!4'1-l+~n!l-i~M-'Ii:~-:r li;-1 . ~~~~~~~~81!e~~S{~~~~ie~ ~~~ t I ~,.)ci?.)r,'O")M:~·g..-7,)/FT)c;o~"<T".j. ~~-.~:ViM~~ ~ Gvi.""<CVJl THE COMBATE B E T \\V £ , E N E CHRIST AND THE Vet1iO expounded. MAT T H. 4· l,; Then rPM fefmlead afide rfthej}irit info therPildemejfl lobe tempted ojthcVeuiO. g. He eleui:n firfrverfes of this A had none; butto be ordaind aMcdiotcior for chaptc. r do Corit.cinc a bdcfe vs, that putting on our ftnne he might bearc dcfcription of Chi'i!htempthe burden thcrcofil~ our ficad. Againc,in his tations, v•hcreof I hauc chribaptifinc he was d"iltinCHy proclaimed Thtt d~ fen to imreat; hauing forflo&srofhi& Church: for imr6Cdiady thereupol1,• inerly. handled the doC\rine The HoiJ Ghoj/ defcended VNn him lik_ea doue, of ConfCi~~:ce, becaufe all that endcuoureithCr and aVQ'Jcc came fromheauen, faying, Thi& ii to get or keepc a good confcience;are moft bf mJ welhe!oHed flmne in ryhom I am wet/ pleafod. all fubicCt to temptations: Now here we haUc NOw fo foone as Chri!t ·w.aSthus folernnly in~ the fpecia11 temptations ofthcDcuill where.. augtiratcd into his office, and prbclai~cd fr-om . with he a!faultcd our Sauiour Chri!l, and in hcauen to be the foie DoClor and Prophet of CbriHs example the be!l waytoauoid the fame. Gods Chmch, cuen rhen Immediately without This dcfcription confi!lcth of three clifiincl any deioy was he driucn forth; as Matkc faith; parts: Firfi,A Preface or preparation eo a Comchap. I. 12-. .l.· . • : b>tc.bctwecne Cbri!bnd the Dcmll,verf.r.'· Thevft, In .tlm Chrifi is i16 fooner baptiSecorldlf, the cOmbate or conflict it fclfe,vcr, zed, but hee is prefcmly tempted, we lcarne; 3·4:5: 6·7·8·9· ro. Thirdly, Thci!fueor efhat all thofe who are truc!y baptized imo ucnt of thi~ comb:trc,vcrf,r I. - ' ' Chrifi, mufi make account to be tempted, ·and. I. Part, The Preparation to the combat hath prep:uc for a combate with the Dcuil, cucn twoparts: fjrft, Chrifls going foorcb to that through the \;"hole cour[e of their liucs: faT if place where the combat was to be fought, vcr. Sathan durfl be fo bold as to en£oUnt~r With 1. Secondly, bisabodc and conuerfing in that .CbriH Iefustbe headcf the .Church afrer his place, ver.z. I, Chrifts going forth to the place baptifine, then doubddfe he wtll notfpare-:my is fet our by fundry circumHances ofthe Euanof his 01embers who arc bm wcaJ.:c and linnc- .gelifls:as,Thetimewhen he wCt; The1111thorof full men. Againc, in baptifiln:· a man gincs vphis going;The mttnner ho\v he wcm furn ifhed; his name vmo God, prOtinfing the-rein for eoer }~r;:c~~;t:.:.:,::::;~:::::e~::i:~::: jc ~I0:~~~~~;[~l~1~E:.~~~~c:':~~~i:~~!~ 1 forth to be rct:npted is noted in this '".oordThen: thus made, 'n is the will ofGod hcc llwhld be ,,.,·hat time this was, \'I.'C f11all fee in the end ofj tempted, thlt in the fchoolc of rc-mprar.r.on he the former chapter, where is iet do ... Yn the bapmJghr lcarne to praaiCc his baptitine. But here tifi.t1leof our Saniour C. hriH by John in theritlt'r I mofi men will fay, they nener felt byexpcri-ect 1ordan; as alfo the great honour ~md maicHic in thcmfclues.thc truth .of this doc1rinc ;· for vl!her.cwith he was there renOVI'ncd:for it pleathey h3ue nor pcrcciucd ~ny fuch combarc in ft'<l ChriH for fpe.cia\1 enti and purpofe to be/ ~hcmfelues-, though they ban::- beene bapt1 7 .cd baptia.d, not as we arc, ~o pu:c'..: o.::ff..:fi..:n.::n~e,~~~o.:.r h::.e::J..._L.:.:m::•.:.:nYu..Yc:.:arre-=is~ag':'o..:n:.:c.:: .:A.:.:':L'f:_· .:.:S.:.":.:cl.:.'.:.:m:::c.:.:n_':.:_v:_:ha::-t::::foL 11 4 cuer ~~~~~rrJooketob' tcmrtcd.