Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I' 3]1. ) . 'The Combate len'JJcene ,-' 1 ··'· , l I ".lflj.l . . \ J cuer thc.y bc,h:mc indeed the omw~rd :A bun, o.nd fo conunucd aiJ his daycs. A..ntkour I! -- 1 . 1 of w:ncr, _but ,they ncu_c~ yet l"Cc~Jucd the _m- ! Satuour Chnfi, h:~umg called hts .:...po!Ht; to 1 I \~':tr~ baptlfmc ofth~ fp11'1tjthcy_ ·w.carc Chrdls \ their office orpt caciung_ illS kmgdome,' !Ah>l\c c 1 Iwcnc, but as ycnhcy doe ftrUlcc vnro Satan;_ - them foone afrcrto the Jc-J, 2nd rhere fillii~g a- ; :4. 1And though rhcyhauc bccncm.adc partakers ot fkcpc fi.lffcred their fhip to be fo toOCd "''ith th_c fe:1lcs of_ the coucna_nr. yet Hi_ll t~cy :~bi~e waucs'in a great tempcH, that they Jookcli for ~ wnhm the k1ngdo!!~cof darkcncOc.·; for Chnll ~ . 1 nothingbutprcfc:nrdrm\'lling,foa$thry cried ihcreteachcth ~y Ill~ owne exl!llJ?IC', that all r - out, Mafl:r {:fJJevs, we perrif/;, And this the J tho(i;: \':'l~~ h:wc rccciued tlte inwar~ baptifmc - , L.ord ~loth in grcot wJ(cdomc for che good of' ! ofrhc lpmt, whereby they hauc effc6htJllyput I hts chddrtn,firH roceach thC,thac no man is 3.~ 1 . Rc~fon i/ off fintH·,and put on cbc Lor_d I.cfi.Js,are 35 fine ble ofhirn1i:lfC ~o car-y himlclfe in ~wy acccpt3.- why. I to be tempted bX SJran i!S hnnklfc w~s; there- ~ J b!c courle of htscalli11g "'\'ithout Gods fpcci~ll fore lee luch perIons as neurr yet felt m themJ/Ti!hncc Jnd grace. Secondly, to Hirrc vp 111 felucs this_fpi_rituall confliCt, .now begin to rc- j them thofctgoodgifcs and graces which he ~ath forme tbctr hues, and topcdormc their vowof formerly bellowed on them; as the feare of his bJp~itiue, and they l11;~1l vndoubtcdly finde in \B n-:tme,the 1oue ofhis rnJieflic,thc gifrs ofpraythemfc!uc$ the truth of rhis doChine, That all cr,faith,patiCce,&many orher which he 'INou!d that a1·ebapthed into Chrijf, Jhall bee temptedof ' haue tried in the entrance oftheir callmgs,:md t.he Deuii.So lung :JS the children oflfracl conexcrcifcd in the cOtinuice rherin vnto rhe end. tinucd vndcr ~hJr3.ohs bond::~ge,thcy_ were n~t Thirdly_:,fecing Chrifl begins his prophctico.ll ;purfucd by lus army; but V\" hen they fet :heir officcofceachinghis church,\\'ithtcmptations; ·1 faces t?ward the l:md of Canao.n,rhcn prc1enrThis fl1ould admonifh ol miniHers ofrhe word ly he m:tk~s after, with all his might and that howfocucr all Gods peoplc.muf1.prepare malicC';euen (v,while menliuc in finne, & fubthemfduesagainfi Satan!; temptations,yct they mic rhem(clucs to Satans lpiritu'::tl! bondage,he ·,mull doe it aboue the rdl; for lookc as in a v,'i!I fuffcr Jll things eo be in peace -with them; pitched field, the enemy aimcth principally :1t b~lt ifonce rbcy (cc their hearts on the heauenly the flanderd-bearer; euen Co Satan ond his iu- <;:anaan)and giucthcmfelucs finccrcly toGodi firumems, doe among all Cods peopl~, bend ' tcruice, th::on "'·ill hec wich all his force purfue their grcatefi forces againfi the minHl~rS.9f )them, and mectc themwith armies ofttmptaChritl which hold vp his fcptcr, :mJ difplay , tlons to turne them.back uuo their old way of his banner :in the preaching of the· Gofpcl!. : .fin~e againe.The fiHy bird that is in the fm:rc, when fehojbuah the high priejl.ftoodbefflre--rfoe / or vnder the net,fo long as J'hc lict-h tlil,fcelcs C Lord) Satan floodat hU right handtpf.![tfl. hi#t,_ 1 i no harme; but when !he llirs and offers to get Zak. ;. r. And when Ah,l/,. v.;ent to flgfit al .a.w_ay,then bC'gins: her paine,and·thc more fhcc gainfi the kingof Syria, Satan:became a lyh~ £lriues,thc more lhe finds her fclfc cn[nared:So fpiric in the moutb of400. ~rophets& tDP.<;.t. farcth 1 it with !lily men, while they liue in lln Kiog.z:J. z.2. This is that great r.eddrago11, that fccurely, they arc noc troubled with Sathans with hi.; tail~ drew downe the-third par~ of the temptations; but when they .begin to Ieaue . flarru of heaurn, that is) of the M·inif}-(:,rs,~n;d their ba'dde courles, and feu le thc::rufclues to rpreachers of the word, aHd eaft.. them. to .;t&c feruc the Lord, then prelemly the Dcuill fceks 1 ~ 1 -e,trth,~euei.I2. 3· 4; This is bee thatdejirc,d iO to his net tO imang!c them in rhc winnow the Di{ciplrs M 'IJ'heate, luk. : .i n 3 J. The c"onfidcration V':hcrcofmtlfi re·ach vs) to ! And as the king of Aram f1i'l of Ahab,,fig~t not watch andpfa)'t!Jatwcc:-rtcrnot htto·tcmptation; lt'"'l,ainfl ]1n411 nor great, bm againfl the.kJ.ngof and (':ls PftHI[aah). toput on thewholearmouro..f. I lfrae! one!y, I. King. 22. 31. So S:uhan figljret)l Mi~illcrs fpcci:tlly mllll luoke forlcrnp1niJ ons. Uod, that wema; bcabl-eto j/tmdagainfl rhtafi not agatnfi any fo much as the Prophets oflffau!r.rof the Dcuill,Eph.t5.J1. . !; rael,thc miniHcrs of the Church, . Sccm1dly, in.that. our Sauiocir (::h~·ifi ::tftcr · Fourchly,in that Chrift is-_te.mpted before he ;~}~~:~:a/ his fokmnc inauguration imo his mediator- ID go to preach,we leame thott ltJS good <Hld-pi:oto bewnp· fhip, ..was immediately ro go to be tempted; we fitablc for Cods miniftcrs to be ~xercifed with . tcd. ~~~~~k:f~m Jearne, that all thofr thlt 1rc fctappart by God temptation eucn ofSatat~ himfelfe,and thilt for j fpeciall cal· to:any fpcciall c::tlling, cuen ~t tbeirveri~ en- .fundry; 1idl-tha~ they may kno;v c wh;lt c:z.Cor.l.ll· ::,\: 1 f! I trance thcrcimo muH lookc for temptottons. temptations mcane; S_c~ondly, that rn~y may ! 1 ttnlpt.u;o$. This befCl the hc-ad;:~nd thcrcfor.ea·JI the memd be the more oble to mmd1cr_helpand comfor: d ,.cor.-+ . bcrs mufl r.=ckon for it. When Mofcs was firft to thofcrhat are tcmptcd;Thtrdly!omake the I called eo be the guide and conduCtcr of GodS vnder(b.n~ t~c word~of God arighr; for many a.Exod.:z. 15• people out of Egypt, ahauing ilainc~an Egypplaces of 1cnprurecanor fo wcl be~ndedlood I tian in dctCncc of one of his brcth!:cn , vpon by b;~.rc Hudy ondy, ~s by temptatrons cthere- c Aa ..P-J·:s I . kno\.vlcdgc of the fact he w3s fai~1e t_o ~le from wirh~l:~ iris true .which one ~1ith wd,Rcfl~ing, Pharaohs coun into the l~md of'Mtdian and mcdrtatttm,prayer, & tempt lit ton, ma/:.! ad-mme. 1 1 there c~ Jiue a f11 cpb'eards life for m3ny y~arcs 1I. ~'ircum_Jf. The author.or dticienr bu(c I withhi3 Father in law Jcrhro. And Dmudnas of Chnfis g01ng forth; to 1 -"H, theholy Ghoj}, b 1 .S:a·n 18 no fooner appoinred by God toJbe king noted i:1 t~1dC wor~s_, WtU led~r thefpirit. The . , ~ ;.r.u. · · · ! h~p.:oplc Ifracl, bur L Saul bef?~~pcrfecutc , ~~-~eJ.~~n:.!::_~tgu_~llllgnlf1cr~~husm.t:~~; : "'~>:"•