--~-----·--- --·· '.M•""+ ' Chrijl and theVetti/1. I 373 - jwf.I. I _____ --- 1__ ' that Iefus "\'as c:ur1cd aparr by rhc fpmr;whtch I A hnn le>ilt(. or enter uno rhc heard off,.,·lne,tiilll , mull not be vndc1llood ofany locall tr::tnfporI Chnfi f:t1d,fgo; but tc:-nptauons come by Gods f"ht S !d.. J tauon ofh1s bod1c from the nuer to the \.1\;J]der- ! moft lllfi pen1llffion,apd nor Without lus fpca' \.a11g l.n ncflC as .1. Ellas was earned ftom earth to he<!- I C1alJ p1omdcncc and appolntmcn~. Th1s comb All: :S.J9• uen;'or as b P_hilip was taken away fr?m the bate .Of Ch_riH wit~ Satan \-~as ~kcrcc1d o~God I +o· Eunu~:h, and carried to A:z.otus; b~1t 1t '"'a~ a .~y h1) fjH~c~:d appoumne~lt 1_11 IHs ecerna! ''?~!!~:- motion ofthe holy ChoH, wherewith Chnll 1~11. And thcrc~orc \'I.' as Chn!,llcd by tht f~1:nt \\'aS filled ahouc mcafurc :md made willing to to cncoumCr with the DcuiU, that he nught' encounter \\'irh Sariln in ~hat combatc: for fo .pcrformc (his~one worke ofa1i1r'dia~or ,n'an•cty r cLulr.t 1• arct!le ..... 0-.·ds by S. LukC, c beci;;g full of th~ i~Hcmptarion ollcrcomc _hi_tn, who bytem.Pt~- ' bo!J Ghoft hee rcturne'dfr(}m lordrm, tt~drl'JU lea I uo_n oucrc?me all m:wktnd. ;~n.d ::l.S'_Gocr:1f>- hythe fpirit into the _wil~erneffo_, that J<;_, ~)Y the po.Jhtcd t~IS combat ofo~r Sauwur,fo hat~h~~ inward motion and 1nHmCt of Gods ~11rtt. Aalfo ordamcd th<: rcmptauons ofeucryChnfhd~.hrk.1.t:. gaine, S•. MaY~~ fayi1~g, d th( Spirit dYo;ee him I an, and rh; cir~umllanccs t~cre~f. ThC thcat~~. 1 /ztothewild.eYnef{e, g!Uethvsfunhcrtovndcr- ·I or place-of tins cortlb:ue IS th:s prefem eUJlt tbnd, that this ':Ootion _in ChriH from the fpi- , world:thc dClbts arc !Jran and Cucry Chri!Han; rit, was a pccuhar mott~m, not forced or con-. B I the beho~ders ar~ mtn _and ~ng~l.s: r .~or;4· 9. !trained, but voluntary,and yet veryftro~gand Thevmvu·c and mdge IS God htmiclfc,wtwO_oe.JfeCliJa/!. · licrrulcth Sathau, fo as the iifue~cannot but bo Againe, by the fpi>-it here is not mcantthe happy and bleffed to thofethat fight manfi1llyi n ·euiil or an euill fpirit, but the ho!J fpirit of foY hec cafteth away none that bemtghtieand vaGod: he it wa~ that mooued Chrill to goe into 1 limit of courage, lob. 36. 5. heewzllgitlean if]Uc thewildcrneffc;fo that the meaning is this:Af... with th.ctcmptatiom,I .Cor.t0.13.fionl whence ter Chrift was baptized ii1 lordat) by-John, he we lcarnc fundry good infhudions. will1ngiy woke his iournyinto the wi~dernes, Fir(l,wben \-VC: arc tolTcci <ind tried bymani-. being mooued thereunto byafpecial & flrong fold temptations,we mull: nor thinke it llrang 1 in!HnCt ofGods holy fpirit, whetewithhe was but rathercouitt it c.\·cccdinggrcat io], Jam.t.z, filled aboue mcafure. If any aske, how Chri!l be£_aufe it is Gods bldftd ,.\ill aild ordinance could be ledby the fpirit, fccing hec (ends the that Satan and eucry ChriHian flJOuld enter fpirit: .An{. Thefe two mar_ ,.,·ell lland togccomb.ar7and conflitl,fbrthe triallofhis grates thc:r: forChriltmull bcconhdered two waics; , in them. firfi,as man in the formeofa fcruam; fccondly, C Sccond.ly. we :rehcrtby taught to laboUr as God, cucn the fonne of God,yea God him.. with patience to Dean~ all trials and affliCtions, fc:lfe: Now asCbrifi was man, he was fubic~ not vfing vnlawful meanes to winde our [clues to Gods prouidence,and fo was led andguided but of them,becaufe they comeby the fpeciall by the holy Ghofi: but ao hee is God, he is not prouidence ofrhc Almighty. fubie&to prouidencc, but is theaurhorthereThirdly Chrill wem not to be tempted til~ of, and is not himfclfe led or fcnt,buttogether he: was led by the fpirir; thc:rcforc no manmufi with the father fendcth the fpirit. wittingly put himfclfe into danger without? T'flehotinc:s Tlu vfo. In this circurnlb.nce ·we may ob.. calling from God, ldl therein he tempt Cod!' ofchrifh ferue: fir!t the exceeding holineffe of Chrilh indeed a m;tn may be moucd dnrJordinarily,w tM.ohood. manhood, in that he mooucd not from one offer himlClfC into pbces ofdanger;thus · P(wl "Ad:.~o.u. place to another, without the fpcciall inilinCt: went bound in the fpirit to Hiemfa!qn, that'is, and direcl ion of the fpirit_of God. By;' hieh I he willingly followed the motion ofrhc holy example we :ue taught ro fufferourfclues tobe Ghoft, which inwardly enforced himw goe ordered and guided by the fpirit of God in c- , thither.And the f.1mc may be fa id ofmany holy uery thing we take in hand; yea in all our D Manyrs;-.\iho though they might haue cfcaped thoughtslwords,and deeds; for this is the true by fl.ighr,yer did willingly offer thcmfcluts innote of cuerychildeofGod,to6e!~d6ythefpirothchauds of their pcrfecutors, and cudurit, Rom. 8.14. where the Apofile vfeth rhe ' 1·cd the violenceof their torments, which we fame word that S. Luke doth,tpcaking of this mitll think they did bya fpeciall motion ofthe leading ofour Sauiour to be tempted: we mufr holy Ghofl; otherwtfe, for a man to offer himtherefore labour to beofDauids 9ifpofirion,to fclfe into danger v·:ithout :11 warrant frOGod is haue our hearts pliable to al Gods tcftimonics; to (waruc frO thcpraClifc ofChrift in this pla~e. when God faid,See~;umy faa,Da•idJhcart Fourthly, ChriH becing icdde by the fpirit, anfwcrcd; Ifeek.£ ti1J face, 0 Lord; Pfal. 2 7. 8. did not fCck to lhrowd bimfe!ffrorn this corn- ·, a1~d thus doing we fhall (uffcr our fCiucs robe batc;fo Jike,Nifc ifa m:ln fOIIo\.v ~lis calling acdtreClcd o.nd gui?ed by the holy GhoH, for he carding to Cods wil,& theret!pon fill int9 trou tcachcth and gu1deth men by the \o\'Ord. blcs and tcmpt:nions, he may not .fcekc to <'R Scco~dlyJrotn thisthar Chrifl \\'"as led vnt.o [cape them by ncgleCling his dutic, bur ·with ccmptat~on by the fpirit ofGod;we learnc,1hat coi 1 r 3 ge an{l pati~r_nce muf1 inure himfclfc to tC~lptauons come not by chace, nor yet by the I beo.re them, \i\·ayting on the Lord bywe'ldoi6·' wrl and plca(ure ofthe Dcuil only:for he could for his dcliucrance. Here it may well be askcJ:, 1 ~I .. b,,J:~. I I b ; not roue l o , or ought hcc h:1d,_:ill God .c:a 1 Je \:hether a mii can lawfully& with good con- !CiCiiCc:..:____