Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·I 374' 1' 1--· ' The Combate betweene '! ;;;~~ti,~~f~~- cnc~ ahi<k in thole places_ whic~ are c_crtainely A 1 . fame ~11en c_hc! were befor.c,withom :my dl:l.gc b~·s h~u11u:J l kqo\~'t~c to be h:uu~tcd \". nh Clilll fpmts? An[. ac all 111 rclpc~t of gifts fit for fuch pcrfons as l. py fpmu. I S~mc ~re lo an. d bold, that th~y prctcnq then!IC!uc. 5 eo b.c. i\nd to apply I thry,fcarc-nothJng,_: yet the tru~~ ts, no tniln rh1s to our felues;'A'C arc nature the ch!lought on his o~vnc lJ(:::d ~bideor ~~dge_in foc_h dren of vvrath, and encn1ic~s vnw God; bmby I I pl~~cs, v_~l!d.f~.: 1t b~__wnh111 the COIJ_lpa~c ofh;~ g~·acc we :uc made,s,l~_ricfh aOd Pr?phcts: . cathn_g, or c!fc_h~uc atrue cxtrJ_9!dmant n:lOu-:-! I K1~1gs to rule oucr the ~vo,rJd ami the Dcuill,in ! 0 1 11 o! Gods- (11mt-~o. to doe; 'f,'i_ ar_c rhcrcfo_r~: I relpeCt of t~1cir prouocat_ion~ vnfp fino.~,as :1lfo 1 1 , 1 !_~rhcr t~ 3~oJd1~~~\!fm, ~hen.'' l~tl_I:gly aad vv1!-. to ful~due 1:1 our [clue.! q.ur owne euilllu.fls &. 1 U~h~y di.n.1~ ,?~1~ lqufS lnt~ the 1ang~r of fuch . affcCl10ns:Prie!ts,to oftt:~ ·vp ~liricu:',~~~5! _p!accs; for 1-r Co~!'~h!C glut·u hbcmc vnto !:1- j vnto God, as prayers an cl prayfcs for,b1s daily I t~IH0 poffeffc ~~d1 pbccs ~s h;pcbeene confc1 bldiiog~ ; ~nd Prophets, tQ io!huel: o~r-felues , 1 1 crared ro Idolatry,or defiled by opp.rdlion and and others 111 rhc "'ayes of Cod, accordmu to I ;b,lO,od/~r fuch ~~~c :1_hhorr:inati01~s, v•h. y O:~uld_ our gifr) and ~..·alling.Now then it bc_h'O)iirh vs r'~ie ,wnhout "arrant fromGod) put four !clues all to become new men,-:md to lead n'e...,~ Jiues ! iO'to,hi::> h:1nd!.?This ;:l(o mr.y !~rue tci reproouc' B fiwng and futablc to Our holy calling . ~tuing tho'fc men ...,__ ho p'rdi.1mc fo much Vpon their our fd ucs "'hollyw tl)c,honour and f~r~1cc of fi~ong faith, thai:' ill-Jyncucr Hick,c to thn1ft God, {hewing herby th<;t we ar.c hcre~J..ltO CalJl-ft.mb.4· ., 'V<>j.I, t}1<:mfclucs inro mofl ltvvd company: but let, led by h1s fpmt ofgrace":lnd hoJinCs,fO.'filal we 1f~'ch perfons be .. VIarc,.forplaces of bad compa~_ 11 lVt~!k,t worth-, of th( Lo}·d, and Jhewe foonh . hCol.I. 1 o. 1ny.arc places of d:l!lgcr 1 by rc:1fon ofrh:-n power the venues of him that hathcalled. vs, i.Pct. \ 1 anf liQert~ which '<i:lt:mlnrh among th~m> for_· 2. 9· .· . 1 t~~c·rs_hc hr~rh a rhr.o~~1Rcucl. .• 13. How rl~cn 1I_I. . Cir:umft4nce.HowChri!l wcm;(urni- . cannbe,rhat they fhould cl eane cfcapc then\- fhed 111to th1s place ofcombate:whi~luliopgh fe Cl:ion ofl1nnc,wbodo vfi1a~ly conucrfc v, ith our Eu~ngcl.~~ Machew ha.rhomitted, yet h:nh I thi6Je that C<.?lil~1tit it \•vitho~t ..c<:_l_urolemem? 1 S. Lu~c pl~inely noted, Caying)lleew:Ujilfed bP<o,<J·>o. l b lf,ccth'",''"l(eti·'"'irhthcwi[c/~•diS,domon) I wid> tbehpfy Gho}J, Lu~·4·I• !fanyfll3llfay, ! 1fhdl hee ·wifo: bur '! 1 nJn;pm::on..):of foole.s i!5tftll rh1s fccmcs·td nnp~n tha_t Chri!t wamcd the 11 ; hre made wo1j(::Co rhc words ft_gmBe:and t~(;rc:- fulndfc of the fpmt all the former pan of his- ' cProu.uo. 1 fore h1s COlJnfcll is, cnotlo.cOnfentr-vhen /i_nners C life,ifnow onlyafrcr his baptifinhe wci~ filled l l···· I enrife vs: not to d mak_s fr~im!Jhip'wirh thean· thel-ewich. I anfwC"r; This fulndiC of chC fpirit •t:rie pnfon. nor to go~ wtth the_(m·uw..J, leflfl we . is afcribed vmoC'hrifiafccr his baprifinc,.Oota.s l !etirn~ thei7 wayes,tmd receiue dijlrullion tootJr though heformerly fuHained any want ofthe Joules. · fpirit:but bccau[c ac h1sbaptifinc he rcaiucd a 1 1 I " Fifdy:t in this lc:1din_g ofCht ifi by the fpirit, ; grc.uer meafureofrhc fpnii thChehad hcforc: I v.,"e icarnc aforthcr ching;fo long as Chri!t was I for thts we r.nuft know,rhac Chrift was alwaics apri~ate m:m, he liued with Iofcph.and Mar_y a filled with the fpirit: bccingan inf:mt he had a .! l;ePf:tl.78. 7' •71· priU:ltc life; but being baptized,and thcrby 10· full ~1,1eafur~ ofgifts fit fot his infwcie,a11d fiill !lalJ~d in his office of Mediator, hce returncS a:. hi~ gro"' thin y('01rcs rcquncd mce graces of t~ot tOBcthlemor Nazarct '.\·herehe was born ~he fp1nt, hec incrcafeth thcrein,hauing in his and brought vp, bur gets him prcfently into youth a!)Q in _h~s riper year~~ full mca(u_re of the wildernc!fc there to cncoun'ter with Satan. o-ifts fie for his efiate in thofc tinJcs.And'at h1s and tha.rby tlle,motion ofthe ~)iri_t:v .... hrrin we gaptiftn~ bccing into his lvtcdia,. mjy f"c_c, that all thilt ill'C,appointed ~nd ret atourfuip,bt ,rcn;iucd fuch fuJneffe oftbc ipirit, part by (;od f~n an.y fpccial calling,atc in fame ,as was bch6ouefull for fo high :m office,which forr,ch-anged by his Cpirit, and _as it were m~de b~caufc it'j~-v~s f.1rr~ ..grcater the? before hfc ot~_Cr t!JCn,VVhl"n Saul was anointed to be kmg _needed, therefore IS hec no:-v f:qde to 6efi!Jed the tC>a f1i1:h, God gaucbim anMiurheart. 1, ID with th: holy Ghofl: fotharrf10ugh Chrill ~·ere Sam.'r0.9. #And\\ hen t D auid ..., as made of :1 I alwaics fu,ll of gr~~e,y~thc in.crea(ed therm as ;.fhepheard a king, bee was fu1n1{hcd for that i }:lis c!l:atc :uu1 calhng dtd requuc. . place, as his beh:llliour Olcwed, v•hich was The vfe. This fcrues ro confure the Pa_p!~s, !, fuch as did belecme a king. Thus the Apofilcs v.:ho teach that Chrilt had all fuln~? offp1~1t m of our Sauiour Chrifl, of poorc fifhermcn,alhis infancy, ~ue,n from h1s conccpuon& bnth; fAtl. .j.'lJ. togerhcr f vnleuercd h; the gift of Chrifis ea!- : and did not gro•.v in grace at all, faueonly~xtio ..g, g rure made1 ahte MiP.ijlers of tlu Nerv perimcnral!y,:ts he b~d occafi~ co·tn:;mfdhhc g::.Cor.3.6. Tef.anunt J and fo p~came indeed[ifhers ofmen, 1 f.1~c mo;:c and more 1n praChfc._ Bu_t S. L11'<! Mark. l.I 7.VVhich lerucs to confute fuch men fanh plamly, that!i]edrn wifedome,& ,as'ple~d extr.aordinaric call!ngs. :Js rr.any haue jl11tHre, and~n[allour_wtth U~d and men) ~uke , don~: ·fame faying they were Elias/ome John 11. ·5 :. Agamc,Chnft was hkC' vmo_m~n m all i B:!p't.,iH,~u.For if tht'fc were fuch men, <lnd h~d things,jinonly except~d>Bl: tbcrforc_d1d tl1Cl:cafe ··re,cciued fuch cxt raordin:.ry callings,thC fholrl in grace :JS m~n ~orb mg1frs from t_1mc to tlln~. J· th'cy_ wjrhal hauc bin endued "1,.\'ith cxrraOI"dipaFurther, Chnfi g~eth tlm$ furndhr-d to thJs I ry g1fts fit ftlr thofc callings; bm no fuch thing combate. that he tmght be 2blc to encoun_ccr bcJillcth them, nay itjs plain, they rcmaine the withSatan hand to handJ and at the cndc g1uc ! -·--·-· -· .......---··--- ·---·····-------- him !n<. ,, i' I