IAfarth.f· ' Chri!Jand ihe TJeuill. -··"--~-- -,--~1§"'1 iwfr. I '/' 1 • him rhc finJII oucnhrd"''c. Thus:hce furnifhcd l\ . honour of rhts viCl01you,cr Satan,v. as pcc~t!1 :r -- I :1 f.:<od+ .A-lofo.r afor his amb:~tfage vmoPharaoh; and: . to CI11!H, and not communtcall!C' to any CfCil , b1 ':.~:1m. 11• bD.uiid for his comb:ltc with Goliah; Aholiab I rurc: and dt>.n:fOrc Chriil thof!; a defen plai:C 'S· and cBez:.alid for the workc of the Tabcrn::tfor this combarcap:ur fi-om all humane focictyi ~o~:~d.JS"· clc;and cucry one who'tn God itnplo_icth a.bou:: 1 that no man might .challenge any par~ cf this ony fpcciall worke,is furni01ed and fitted rherglorie to himfclk, butthat ittnig:Ot be \Ah'"-'lly WhyChrill: chore:tde· rarcfvrthis ;ombnc. to of God with fpeciall _pifts :whereby ii) cucry 1, _Ciui~ls, as ofrigin it wa:;.Fifil)', ~e Wll1r iiHO. a age we miy fee \·l;'hom God pbcerh in any cal- I dcf<n pl~cc for a tune, rhar aficn\ ard he Pngh' lincY, for rhcv arc v,·c:Il qualified for the duties I thence returne With more crcd,r,rcuercncc and I rhc~eof· and therefore thofe rhat want gifts ~urhontJC to txctnfe h1s p1 opl~et1c.al offi<t.foJ mccce f~r their callings, doe rhrn/1--ind;cm-.J., \\C fee by cYpenence tint ''hen a man ha1h bul 1 felucs thereto, and arc not placed therein of :!lbroaJ for fomctimc,hc IS tCl:eiUcd wuh mor(: l God. · j rcnciC:nce achts rcturne. I V. Clrcdmft.1nce. Whither was Chrifl led J Thevfo. Ffom hence the Church of Itct1le' robe tempted? namely, intotl;e wtldenujJ(,that 'B \\ ould fctth a ground & watt ant for then mo.. is the place chofen of God. for this comb~rc. 1 • 1 b::J{hcall hf~; f.'lymg, chat :ts Chnl11A cm ap:nr There be diuers.opinions touching this place; ! ~mo this defcrr, fo may men fcqucllcr rhCf'ducs tOme thinke it was a little wilderndfe bc.Iwccn 1 f1omordinar1e focieues,and l~ue as Monks and Ictufalem and Jericho; Come the dcfert of Pa- r Hcremites in-doillcrs 1 \\'oods and dcf<.-rts. llu~ leJlina;othcrs,thc great dcfnr ofArabia,where this colleCtion is abfurd, a~ may at)Peatc by Elias fafled fourty J:1ics :md tOuny nights; and thcfc reafons: Firll, Chrifi wenr not thus apart wher'e the Ifraelitcswandercd fOurty)'cars..But 6n his oWne he:1d, but by th.C inilipCl and !JlO· feeing the holy Ghofl ddth not ·define what ti,on ofthe lj>irit ofGod; b.utthc Papiflsadmi; wildcmcsthis was, we arc not curioufly 1 to inandvnden:1ke ;he fiatc,ofHenllitical and Mo.: quire after ic, but <:mely..know it w<ls a clcfctt nafiib.llifCwithout any wardit in GodS wor<J, and .folitarieplacc, .Lotvs rather feareh into Secocoly, Cbl'ifi did thus fequcfler him[clj<! thc.rcafon.s vvhcrcforc'hcc chofc a dofeiit place but once for a ccno.io.c time: but with them, an for this combate; and they arc,diucrs;tHdt, be... Hermiticall ei'itC'. is ordinar.ic and pcrpciuall caufchc was to workC our redemption in great fUr thoi;rvi:holc lif.e.Thitdly,ou.r S_<\uiout Cbri[l: humili•ie, eucninthe bafe a~t.i low.dhte of. a failed trucly all th~. '(lhile he abod<-i~ thn:"ilfcru;lnt;for the farisf}'ing of Go~s tiufiicc iu I dernc£fe:bUt P<~pifis in their ClQificrs and Herthat· nature which had :fi1~ncd, therefore: hee mirages doe plcmifull)r inioy t4~· V.:eahh o(rhc would not goc to Jcruf:rlcm. there .toJf11e·w ·his 1 C w,orld ·jn grdt cafe and Hbertie. And thucf9.re glory and God-head, as a linlc bcfot.C" ·he was \· bo.wfo.eucr folitarineffc for a: tiiJlC may be.(Ol)l~ proclaimed in his b._ptifi11c;bu.the gCtsll'imfclfe mendable in fort1C cafCs) ~s toibedttateon tht ·.a. to adcfertplace voide~f>all pompc and glorie) workcs or word ofGod., as,l[aat did,·Ge!}•24~ where he meant ta begin this gr~at w.cirke for 63·. or for tho e.x.ercife of d p~yera.nd falling in 11 .i..~~·S·J6', vs by cnc:oiiteringwith rriur chiefc.ft-.aduerfarv. inor.c,camdlmanoer; yet the Hcrcc:it<$·UfR Secondly;hc chofe this place for the mor.c cafie l t>ccing a porpctuall forlaking ofhumane ropjRi ~ncotllltering.sw·ith ol1r aduerfary fatdn,wh.otR tics,.i.c; ncHhCr watramablcby God.s wotd,nm· he w._,s t.o•oucrcome.forvs:for,ifC..brifiafi.e.r bjs commendable·in Gods.child. : 1 .. ..('~• baptifi11e '(hould haue;/hcw'ed thei:glorii::of his V. G;rcumft.Th.e citilc why·Chrif\ went int~ Godhcnd; Satan clurfl J1ot11auc mC1dlcd With t~c dcfcm; namely, to be .t(ltiJptt9 ofllle cl_r.:u~l·t l~im: thcliforc as the: tilhet bides.thc h.ookc,and .l-'~.iherdo· ob!C:ruc thrc;c .poil)tS; llow./,,u wa% {hcwcs.thc bait toe.nt'l.fe,ihc fifh, fo..o.ur;SauLttt:Inp.tcd;~he_r:fdrc, by·wbome. for thefirlt;:f~· oUr Chr'ifi: with .the. ~Vai.!e of his r-flc01 . in ;:Fimpt, in Snipturc: i~ afcrib«l to Coc}, to ' this bafe ·efiatc and:folitarie place ·did~c:ouer •1w.nland to the DCuil;Godtempt~th n)::tQ,\i ·hen the gloric of his Godhead,: diuSJth.anfceino l1cprtiOf!rtP him:th~t is,:whcll .hamokcth;sf1:H1i-f ·" Chrifi.was willing t0 giu~. vnto lJjs aclucrfari~ tc:.d Abrohatn i11 tli·c t.}lfcrillg vp of his·fonnel the aduancage ofthc,placc;thauhc,r.c:·w:itb<all·hc Gen. 2 2. r. and }:hriil, the Ru,ler,l.. uk.rS.~'12', , himOnly in this low dcgrce,migbt b.c the mOl'~ 1 D feHwb:lt is in hisha'rtfor fin ne or gr11~ce~ whis;:IJ eager .and boldc to fct.Ypon him. Thirdly., ' before were hid to the worlc:l-:th'u,sCod te<"!-1, mig~t·giu~·.hirn t~cgl:c.at.Cr•o.uc:throw; ~or the J11..:n ccmplrthCod,when hJ!'~proouetl1 by.vn, I 3M~rk..s·S· Detnll.dchghts 3 111 dc1crx anJ forlorfTC places., I J;nNfultmc:mcs '"bcthcr God 1Je .fo. pO\\~rcij1)lJ and the: re he would <fflu.fe-to pra&ifc his:tcmpjufl, and merclfull as the Scriptures doe affim1~ 1 rations, bccau(c in filch pJ~ccs .mrn \\•ana thofc him ~o be:nnd thus the Ifiaehtcs tempted G ,Q-<1, . hclpcs and comforts which in fociet}' they. may \.vJ 1 cn they requin!d metttefort he1r l~tff3 anU fa id., ~3~cdef.-t· ~ndc:hcncc Salom01~f.1ith, b f!'O_e.h:tohimt'hat 1 c.tn (iodpreprwe atablei;; the'"-ildcrncjfo.?. P~l, ~~alone: . y.eaGod IHmfolfc fa1d of mau in the 78. 1 8. 19. Tl1e J)cHilt tcmptcth when h~ al'j ' Gc2.:.:S. fiate oflliliinnoccncie, c/t~not,rr_oo.dfcr.' mttn Iurcthvmo .finne, by i..I1w~r~l fuggdlionS' ·or to beeh;m(e!fcaloM. ~nd that·Satb:m ta-kes ad~ I , ·oJH\\':'lrd obicC'ts ~ and hereof n:uH vVe vnclcr... uamagc bf fuch folitarind!C, ~ppel'rcs by his I' fland ChriHstcmpting·in this_placc:to wit,l,l'!lt tempting of Euc,when 01c "':·as apart from h·cr hc:w:ts led into the wil(krnes for.this CI~J)tlbt t hu,band, Gcn.3. t, Founhly~rai[c and S:lt:lnmight atrau!thim: and,;fc~_:~ - ~·-----~~ ____ .. 4