Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 576 . 1 ---~ \ Tbe Combate betweene he cou1d not bring him vmo finnc. lfany fl1al 1A TbeVfo. Hence we may obfcruc a oood dithink it \vas too much dcrogaroryto the dignirc£ti6 for their comfort that arc rroubicd v.ith tic of ChriH !O be thus rcmptcd. l anfwcr;Ifit hla_lj>hcmous thoughrs. Among other temphad 10 l'~ie:lfcd him, Chrift could hauc c6t0untauons that befall men in Gods Church, dcd the dcui! '.Yirh the lc:~fl: \\'Otd ofhis mouth: the Dcuill doth mightily affault fomc men by for as he 1s Creator ofhcaucn and carrh, lo Sacalling imo their minds mofi fearefullmoitons tan h:1d no power w ccmpt him, for Ciadc{lanot_ of b!:lfphcmic againll God the Farher, the bu temp1etl ro>i:'h tu;!!, lam. r. I'. Bur here Sonnc,.;1nd the holy Gho!l, whereby he doth ChriH flood in om roomc and tl:cad( as he did greatly altonilh them, and bring them to dc[- vpon the croffc)encounrringwithfacan fOrvs( paire. Now the ground oftheir Hay and comeas if we in our o~,o\'ll perions had bene tempted. fort hence is this: There be incident to- the: ! Tins thCrcfcrc mull be vndedlood as a p:~.rt of miudc ofman two kinds ofcui! rhoughrs:Firft, 1Ch~i(l~ hum:li~non in his nnnhood, ';hc_re_to fuch as :uifefrO the flcn1, th:u is, from our cor1 he ·Jubtetl:cd h1•nfelfc for our fakes, otnrr·WJfe rupt narur<'; and the very firfi moriens ofrh~cfc the Dcuill could not hauc tcmpre.dhim.ObieiT. B arc fmncs,forbidden in the temh commaundeThis Hands not ,.,·irh the holyndfe of Chrifl: mcm. Secondly, there be mhers.rhat rift: DS1,t< 1- as he isman to be tempted of Satan?- An{. Ycs,. ! inwardly from the flelh, but arc: from \'Vithout he might bcrer'i1prcd ofSatan with ouc fionc,as ! conucycd imo themind by the Deuill,as thcfe our tirll p:~rcms were before their fall:this will moH horrible blalphemicsagainfl: God,which plaincly appearc by comparingChriH with owould make agodly heart to tremble&. quake thcd ncn in their temptations. ., · ). • once tothinkcvpotl. Now th,cfc are oudtcauy T he Dcuil\ in tC"!1iptinf? a man to fin ne, fidl trO!ft's in,dcedc,whenwC be a!faulted with rhf, -- ;ittai!IJ.+· vr:rj.I. : ----1 conucycs jnto hisnindc,cirhcr b}t inward fug.- but the De~Jils finncs.whoJly•, and become.not gcftwn·, Or by outward 6bictt",. the mOdon or oUrs, till we _rccciue them by fonic degree of[ c'ogi~agion oftbadi.nne whicP he would.haue ddight or .afl.enr, as may hence .appdte,; for 1 \ SinUiit11dc. I i l hi;n to cummit, Thus bee t<.·mpt!ei1 Judas, by Chrifl was r.en1pred to. infidclitie, cO:uCrou(- ;1; eo!ling into him rhis eutll t~'lo"'ught,' ludM'b.endfe 1 and •Jdolatry,yct his holy heart re·ceiued. trai~ !hJ A.f.t.?j/er.• And. (o deofct11 hcc w~a-li them ·n·ot,~·nd fo they nCuer became his finncs. j Chrifl in this r~mptation-, h~e· bomucy<!th to 'flYe t"c·cOnd poim to b"c confidcred in this 1 his·mind dr :~pprchentiotf;t~li..<J'vllri·ghtcOHSeo} circumfl:ance is, wherefore Ghrift was temp~ gir-'at-ibns ofvnbclrofc, itiOJat'ty,,hnd 'ouerouf:.. ted : for.iPmay fccmc ftrangc that Iefus.G:hrifi I nc-ffe; ·yet fo a~ Chrifi !'~Gciucd•ti!.cm not, bu.e the iOnne of God, yea Very God, equail· with wieh3H p<>'w~r ofgr:1cc rep-elle-d thetn.Sect:urd..t ~ the Father; fhould be :tempted. The realons 1 Jy, ""as Sat.lun conuayds '2mll fuggdltons tmo therefOre: that moouedJ1im to be a!""e I tbe-ns mthdCs,fo th<.~famcartJ fot of'tr.oul)lc,for• thcfe; F.hfl,that he might foile.thc Deuiht his 1 r0w;and vexl"twi), at leafl to. ;be godly: for ,ovvoewcapon;for the Deuill ouercametlidirfi ~·hen Satinprdfc-th ''pon manh.ts rcmptaoonS Adamin temptation, dicrefore .Chtift'the fc1 th~w~ole 01~11 inHfquk~od.;·l~i:~:thou_ghrs anrl c~md ~IAdam· wOuld in ·tcmptation .ouerc.ome\~'ttons :\rd tro{!bl.ed, ai~dhf~hetrt IS vexed, !:litn. Secon-dly, that in liiS cxample'PCc might f. And this alf"o was in·Chrilt, lfc(elt nHrow and giuc VSidirc.Chon ...,.hcrC!by to know the iJ?ecir tliolcllation in hi1.:nfclfe t~1rough thc(c tempt-a~ all tcnlp~ations ''"hcrev.oith d1c DcuiH afiaults .Hons;as ::lrpear.crh by l11s :Anan.t SJttan vpon . the Church,as alfo hoW-to wirh£hn£:! and repel h'is1atlafflult.Aild rbus farrc "''as Chrifi remp'.l the famC~:.for this caufe ilo doubt harh the fpirit : tCC.Hike vnto n1c1hThlrdly,in temptations vfuof Gdd fo difHnCHf. fct downc Chrills' vidioty 1 ~ll'y Gc corn1l't motions; for rhough a man dt1e ouer t.hcm itll: ~WhiCh:plainely .confuterh the not apprOouc, n~ithcr cntcrraitlc with delight: t:omrhol1 opinion "6f,ign6rant· people, ·who the deui\lSrcrnpi:ations,ye-dhal~he hardly k·etp thinkc:tlwfc tb~t arc tcr'tJpted by the DeuiJI to himfclfe·fi·om th'c'fiainc :md "taint of f111ne-, bebe moll vile and wicked mc:n,fitch as haUe for- [ caufe the imaginatior.s of his O'~vn<: he:ut ":lre p fakcn Cod•, and tPereferc God hath forfaktti I nattltally cuill. Novv hcr~in· Chrill diffcrcth - thCm";'butbehold Ghrifi Iefusrhcmol1- holy from aHmen ip tcmptation;fot'bdingpcrfcth. }'crfon that euer was>'tUtn the hof; on~• of God, / l ly boly in his lnananc- nature; he did not in thC was teniptcd ofSatan,awd thanxcecdmg fore, • meafure rccciue any corruptio11 into his haui"ngthc.f3inctroublc:.;,:toLI vcxat_ion~ therby I minde, but by che power o~ grace did rcpcll .arrifing in his mind)that '"'c haue, mfomuc~as ,, I tlicmmore ftrongly then they were offred.Put the Angels came 10 minifter comforr-vmohtm, aburntngmatch to tinder or gunpow·dcr, and verC r r. Gods de~rell Ghildrcn thex:efore ma.y it will ~it·1dle pre~~·nd>>but pu~ i~ into :"'... ,~en,& and mutl·be tcmpud, for that is no iokcn ofa that wtl qoench tt fl:ratght;fo t! fareth In tcrllpchi!,vnldfc wewill fay,rhat Chriil rations; our , 0 rrupt hc::~rts like tinder <lo e~d'ily Jcfuswas<the chit·d of;,.,.vrath, ·whict. anc'c to ~ fuft"er corruption t,o kindle in _vs; but Chr~t1s -thinkC',).•ere molt blafphCmous.Thirdly,Chri!l I mofl holy heart die prefcm!y )Jke warer quech was tcnlptcd that he might be anifYcifttll high , the cuill of Sathans motions.. And thus we prit:{!, thtmrhar~reltmpred, Hcb. '· 17. 1 ·~ fcC how ChrHh \•:ts tempted, and yet with~\lt J S.·tOr h~mfdfc k~owmg the noub~e :~nd an- ~ fi pnc g~Hh o_t~pt:!tlon, ruuH nccdcs l1l a more Jte~fo•swhY Cbrift was · lcmptc4 ' ., J 1 .,. • com~ ··~·-··---- ----·---- · ------__,......---~-:---