Chrijl and the Veuill. - -- 377~/ --------------------------------------------- ____ I compaffionarc tCtlo•N-fceling cf their miferies A Here is the fe~ond part of Chrifls prcpnta... be rcadic to hclpe anJ comfort his members tion to this comb:uc, namdy_hi_~ abode in the when they are tempted. 1 wjldcrndfc, v.·hich is fer out vn'(o v~ by foure1 The third point is, the outhor of Chri{ts ' arguments: !. by hi• falling fou·ny daycs and tempt:itious,to wic,the D~ui!l: the' ilam,cDeuill four tic nights, noted in the words; o~t.bisvcffr·~ fignificth acauillc_r., ailandcrcr,and an accuicr. 11. byhis aboad with wilde bb[ls·, notc·d.bY Hels an acculer threc'waics: he aCcufeth God S. thap. 1, t :z.. 1 I I. byi)is endurlngbf toman; man toGod; :mdman to ni3n. Firfl, God temptations Vvithin the fpasc"'Of thciC fom tic ' to man: ~s when he cold Eue, they 010uld not d::~ycs :md foutdc nights, J;ul( 4· 2: fhough"Hy die, though the f. d~d ~~ue ,of thc~~~rbidden particular t~o(c be.not fee down .~Y any~~!).;. fruit,Gcri.}·+ \'\'htch Wa!t as much as 1f he had gclifl. I V. by his hunger after fotfrty'daics fa-. faidc God cloth but ciCcciuc y()u ... ~irh rhat H:ing, in the cndC:_of this vcrfc. O'fthcfc inor!J thrca;ning, ye fu3ll not die at all. S.~c'9ndJ~ he dct, · ~ ·:; .:1 accufcth men to GOd, and therefOre is called -· I. C;rcHmflance. Chr~f!s foj!inJ fortic ·'d~!"?_}_ rrhreektnds hApoc.n. 9. , the 'b accu[cr of tbehrethre.~: andou(C aduer[a- ~~dfortie nights. T~cre be th~CC kinds'Of(art'~f. 1offan~. c1.Pet.s.s. rit who l.oeth about !ilz! 11 rot.Jring ZJon:· which Jf we take the word m a gcneraU(cnfc: firll,th'c' 1 1 tiniiiJIM, word a~erfarie figt1ifies one i!ut 'enters plea · daif;f-'fl oftemptr4nceand[olrr~~ijf~"("~hcreby w~ orlilit ag:iinll vs :thus pe dealtwith godly lob B vie Gods creatures for our hlllcnance With tB~t Ov the:.Lordsowne confcffion,Icib z.3.Thirdmoderation arldabHincnce,th~.c\v_eJa~h~t oi~t;; If, heacculcth man to man, by ingendring vr~- lcffc to natures appetite, thenth::it \\•hkh it~e3 godly and vncharftablc furmifes and fufpitifir~th: This Chrill enioynct!i fd'~\l(!ry Chri!li-. onS,in oneman againll :mother, and in caufing an, f.tak.! h~ede!e4jlat a;-:J timeygH~heAr(sbeop'i· onctDan to !launder"and miurie an1 othCr-: and ,prcffi-d wirh{ttrfeting ard drtt"k!~~effi. The fefor thi~caufe is he faidc to wor~ ;,.fthc iht!d1·en con~ kind offa!l is, the religiOu~· ·rb!bnence"'~f. of (#jf~:dieffce, Eph. 2,21, and their Wi:fdomc is Cods ~hurch from all mcatc.s and drinkes tO'r~· f.1id tobedeuillijb, w-ho hauehittereriiiJing And tim(', for the furtherance oftlleif p"ralers, whU· fr~'ifo in their he4rti,Iam.3. 1 4• r 5· .•,.. thcy_hnlt}b.le thcmfe!ues vn~o G,9~,f~r'rpCP~~~ Tbe vfo. From this very name w.c;ar~·to be ~-cnnng or rcmo_qmng of tome heauie \udge1" 2dmonHbed of twq ~hings. F)rft, tQbctrv'arc of ment: thus tile Icw,cs fafi<'(, .gfomcti!llc f9Z.! g Iud~.2doit' falfc:,-acctiGng, talc~bfaring~ and Oaimdcripg: one day, fomctimc for three d::iyeS and t-hfe'e: I.Sam.7· 6 • for in thcfcpraCbiCs ':ve put on the dcuils name, nights, as llefier4• 1 Q, yea fonJ~tifDC fo~ h1 (c;~.:.' and !hew forth the infeCtion ofhis i1a1ure:Paul uen daycs toge,tbcr·; but then i~.,is Jj\e they re~ ~~3~·;.~.;:;ti. dJ.Tim. 3 . 6 telling~Timothie, cl that ami11sjfer niU~ not be a ceiued (ome ~1ilen"apcc in the CiJ~bing : for fo.. 10,1~. nosJice,.leaft he 6e plljfedvp, andfaU mto the conDanielJllffedfur three.wcelw of d'9~', eaiingnodemitation ofthedeui/1, vfeth fuch a word for the C pleaftmt things, Daniel, 1 o. 2_, ~· but of n~.irtii.t dcuills name as fignifieth a falfeaccufor.or flanof thefc mull Chri!ts fall here bee vnderllood· dercr, to 0.1ew vnto vs that fuch a one is a deThe third'kinde of fafi i~ ":iracl~l~tfl., :don,e bj uill it1carnatc. And yet this is the common the power of God rcfirammg die apJ?etit~ (9~ finne·ofthis age, to fpeake ~uill, <~nd to backemany dayes together without meate or drinke bite,when they fp~akc one ofanother.Secondbeyond rhe power of nacure: Thus 1 ,Moie; i Es.od.u. 1 r. ly,hcrtby we are taught to beware, howat any fafled founy dayes and founic'nights in inoun't time, or any way, we di{fwade any.onc from Sina, where he ~t'Jioy_cd the p~efcnceofGod q,· op1bracing or obeying true religion :for h::-relong. And la dtd Eltas k fafi m HorCb k1.Kin.t~-~· in we fhc:w our fc:lues to be the <hildren of the and our Sauiour Chrifi in this wilderneffe.. W; druill.When Elymas the forcercr would hauc reade indeed,that Pdulin his '?'?uerfiotJfafl/d tur..ncd away Sergius Paulus from the faith, thru dayes andthree nightsearmg notbing,A£1.. <M.•l·••· Paul' calls him,ful!ofall fubti!tie & mifchicfe, 9· 9. So did the lewcs with He}fer and her the childof tbed,ui/1. And this 1doe tberatl1er maides, H•fter,4. r6. And experience teacpobferuc, bccaufc it is an vfi1a]l rhing ro draw eth that a ficke man may liue feu en or nine others Packe from the power of godlincffc; D dayes together withour meateor drinke,yc 3 though not in pJaine tearmcs, yet p:trtly in re- (.as fome learned Phyfirians wrire ) fouretecne proaches, and partly by bad example of life, daycs: And Pauls companions ate very Iirtlc . Nowallfuchhad ncedtolooketorheircfi<tte, or nothing -at all for fourteene da]eJ: ft;>.r the ... for the children of the dc:uill are like ro hauc words arc plaine, 1 eating r.ofhing: An<l .it 1Aa. 17 , 33 • their portion with the dcuill & his angels. And may bee fo, fith the like hath been found nue thus much for rhc author of ChriA:s iFmpratiby exp('ricnce in our age. And this is the lo"n-· ons; as alfo for lhc firfl pan ofChrills preparagdt that 3 man can fall and Iiue, to wit , fouretion to this comb,ate. teene, or fifrecnc, or fcucntcene daye.s: for fa' d h h muc~ is recorded~f fome, that after fo long 1/. 2.o U n 1:)1 en f httd fafed ab!lmcncc hone \1t1ed , though With fame /-', ' d · · dl • h wc:akcndfc ofnamre: burforamanordina- (ortte tttes an ,ortte nig es,be rily. bt'cing of good conllitution of bodie 111/U a'ierlllttrdhunurie. to follfm~r.•ic dayrsand fourtic nights togc: 1" 0 thcr, 1t IS tmpoffiblc. Indeedc i[ hath bccnC' -----"--'-"-'-'·Mm m t auouch-