Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Aatcpafcha· \eleiunium. • redernpt.l.t. e.19int~di dequadra&– leiuniu. ~ong the !CV\'CS were two fares ofdefens; one m part r~opl~d an~ inhab;rcd,hauing hcrC and there Cl tiCS and villages; in fuch adcfcrr'was John Baptill bon~c, and did baptize &Preath; th:lt the prophccic of a lfai might be fulfilled, The voi&r of a crie~ in the wildernej[e, mak,rftrazt the w<9' of rbe Lord. The other not inhaS'itcd at oil by men,, bccing oploce of aboad ?nely for wild bca_Jls,as Lyons,Bcarcs,Tygcrs;woolues &c. whicl~ liucd therein continuallY..:NO .. v i~ fuch a dcfcrt as this; \\'~s pur S:1UioU1: Chrill lead b~ thc,~Pi:ir,an~ mj?.e,pis abo~~~·a~:~,ng , fuch wtld beaA:s 1wluch c:ucumfiance is:.h-eteforc noted,_~~ giue vs rb. vnderfbnd tharin this combatc, oUr Sauiour had no aide,prmcel:ion, fuccour,hclpc,or comfort from any man, or o.:. thcr crcatur.c whatfocucr : for by natUre hts companionS "''ere fo farrC\fr'orn bring aO heJpe and comfort vnto him, that theywoUld rather fccke to dcuourc hit!i;Whereby we plainlyfee that the pnifeof vh~toric irr this cdtnbir-C'-, iS: proper to Chri!t alone, and not co'mniifhib.blf to any Creature whatfocuer. . ; ·· .'' :r Thevfo. In this c!htc or Chrifiil)11\'~iv'i); dcfnes,wc may behold the c6dition of t:hiHls militant Church; to wir,that it is in.this Wbrld as in a wildcrnes,and defert ofwild beans: for during their aboad on earth, Gods chi!drc liue with men, who in difpofition and ,.ffcCHon are like Wooluu, Bettres, Tygers, Lyons, and C.oCk£!~ (rices, vntill fuch time as the holy Ghofi b1 grace fhall turne their hearts, as we may plain.. 1yfee,I[ain.6,7, regard wher~ofthey mufl armc [hcmfclues with patience· againfi manifold atfaults and vexations, con:lorring their beans with this confidcration,that Chrift their head bath vndergonc this c:ilatc before them. ll I. Circum/1.tnce. S.Lukcbobferueth,that while Chrifi aboad in the wildcmdfe, with– in the fpace of thofc fourtic daics ~Od fourtie ·nights, he was tempted of the Dcuill, before the three great temptation~ : the wofdcs arc plaine,And WM therefodrti~ dain ttmpredof the Deui/l: Andwhen theywe'r'e ended,rh~n the Deui/l [aid, &c. wh:~.t thcfc temptations were either for matter or forme, the holy Gho£l hath not fct dov<·ne; and yer we may probably rliinke they were more milde and gentle temptations then thofc: three which arc fer downe; the de– uill making them as it were an entrance to ~is lhonoc{t and moft dangerous temptations: for his m~nner is, when it makes for his aduitagc, not to fi1cw his violcn·ce and extrernitic :le the firll. but ro proccedc by de~rccs, andby little and little to infinuatc himfelfe till he.haue got– ten his bdl aduanragc, and then will he fhcw the fircngth of his molicc, Thus he dealr wirq Cain ; firfl be prouokes him to angeraQd ma.; lice acainfi his brother, becaufe his brotherS facrifi~c accepted, and his rcicCled; the~ I h:llltng fcttlcd barred in his heart, he neuer 1 Icaucs till be had caufcd him in his rage to Oay his brother: and yet h< fioies not rhcre,but after alf:l.iO.J. !-----~-------------------------------------------------------~. ~