--------------- Matth.'f· [ v::/_:!:_. 1 Chrijl and the 'Deuil!. / after brinas. him to dcfp:1~re of Gods: mercy, in ;A c.Gcn·4'3· fo much a~ he cried out, c m; fm:e iS greater [ then! Ctf1l &care. Thus alfo he dealt with ludas:; fir(i he ca!t this cuilllhougln Into his hcan,ln– daJ betraie th] Maj}:r;~nd when he had goucn cntertainemcnt for that (for doubtle[e Judas would not ycdd eo (o vile a thought at thc· firt1 morion)thcn he caufnh him to put it in cxccu– tion,v·.rherllpon in fcarcful dcfp:aire he brought him to hanr: himfclfe. This is thefLJbtiltic ofthe old ferpcn"'t;firlt he conuaics one chw or talant into·a mans heart, and then another; after th:tt he gets in his head, and fo at length windcs in all his bodie.Thns he affaicd to do with Chrilt, I and fo will he continue towards all Gods chil– dren. \Vhich fhould teach vs to b.bour to be. B firong in the Lord, and ,·vifc in his word, that fo we may fiand againHall his <~ff.1ul;:s:Yca,this muil moouc vs to a fpcci:.11l 'W:ltch through the whole courfc of our liucs againfi the occailons before the Dcui~l, to ~:<~~c him to.bcc t!~~ more t:ogcr a12'-l v10!enr 111 h1s tpnpt.l1Jnns ,:11:U to nlCW his malice ill fi.1\l OJ::~furc ::>gamft hi::.~ fOr br venue of his office "'·hereto he\\ ris t~b\V 'ailcd, C'hritl 1sas to encc:..nwter w.ith Slr<lll ouf commoncncmic::, and rhcr..:forc giues him not oncly the :uJu:HJt:lgc of the plncc, bi.!t :~\(o t.he opponnniry ot'cfl.:ac,that S:Han pcrcciuinghis' infirmitic of bodily hunger, might thC'reby be cmboldct1l'd to giuc the more vinlenr aff:nlit' vpon him. And thus much of the i~cond part I o( ClniHsprcp:u:~~ion eo his comb:a. v. 3· Then came to hint I the Tempter, and(aid, 1/ thoti. be the Sonneof(jod, command that theje jlones may be ma~e bread. of finnes, that we may cue off temptations in the beginning, bccautc it is Sataos craf~, not to Here bl.'ginnes this Change combatc be.. fj'it his venom at the firfi,but to fugar Ins tempnvecnc our Sauiour Chritt and the dcuil1,con~ rations at the beginning, that no dangcr,m3y fi!Hng ofrhrC'e grc:u confliels:.Thc firfi "''hctof appcar.c-till he hauc conueied im:o vs the banc: i~ contained i11this vc:r!C and [he next, bc:Cing and poifOn ofou1: foules . indecde thegrcatdl ofthen1oil, as after lJ1aH . IV• . Circumj!anu. thriftsaho~c.in thcwif~ aP.pcare. In this trmptafion ob{cme the.fc.~h!ce dcrlleif~.is funher fee out by ,hishunger, in the .~hings: firft, Satans prrpartUion tC? this con«JC1: "'end.of'thls vcrfe; He 1'9114 afrerwardhungry:chat fccondly, the\temptation it fdfc:third!y, ChriHs - __,;_ ~:.:'1-": j 3/~ is, ~f~~.r hc..had fafied fourtiedaycs and (oun·ic anfiver :md rcpulfc ma.de thcreu!)to, , ·, . nights by the powerof his God!1e~ad, then he I. PcJint, The jdeuills pr.cpar~tion is in t\,cfe 1 s~tin~ prt· began.tQwaxch-m1grie. But fomc w1}l fay,~his C words: Thm Caflu ta hill;.thcTrmptcr, nn4foid: · p::::1.d:.. n . .'.ftands.nOc with the glory and maicfiie of the herein obferuc fourc things;firfi,the tide giuen loh.&.SJ; :fono. .e ofQod to bchungrie,for hz~ jle(IJ Umea,t to Sathan the ::tuthor of thiS ternpt:ltiou, tht indeede,•ndhi< blood;, drink,; indeede. .Anfwer. Tempter: So Paul callcth him,~' The![ 3• 5. Chrifl: was content tO lay aJidc his glorie and I frnt Jo k!,tow ofyot~r faith, leaft the Tempter _maieHie, and to take vpon him our bafc and had Jempudyou in tWJ fort.- AnJ s~~han is calfrailc,nature, becomming tlike vmo vs in all led the Tempttr, becaufc his continulll fiu..~ things,fauc finne; now in this his abafcment & die and praCl:ifc hath beene ai1d is, by all humiliq' he had not onelya true fou,le & body, meam to tempt all men; he omits no timeb,ncibut the rruc faculties thereof,as vndcrilanding, ther fpares any paines day or night, but by an will, mcmorie, &c.and though his bodic was meanes kckcs to draw men from God, ·and td free frompertOnall infinnitics,as p~~~!ic, gou~, bring them to deflrttClion : the confidcration dro,pGe,or fuch like, yet he was fub1e~ho fuch whcrof lhould moue vs to the pr>&ifc ofthcfc infirmities as agree tp t·he nature of man, a.s duties. , l hungc.~:,thir.fl,wcarit,1e~·e,&c. Yea this was one FirH, to be \"-'atch(u\l in Jll m:mner ofppiers :v[e ' i .o part of ~1i:1 humili:uion, to become not oncly andfupplications againll far:~n.for the gracious man, f?ut man V~-'ith infirmities: and the:efore D protedion ofGodagain~ his ::~~aulrs;l( any of _though j1c,could by_ths power of his godhead· vs had our dwelling aLnong Lions, Be~res, or hauc; p.rcl~mc4 himielfe f9urrie yeares without Tigers, .which were hungcrbir, and therefore q~c~~~br drinke,as we! :ts fourric daies;yet that ~vould fcckc greedily for rheir pray, we would .he might.abafc himfclfe to th.c lowefi'-kg,rcc of be fi1re neuer to gocour ofcur dwelling houfes } ~Cr~!ffnt, he was content to filflamethc infirwithout preparation for rcfcuc and defence, Jnitic;: of his humane n::tture in bccing an hunwhereby 1;\'C might auoid their danger. \·Yell, ~grcd:.Atrd th:u-for thclc caurc~. . thotlgh WC hauc no (uch v,. j]d beafis tO end anRuf:m w! 1 y 1 Hr.fl; t~ . coofirme vmo vs the truth of his gcr our bodies ; yer our foulc-s :~.re d:tily ~ffaull cbrif!w~, l,nJt~bood ~ for fom,cman minht fav, it was an tcd by amorc ,dcadly cnemic, ct:en the Dcuill, •:IIIUn;;rd. . c~fie th(ng for hin'lto fafl: fot~tic d;ys & fourty whofC continu:'lll fhalie and przCI:ife is by mghrs,.te.cing he had not atrue bocly,butoncly temptation ta dcuourc \'S, 1. Pet. 5'. 8. and j thc'{hcw :lnd fhadow ofabodie: therefore to therefore we mufl a].,.,._·aics be watchfilll :~gainfl I , l11c\V tl~:tt.~lCe w~s ti}!C man, and had a true natemptarions,pua.ingvpon vs·thc,wholc :'lm~our · turall boc:e as ""cc haue, hce vvas content to ofGod,that we m:1y be ablew {hmd :tS2inH his \ lu.fbi,nc h.ungcr,as \A,'C doc,a:1d th:tt trucly.. seaffaulrs. · cond1y 1 that thereby bee mtght c::tft an ob1cCt Sccond!y,_:l!i it is the Dcu~!s pt'aCl-i{(.- :~Iwa-ics M nliillw . -------------,-----__::~-·-------------·· ·-