The comb~tebetweene IMnrrh-4- j verf.3· 1 totempt,and to (cc'k:c to draw men from God, A i foilc:, when as he did (u{htinc the wrath ofGod fo bcc::tu(c we mutt bcvnllkc hiniin nll rhings, due vnto the finncs of man;Jnd 10 will hch~n- ._,,,e mu!\ ch::.w neere to God in the praCH:C of die all the members ofChrill; in their grcatcH all good duties,lam. 4· 7.8. Refifl rhe Deuilnr.d extremities they !h:~ll be furc to fccle Salh:tns he WJil flie: d;·,~w "eere to God, and he :vill draw dccpc!l malice, voles God reflro.ine his power. neere trJ )'Mj the coninnCl:ion of thcfc two duWhich mufi teach vs in the day of peace and 1 tics fhc~\·cs, th~!t the nccrcr we come to God, flrength, to prepare ::tgainfi the day of wcakc- ! the more \.\'C oppoti: our fclucs to S:1ran: now ndfc by any affliction or by death it fdfe, that l bee rh.-zt commcth vnto God mtt/f 6eluue, Heb. fo we l,llay by Gods grace be able to {land a;. a 1.rim.fo7. j l t. 6. and therefore by faith w'c 3 c.wrcifo our g:1intl the rage ofS:ltan:for then he will be fure · ~ftl11es vnto godlmcfl'e, asPmd cxhortcthTimomo!l: eagerly to feeke ourruine, and vnlcffc v.e \ thie: and vnldfc we thus (hiuc to be vnlikc prepare before hand, we lhall ncucr be able to I hi;n, w~ fhall ncucr be able to withftand his fland. Now our bdl preparation is to come to tcmptat:ons. heare the words of Chnft, 11ndrodoe thefome, for Thirdly, \VC mull hence lcarnc to beware of B then, th(}ugh the windsblow, the rain.e fall, the the Rra8ifc ofthe fcduccrs, in ftcking to draw waucs heate, and Satan doe his wortl, yet being backc others from the louc or praCtife of relibuilt vpon therock; Chrift Ie[HI,we !hall ncuer gion,or in hinCring the good means, "'·hereby fall, Matth. 7• 14. 15. religion is begunnc and furthered in men:forif The third thing in this preparation, is the either by cndc:1uour in :1tlio1r, or by bad exo~cafion of Satans onfct at this time, namely, ample we G1al doe thus, clollbtleffe \.\'C.: become Chrifh bodi!J hunger, as the 'kniwng of th\s tempters and the cOildrcn of the Deuil :for to verfe to the former .-.Vill plainely Ihewe,.for tempt and dra\N to 11nne is the propcnie ofSaChrift becing IJnhungred, Stttan came vntohim tan, and he that in tc.mpting fulfills the tufts of and temptedhim. He could not find in Chri(h S.<, mu!l needs be his chi/d,Ioh.8.44·hcnce mo!l holy manhood any blemifb of 11nne, or it was that our Sauiour Chri{t ells Peter Satan, inclination thereto, "''heron to build his tcmpwhC:n he wemabout to diffwadc hnn from that tat!on ; yet fuch is his malice, that rather theu worke,for which his Father had fanciified him Chrilllhould efcape his hands,he will take oc- :and fent him into this world,C1ying G(t hehind eafion from the infirmitic of his nature in bomeSAtan, Mmll. 16.13. And when Elymas dily hunger to prouokc and allure him vmo Jcught to turnc away the Dcputie from the finne. I ; faith, P~tul calls himencmic toa/highteoufnejfi, Herein wee lc:une a fpcciall point; namely, .fl<ll ofa/lfubtilrie, and child oftho Dcui/1, AU. C that the Deuill wil!haue fome ground in vs for '· I 3, 10. thofe temptations wherewith hce doth aCfault The fccond thing in thispreparation is, the vs; for as we may fee byhis dealing here with time when Satan bcg:1n to tempt our Sauiour Chrill, he obferues not onciY the inclination of Chrifl in a more Clrong& violent manner, nomans heart and foulc, but the: flate and confiitcd in this word The;,, that is,whcn Chrift had tution ofthe bodic:,that ifeither bod.ic or mind now fafl:ed founic dayes and fourtic nights, & will affoard him the leall adtiamagc. thereon was anhungrcd: when the Deuill l'aw Chrifl he ·wilt be furc to take occafion to tempt. Ifwe not onclv to be alone in the wi!derncs,but alfo regard chc feed~nd roote offinne,it is iructhat perceine"d that he was affliCted vvith hunger,&: cucry man bath all fins in him, buc yet through fo the more weakc,bceing 1ll the low dbtc of the workc of God, rcflraining cortuption in a mifcrablc man, Thm he prepares to affault fomc, :md rcnuing grace in others, it comes to Chrift with a 1Jiofl violcm temptation. paffe, that each man is more inclined naturally saun• poli~ Thevfo. This dilcouereth vnto vs the dcepe to fome fins then to others, which thing Satan (.iein tcnlp· policic of Satttn in mttking choilc of thefittcft doth ol;>feruc moll diligently; and as an encmic time for his affault$: he will not tempt 311 men that befiegetlra citie ·will go about it and cfpie at all times, neither alwaics with the greatdl where thc·wall is weakelland mofl fit for his temp:atiom: buthcforecalls for the time of D entrance, and there will be fi1re to giuchis mans grcatdl wcakcncs, and thereto he referfirongcfi on!Ct; and as a man that would flrike ueth his flron gcfl affa.ults. Now vfu:1Jly am:'ln fire with aflint, will tume ifabom in his hand, is mofl wcakc,when he is vnder fome gricuous to fe~ what part is fitteA; cuen fo the deuill, he affiiClion either in bodie, minde, or both; or goes about nm~m, and as it were turnes him when he iicth in ofdeath:thefe times to and fro, to fpieout his we3kendfe, and to doth Sar:m obtCruc, and lcee·pe his flrongdl wh3t linncs hec Is mon inclined, and there bee temptations :.gainfl they con1c,a:s cloth notably will he be fure to tric him oftcnJ and to 3fl2.ulr appe:ue by his de:lling with Chri!l, not otlcly him with the grc3tcfi violence, EA·ttmpft : If a , at this time when he was an hnogrcd, but 3l[o man be impatient of poucnie, hec will feekc I and cfpecially lt his paflion: for the Scripture to carrie him to pi'cking and ftealing: lf a 1 1 ~4~;~otr.t. f. 1ith, ,.l(e h fpiJi/cdprincipttltties andpo:vers vpo.n man be prone to coueroufi1ctfc, bee will thecro[{e _. •v hcreb>' is app:trent, th:.t the D~u1l prouokc him to fraud and opprdlion: If hec \.O.'ith his grearcH power did then affault hml, be enclincd ro ambition, Satan \o\ ill puffc him thinking either then or ncuer to giuc him the vp \vith pride and vaine-glory: noy \\·hich is ung.· S~t~ngroUds histtnp!lti· on~onfnmc thing inn. · farrc 1~--~----------------------------------~-------